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Using a Wood Stove


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Do any of you use a wood stove with birds around?


We have a very large Bar/Entertainment room that I keep closed off most of the time. It gets very cold in there and well, I just never use the room. However, when the BF is over he loves sitting in there watching the big screen. He gets a fire going and just hangs out in there.


My concern is the smell of the stove. The room is never smokey, but you can still smell it. Will that affect my bird? Rebel loves to be around her "Paa Paa" but I won't let her down there with him because the smell (which is actually a good smell to us humans) scares me for her.


I was just curious if anyone else uses wood for heating and how it might affect the bird.



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We have a wood stove we use occasionally but have a fireplace in the family room where the birds cages are that we use often when it is very cold and it doesn't bother my 3 fids, in fact they probably like the warmth it gives off, as long as it is properly vented then it should not be a problem.

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We have 2 wood stoves in our house one in the lower level and one in the upper level that we use all the time. As judygram said as long as it is properly vented enjoy it with your flock.

We live in a large log cabin so the wood stove is part of the decor.


P.S. when you live in a log cabin and the birds look around with all that wood they think they died and went to heaven.

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We use a wood stove 24/7 this time of year. We haven't used the furnace since we were on vacation around the holidays. I let the birds out of their cages for several hours a day but I do make sure the stove is set very low, not hot to touch. My biggest concern was the possibility of one of them try to land on it and getting burned. I'm not sure about other stoves but ours has one shelf that gets hot enough to cook on if needed. So far Millie doesn't fly but Rocky does. He has never once tried to fly or land on or near the stove. He has flown to me while I've been standing a few feet from it. I also keep a humidifier cranking at all times and a little extra misting. I went to give Millie a snack one day and she got shocked...that was one pissed, fluffed up bird! Now I touch her cage just before I touch her.

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We have an open fire in our living room that uses wood & coal on it & it's on every night during the winter months. I don't see a problem with it as the smoke goes up the chimney anyway & not in the room. The odd time the smoke comes in a little is when Murphy goes on a mad one flying around the room & his wings wafted a little smoke in. Most often though we light the fire around 7pm & he's off to bed at 8pm.

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Thanks Everyone. I feel so much better about this now. Rebel was left out of all the family gatherings in that room. Now she can be toasty warm and still bother everyone. She doesn't fly, so I don't have to worry about her landing on the hot stove. Although I would happily ban her from any room or let her go in any room for that matter, if she would just try to fly!!

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