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please help

my grey

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It's nothing to worry about. Once in a while all parrots lose their wing and tail feathers because the feather has dried up and is ready to fall out so that a new fresh feather can replace it. It will happen at any time, a few times and at any time of the year. No, the bird isn't molting, just replacing old feathers. Sometimes you'll even see more than one feather at the same time.

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Calm down. From time to time you may find a feather in the cage and that does not mean there is trouble. They replace feathers one or two at a time and as long as there does not seam to be a injury and no blood and your baby is active and eating normal he is ok.

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I once read about birds feathers grow symmetrical , if they loose a feather on one wing they will lose the same feather on the other wing obviously for flight alignment so they are not flying in a circle. I thought that was pretty neat that their bodies already know to do this :)


Rorschach is currently missing what seems is 2 feathers from each wing. I didn't notice this until I was trying to get pics of him flying, it appeared like someone had clipped them. I was a little concerned at first but figured that since he looses other feathers it would be normal to lose and replace wing feathers... and boy did he lose feathers, I am sure he was just moulting because there was a lot of down feathers flying around and he had a lot of new pin feathers on his head. You should have seen me the day I first discovered a pin or blood feather, it was pretty hilarious. I was freaking thinking there was something stuck in his skin. I looked at it closer I noticed it looked like it was growing out of his skin, I of course went online to find out what new bird feathers look like.. so relieved he was not hurt.

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