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Sleep Flying????


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oSo yesterday afternoon, Jax was taking a nap on his perch, when all of a sudden he took flight!! I have no idea if he was having a bad dream or what. There were no sudden noises or anything like that, but it scarred me. Is this normal? Are they proned for this like tiels are?:confused::confused:

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I read somewhere about night frights (I think thats what it was called) a bird would get startled in the middle of the night and fall off his perch and also panic. It said that some birds have this often and was recommended to use a night light. I don't know if this was what happened your Jax since it was in the afternoon... I am definitely no expert but since they do process what they learn during their sleeps then I would think they dream, even bad dreams.

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Hi, I have never heard of sleep flying........I do have one grey who gets night frights frequently. She sleeps in my bedroom, so I am aware of them. She will start thrashing around, and then fall to the bottom of her cage. I have a soft touch whichni keep on the bottom of her cage, and a nite light rightnnext to her cage. It seems to lessen them quite a bit.

I don't believe they can fly while sleeping, probably was awake, and startled .

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Hi QP--> Greyson will on occasion have a "night fright" while sleeping day or nite and will fall to the bottom of his cage... I do think they "dream" just as we do, and have nightmares...I don't think they can "sleep fly" like we humans "sleep walk" but again these are amazing creatures and anything is possible with them I believe............... I do keep a nite lite on for Greyson at nite and these frights have lessened in frequency.....

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I assume when you say it was afternoon, that it is was not dark in the house? There is no such thing as "Sleep Flying", other than Using "Half Brain" meaning they can literally let one side of the brain sleep whilst the other stays active. Birds that migrate over oceans for example obtain sleep in this manner and others that migrate over land for hundreds of miles at a whack. Something you may not have noticed could have been picked up by your bird and caused the sudden flight.


If your grey had night frights, you would certainly no about it by as mentioned by others that have greys with that disorder.


We leave a night light on just in case something happens during the night like thunder, earthquake, loud explosions from fireworks etc just to make sure they can see even though dimmly.

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Thank you for that inquiry. It was just soooooo odd seeing how it was in the afternoon. Your right, he could've heard something that i didn't. He hasn't done it since, but i still leave a little light on at night just in case. Id rather be safe than sorry:)

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