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she comes to her new home TODAY!


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well, the day has finally arrived! i'm soooo excited. we get to bring lona home to her new forever home today! i go to get her in a couple of hours. we're headed straight to our bird vet for a checkup. i wanted to get all the trauma and drama done in one day. i'm sure the questions will start pouring in now, hahaha! :D she's never learned to step up and i know that's the first place to start once she's comfortable and ready. i've been telling athena, our peach front, that today is the day she becomes the little big sister! i'm so thankful to have been given this opportunity and an humbled by the trust that has been placed with us. i know we'll have some bumps along the way but that's life. get ready athena and hermes, the fun's about to begin, lol!!

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thanks morana!! i'm so excited i just can't sit still! yes, i'll be getting pics soon, hopefully not all of them of her inside her cage! i know she's going to be one mad, sad, and lonely little girl today though. a new home AND a vet visit! but this way, it's all over today and the trust building can start. i thought that was better than getting her here, then in a week or so taking her to the vet and risking going back 10 steps for every 1 we'd just taken. i've got lots of her favorite yummies already here, so i'll "kill her with kindness" and lots of her favorite treats!

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Congrats on today being the day that Iona comes to her new home, you may be right, get all the nasty stuff out of the way and then start her new life, you have plenty of time to build that trust to bond with her, just give her time to settle in and don't rush things, let them happen at her own pace and things should fall into place. I look forward to seeing and hearing more about the new adventures of life with Iona.

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well we're home now and lona is in her own cage again! she travelled pretty well for it being the 1st time since she was a baby. the vet check went well too. her white cell count is up and the vet thinks its from stress at this point since every other test is clean and has good numbers. athena didn't go into her "alarm" mode. yea! but athena and lona are looking at each other from their respective cages. hermes, well lona freaked out the first couple of times she saw him, but she just watches him now, no freaking out! lona is making her sounds and is eating well. so for the moment, i think we're good! the adventure begins! :D

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well, its monday now and things seem to be going fine. athena took a bath in her water bowl, then a little while later lona tried to take a bath in her own water bowl. she's just started being interested in doing this in the past couple of months, according to the family we got her from. i did some clicker training with athena, lona watched intently. so i tried showing her the target stick and she reached out and touched it. so i clicked and rewarded and praised. after that i went back and forth between both birds, clicking, rewarding and praising. athena is out on her cage for this, lona is inside her cage. i can't get athena to reach across my arm or hand to touch the stick without biting. i'm keeping at it, she needs to relearn how to step up. i'm hoping lona will get the idea and that teaching her to step up will be "easier". time will tell. lona makes all her sounds, plays vigorously and eats very well. our favorite at the moment is when she rings like a phone, then answers it with hello!!! she's been more out going than i thought she'd be, which is great. she even wants head scratches, which we give her as often as we can. i know one baby step at a time, but sometimes, that's hard to do, lol!!

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how very exciting birdsaregrey8!! i hope its as fun for you as it has been for us this past week! she's sure been really vocal the past couple of days. the word practicing is very fun and funny to hear! i don't know where she got the really low gravelly "evil" voice from, but even that is funny! i don't know where she's heard to be able to learn even half of the sounds she makes, but she plays with mixing them up and changing them around. some of those combinations are hilarious!

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