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:p Bird Fever


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I joined this forum not only to pick up some more information regarding Grey’s but to also speak with others who are lucky to be owned by these incredible creatures. Since we re-homed Rorschach in August I have had Bird Fever, not only have I been reading about them and watching endless videos of other people with their birds, I have been talking about him nonstop. Is this even healthy?


I have met other bird people in the past (prior to having Rorschach) and they would talk about their birds all the time. It made me laugh, the stories were cute and really funny but I never understood the obsession until now. This obsession I have is taking over my brain, I think about him when I go to bed or when I am walking or taking the bus. When I am on the computer I am looking up things about him, reading about other people’s experiences and information on how to make his life better… seriously am I ill? Am I behaving like a crazed new parent who just brought their first kid home from the hospital?


I think the worst part is the need to talk about how awesome my little guy is and how proud we are of him. I am wondering if my friends and family think I have gone around the bend because I talk so much about him… “My bird…” “He did this today” “he is such a great guy” “OMG guess what he said today”. Is this the ramblings of a crazy bird lady? Are any of you like this?


I remember the first few days with him and how he was pretty cool. He would let me scratch his head with in the first week and I thought this was pretty cool but the first time he rubbed his beak on my finger was the first time I realized he trusts me. I almost skipped around the room I was sooooo happy :D


I would agree that not everyone is cut out to own a parrot/bird but I now know that I was meant to have one. The mess and noise is such a minor problem, the love and trust they have in us is amazing. I have never been the emotional type but I swear Rorschach has brought tears to my eye just by doing the cutest things. An example would be when he gives me a kiss on my check or lips when I didn’t even ask for one.


I love this little bugger so much that I have no idea what I would do if he wasn’t in my life. I have to tell anyone and everyone who is willing to listen about his greatness, cuteness and silliness… also not to leave out how messy and destructive he can be. (Don’t want glamorize too much, so people don’t rush out and get one and later have to re-home or worse)


The point to this post is to find out if I am not alone and if you all have or had bird fever?



Theresa and Rorschach

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crazy bird lady


Welcome to the club Theresa, non bird people refer to us women that way but I don't mind the term. I've been called bird nuts before too but it doesn't bother me for I look at it as a term of endearment, yes I love my birds and regard them as my children and no one but bird people know what I am talking about. You are in good company here for we all think like you do about our birds. You can talk about Rorschach all you want as we love hearing about other's greys.

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The condition does not get any better.

CAG 10 years

BFA 2 years

Cockatiels 39 years

Along with love birds, finch, doves over the years

Out side we have Peacocks, chickens, ducks if it has a feather we have had it

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Oh boy I am already thinking about getting more. I am not going to be as spontaneous as I was when we got Rorschach but it is on our minds. My plan is to buy a house first before homing more. There are too many risks with destruction and I don't want to have to explain to my landlord why she has to replace molding. Since we are not yet thinking about buying a house we have a lot of time to research and plan. There is also the issue of space and noise complaints , our apartment isn't small but may not be large enough for more parrots. We had already had noise complaints of course it was during the warmer time of year and we had the windows open, also we won because our landlady liked us more and eventually evicted the complainers :P The new people downstairs said they can't hear us at all, they will once we can open the windows again.


I am totally ok with being called a crazy bird lady, so far no one has said it out loud but I am waiting for it. My gf's say they enjoy my bird stories and they think its super cool because they never knew anyone with a parrot. I have one friend that I think may eventually follow to the bird side, she loves all animals and is the most into my stories.


So I guess we are doomed to always be this obsessed then? Well that's pretty awesome :) Thanks for the support :D

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No, you are most definitely not alone!! We who are owned by greys are all whacked! :) And be prepared, as time goes on you will become more & more obsessed with their wonderful, amazing little grey birdy souls. I really have to bite my tounge when I am amongst non-bird people because I just want to tell everyone about this awesome little feathered friend of mine! Well to be honest he can be a complete turd at times, but the good outweighs the little temper tantrums by a ton!!! :)

I too, cannot even imagine my life without my Biscotti. He makes me laugh every single day & I have actually dropped my jaw in amazement many times by his intelligence. I feel so blessed to have him sharing his life with me!

So Theresa, you are a very normal grey parront. Isn't it nice to be able to share with people who "get it"?

