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My CAG dancing


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unfortunately I can't see it (work networks block most things) I did want to say that I envy you lol my boy will not dance at all :( I am trying to teach him but when I do he either looks at me like I am nuts or he gets excited and gives me "sexy wings"

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Home from work now I was able to watch the video :) way too cute.

I am determined to teach Rorschach to dance lol I am trying to get the bf to teach him because he doesn't try to mate with him but David isn't big on dancing and if I am home it would be useless since Rorschach wants nothing to do with him. Of course he will do when I am gone to work or class, he needs love 24/7

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You think they won't dance until they hear some music they like, just like us I guess. We don't all like the same music but something we do like gets us in the groove. Murphy is the same, he heard some Jazz & off he went bobbing like crazy & never been interested in any other music before.

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Well so far he loves to sing along to songs from Glee, which I am getting grief from my messenger friends about my music selection :P (when I say sing I mean he makes a lot of noises and sounds) We listen to a lot of different music types, there are a few types we refuse to listen to (country :P) and so far nothing has grabbed his interest enough to dance. I wasn't sure what to make of his reaction to Pantera, he sort of started squawking very loudly, we turned it off right away. We have listened to it since with out that reaction but I don't think he likes it. He does enjoy 8-bit music (for not geek people 8-bit music the music you would have heard in original Nintendo games) We leave on the 8-bit when we go out in hopes that he will pick up some of the sounds.


Well I hope I can find his music of choice, maybe he prefers country, I think I will try when I get off work today. Maybe he is like Murphy and likes JAZZ so I will give that a try too.

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Well so far he loves to sing along to songs from Glee, which I am getting grief from my messenger friends about my music selection :P (when I say sing I mean he makes a lot of noises and sounds) We listen to a lot of different music types, there are a few types we refuse to listen to (country :P) and so far nothing has grabbed his interest enough to dance. I wasn't sure what to make of his reaction to Pantera, he sort of started squawking very loudly, we turned it off right away. We have listened to it since with out that reaction but I don't think he likes it. He does enjoy 8-bit music (for not geek people 8-bit music the music you would have heard in original Nintendo games) We leave on the 8-bit when we go out in hopes that he will pick up some of the sounds.


Well I hope I can find his music of choice, maybe he prefers country, I think I will try when I get off work today. Maybe he is like Murphy and likes JAZZ so I will give that a try too.


Since you like country (i do too) try some upbeat Reba, or some Shania, they both have the air beats, and synthetic bass. Also try some Carrie Underwood... she has some pumping tunes.

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