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He's licking me!!


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Spencer just started licking my hand and fingers, esp. between each finger, and has been at it for about 15 min! No biting, just licking and the very very lightest beak touch. Whats going on?!! LOL! Hes doing it now while I type with the other hand! There's nothing new on my hands as far as I know. Is this some sort of grooming behavior, something sexual (hes only 9 months), or is he getting ready to get out the salt and pepper!??


I'm not complaining, its actually kind of relaxing lol! But its weird and came out of nowhere!

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Maybe you are as sweet as sugar Lori, I don't know why unless he is getting salt off your skin or maybe you have applied some lotion that he is licking off, if that is the case you better put a stop to it for it can't be good for him, wouldn't think it was any kind of sexual thing as he is far too young, maybe it is his form of affection.

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Rorschach tries to lick the corner of my mouth, if I let him he would be in my mouth examining my teeth. He hooks my mouth with his beak and pulls for me to turn my head. It pretty much turns into a fight because when he wants in he is super pushy... usually ends with being removed from my shoulder...it's cute but I don't think human saliva is something he should be into.

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Spencer just started licking my hand and fingers, esp. between each finger, and has been at it for about 15 min! No biting, just licking and the very very lightest beak touch. Whats going on?!! LOL! Hes doing it now while I type with the other hand! There's nothing new on my hands as far as I know. Is this some sort of grooming behavior, something sexual (hes only 9 months), or is he getting ready to get out the salt and pepper!??


I'm not complaining, its actually kind of relaxing lol! But its weird and came out of nowhere!


Hahahaha! I was thinking a long time to mention that on the forum but somehow I always forget. The minute I saw the title of this thread I knew we are dealing with the same thing! My Zak does that all the time. He would do it for 2 hours if I would let him. Now it is almost like a reflex-I sit to watch something and he comes for his portion of licking fingers. I often wondered what the heck is it all about. Still don't know but I wash my hands more as I know he might come for his playtime;-) And to answer other peoples questions-no, there is nothing on the hands. They are not sweaty, don't have anything on them,..it seems like a pure fun.. He is doing it right now.. Weird bird.. ;-P

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