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Thermo heated perch


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Hmmmmm was looking at things on ebay and came across this thermo heated perch. It says good things about it. I was thinking because of the cold climate coming soon to PA I was thinking of purchasing one. It does mention even keeps them warm when the a/c is on. What do you all think about it ?

If you can look it up on ebay give me your thoughts please. Thanx

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I have seen them on pet store sites and considered getting one, but my hubby is fond of using the fireplace in the family room where Josey's cage is and it gets warm enough for her. But if you want to get one and try it then go ahead, you can let us know how good it works.

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I almost bought one once. However, Nikko is so touchy about new perches (she got upset over a new perch that was identical to another perch she sits on), that I figured she would probably never get on it. I'd buy it for her if I knew she would sit on it, but since they're kind of pricey, I'm hesitant.

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I'm hesitant because it seems like their feet are the first thing to get warm. I was afraid it would get too warm for them. I don't think it's really necessary. I live in New England where the winters farmhouse can be very cold, and Talon seems to do fine just with the house temperature.

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Hello Toni, I really crank the AC in the summer, and freeze my family out in the winter so I purchased a thermal perch. It stays a consistant warm, but not hot temp- it is made to always be left on. I have only had my grey acouple months, so I think I worry a lot about temp.etc; but I have to say she took to it right away. She does not use it all the time, she seems to rotate perches. After her showers etc; she always goes straight to it! It is shaped with varying widths so that their feet use different muscles to grasp it also which is good. I have only had it a week, but so far I think I would give it good recommendations. As someone else stated- I do keep checking to make sure it does not get too hot- and it seems to be staying a consistant temp. It states it is made for years of use. I guess if Zuri(my bird) likes it- then I like it also! Hope this helps- and nice to meet you!

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Thanks for the post, Lovemybird, glad to hear from someone who has used one, I must admit I was a little skeptical of them at first. And since you keep your house on the cool side it probably helps Zuri, but most of us have our houses a little warmer and I don't think they would be necessary for us.


I'm glad to hear they do work properly, that was a concern that they would get too hot but apparently they don't get that warm to be hot to touch.


Be sure to keep us informed if anything changes with the perch or how Zuri uses it, we want to know.

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  • 2 months later...

This thread was a few months old, but now that it's c-o-l-d (it was 5 degrees when I went to work this morning!), I figured I'd kick it up to the top with a reply and my own experience.


I got my most recent bird (as opposed to "last" because you never know what the future will bring!;) ) last summer and she came with a heated perch. I have it in her cage and it's on all the time. I don't have it as the "highest" perch (didn't want her to want to sleep there if she didn't want the heat). I notice she falls asleep on her highest perch but often in the morning is down on her heated perch. She also goes right there after a shower for awhile, then will go on top of her cage when she's pretty much dry and start preening. I was obsessive about the heat at first and felt it many times each day. Now I put my hand around it each time I change paper, water, food, etc.


My guess is that if it's too warm, they would just step off of it again. It has always been the same temp from waht I can tell. I'm thinking of getting one for each of my other birds as our home does get a bit chilly here in MN. No, I don't think it's necessary though, just a "luxury".


All my best,


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Ok I would definately keep checking them. They basically are a metal heating coil wraped in hard cell foam and then dipped in a coating. They are pretty much the same thing as heat rocks for reptiles. I have personally seen those get over 200 deg. I don't know about birds but I've seen plenty of reptiles with really nasty burns from them. (heat rocks) Also just touching it really isn't good enough. Your hand will tolerate much more heat before you consider it hot than would say the inside of your arm. If you use one of those I would personally recomend you get one of those laser thermometers. I personally use one made by Raytech, but there are others out there that work just fine and are much cheaper. www.tempgun.com has them for $25. Anyway that's my thoughts on them. YMMV

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Yea thats why I was worried , my iguana was found dead on his heating rock and he was only 4 years old and was acting active the night before, we also had his heating rock for two years. I didnt want to kill another animal on accident. I have my heating perch and I notice Alcazar does leave the perch my guess is hes getting toooo warm. I keep feeling it though. Like at least three tiems a day I keep feeling it. I worry alot.

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I used to breed reptiles on the large scale. (No pun intended) I have seen alot of animals suffer and like you said die from these things. If you do have one or get one PLEASE get one of those laser temp guns. You could very well save your dear pets life. As far as a heat source I would be more inclined to place a red light heat bulb IN AN APPROVED reflector and heat an area in the cage that way. I say a red light because their less intrusive, and shouldn't keep your pet awake. Of course these are just my opinions and should be taken as such.

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I would be very hesitant to use one of these heated perches. Yes, we want to avoid extreme temperature changes, but unless you have a plucked bird who definitely will feel the cold, I don't think it's a good idea to treat our parrots as if they are hot house orchids.


My birds are kept outside (well, except Cello, the new Parrotlet) on a covered terrace. Though we live in a very moderate climate in Mexico, the temperature does go down in the 40's in Dec. and Jan. Now it's in the low 50's at night, mid-70's in the day. The birds do absolutely great. They do have down vests after all ;)


You would not want to expose a bird to colder temperatures without acclimating them, but they are pretty hardy as long as it doesn't freeze (and it doesn't here).<br><br>Post edited by: chapala, at: 2007/11/28 23:39

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  • 5 years later...

I bought one of these for each of our birds. We will be bringing home our Grey baby soon, and I wanted to get this perch in the cage before bringing him home so he wouldn't be afraid of it. Our other 2 birds seem to like theirs, after a period of a few days to get used to their presence in the cage. It does feel pretty warm to me, but if it isn't the highest perch in the cage, it's not like they'll go on it if it's unpleasant. I have heard good things about these alleviating stress, increasing health, etc.

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well i know it doesnt take but a second for marco to snap the cord to my headphones with ONE snap of her beak, Im sure a cord would take a few snaps but ... the end result could be devastating ... so yeah just something to think about marco knows everything on her cage and has nibbled on ALL of it! I keep it nice n warm in the house specifically for her

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