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It's great to hear from you all and that I am totally not alone here. I also completely understand the being a "turd" at times Rorschach has his moments of moodiness. The problem with his moods is he is a flyer and will fly to me and take out his mood on my ear lol so I sadly need to put him in the cage until he relaxes a bit. Thank god for birdy body language or I would be victim to a lot of nasty nips he also has a click noise that is a warning if he is going to play rough. Luckily his moods are short lived but now it is coming on spring he is being a bit more aggressive, but we will get through it. I said from the start "He's a small bird and I am a big stranger to him so when he bites it is not his fault it is us doing something he doesn't like" So far I have been right about that, when he bites, even because of his moods, it is our fault for being in the line of fire.


He is currently in his cage because he is giving me "sexy wings"... Like I said if I don't lock him in he is on his way over and the last thing I want to do is encourage his little mating dance. Once that mood blows over I will let him out again.

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My nephew has called Aunt Bird for years (prior to being owned by parrots) because he couldn't say Robin when he was little. I just grew into the name, and relish it!


2 CAG's


2 Conures

1 Amazon

1 Cockatoo

4 Parakeets


I resemble that remark about "CRAZY BIRD LADY"



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Relax! You are amongst kindred spirits here. Kind of makes me feel sad for those who have never known the joys of our avian family members. Of course there are also those who wouldn't trust these statements as they come from the Mama of 11 'fids' in our home ...

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In the order of joining our flock ~


Bella ~ Green Quaker, around 10 (?)

Fred & Wilma ~ Peachface Lovebirds, around 7 (?)

Kermit ~ Peachface Lovebird, 3+ yrs old, baby of Fred & Wilma

Hope, Raven, Phoenix ~ 2 Lutinos & 1 Olive Lovebirds, almost 2 yrs old, babies of Fred & Wilma (the last clutch we're allowing them to have!)

Sullivan ~ Lilac Crested Amazon, 46+

Jewel/Sweetie Pie ~ CAG, 4 on May 5th

Toby ~ CAG, around 20 (?)

Dorian ~ CAG, early teens (?)


All but the Lovie offspring were rescued/rehomed from very less than desirable situations: "Too loud" (Bella ~ Quaker) so ignored then discarded; kept sequestered in a closed room w/minimal contact due to preferred cats (Fred & Wilma ~ Lovies); "Old mean grouch" (Sullivan ~ Amazon) who was constantly having things flapped at him by hateful wife; neurotic plucker (Sweetie Pie) due to autistic son, loved but relinquished for a better home; "He loves my wife TOO much" (Toby) so new hubby stayed & bird kicked out; chest plucking began so he was deemed less than perfect (Dorian) & verbally berated then ignored then finally relinquished.


They have all thrived & flourished in our home. Ok, so I have begun speaking in repetitive phrases most of the time ... but my diet has greatly improved since cooking/serving healthy variety for the fids. And the joy they provide is priceless! We don't consider it work at all.

  • Haha 1
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LOL Penny, my kids just call me crazy!!!! LOL!!!! They are all cat and dog people!!!! (How did that happen????) The only reason they tolerate my flighted friends is because they know if I didn't have them (the birds) I would be pestering them all the time!!! LOL!!!!


Flock: 1 TAG - Ana Grey

1 Zon - Louie

1 Eclectus - Sully

soon - 1 CAG - Isabella

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This thread is such a joy and pure delight. I have been bird crazy for four years now with no signs of it letting up any decade soon. This is the one place where it is not only socially acceptable to talk nonstop about your birds, but it is expected. Oh yes, and the more pictures and videos you have to share, the better for us to delight in your Rorschach along with you. Those of us who commit to our birds are blessed with their wondrous creation. In two years of reading and sharing with this forum one thing that I have never seen is any one here ever saying enough is enough when we are hearing all the "bird talk". So, if you came in for advice on how to lessen your "obsession"... is isn't going to happen. LOL. The bonus is laughter on a daily basis, not only on the forum but right in your own home with Rorschach! Thanks for joining in.

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I don't have any children and to be honest the nagging of motherhood is not as loud since I have gotten Rorschach. I prefer toddlers and I have always said if I had kids I would have to give them to someone else to raise once they hit 5 years lol which is why I am looking into taking a course to become a pre-school teacher. having Rorschach is like always having a toddler around. He is funny and clumsy, he has moods and temper tantrums , he is always learning new things and can be super sweet.


I really enjoy being a crazy bird lady and I really enjoy telling people the funny stories about my baby. Even today I was at school (upgrading some high school courses) I was talking to some facility about Rorschach, they were really interested and asking loads of questions which I of course got excited fo any change to talk about him lol


I'm glad that people enjoyed this post, I wanted it to be kinda fun and possibly funny and basically hear about other people having the same obsession over our fids lol

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