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Tinkerbell and motor bike


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But in this pictures, especially 2. and 3. she looks a bit scared. Was she restless during the ride? Isn't it to "drafty" for her on a bike?


I thought I better answer in this new thread to avoid hijacking that thread

Question about newly adopted CAG


It was a motor scooter 150cc and not a motor bike even though I often wrote of it as motor bike. But enough photos were taken to show that.


The reason why it was a motor scooter was that there was this space between the handle bar and the seat where her carrier cage could be kept between my feet in case of bad weather.


I actually yearned for a Harley Davidson that the roads of Taiwan begged me to buy and I wanted to buy. But the scooter was the ideal Tink Mobile that the three of us were on almost daily. And in the weekends, were on rides that lasted for hours. I knew I never would ride without Tinkerbell, and so I nyet that Harley that I set my heart on and stuck with the little scooter.


The placing of toe in beak in the case of Tinkerbell was never a nervous reflex. Perhaps it might be in the case of your birdie, but definately not in the case of Tinkerbell.


If Tink was nervous and did not like it, she would not have wanted to be on that bike. I believe all who have a grey knew of the impossibility of having a grey do what it is nervous of and did not like.


The photos you took exception to such as reproduced below were static shots.







She was doing the above for her amusement. She flipped from one to the other and back again repeatedly. Perhaps video would have shown that much better. Except 7-8 years ago, digital cameras were not video oriented and neither were forums , and neither the internet for that matter oriented to video sharing. So video were not taken.


The towel that you see above was not just to catch the poop. The towel acted as a ladder for her to climb down to the space between my leg onto my backback , and even into the carrier cage as she chose and as she wished.










When I was riding very fast, that towel down to out of the wind area was meant for Tinkerbell.


I thought that when I rode very slowly and sedately, Tink might like to be on the perch.


Instead , it was the other way around.


When I rode slowly, Tink moved down as if it was too boring for her to be up there. And when I rode very fast, Tink loved to be up to feel the wind on her face and body and do her antics up there.


That was so irritating to me until I learned not to be irritated at the perverseness of Tinkerbell. That after all, she is a female and regardless of beastie or birdies or spouse, females all have this perverse streak running through all of them.


You might like to see even more photos of Tink on the bike in the Flickr folder


Tinkerbell - Reunion


And even to read the story behind those photos in that particular saga when we went back to see her beasties, Halftail the Bimbo (cat) and Zorro (the ferret) that I gave to the wonderful families that adopted them when I had to leave Taiwan.


And talking of Tink on her bike, there was this photo that I liked, and wrote on in a forum about that time that I reproduce below. Taking that photo from my wife collection. She took all the photos anyway and only some photos were hijacked by me into my Flickr.




Wings of an angel

May 20, 2004


Last weekend over the 15/16 of May, we went up Alishan

again to escape the heat.


Tinkerbell is now so accustomed to riding on the

motorbike that she faces all kind of direction when on

that perch including with her back to the front.


The on-rushing wind on her back lifted tufts of

feathers giving her the look of one of those tufted

back bird of paradise (name escaped me).


Or as Joy liked to described, the wings of angel.






That URL



Now and then, Tink doze off on that perch with her

eyes closed.


I lamented that Tink took to ripping off the towel

velcro from the bike velcro to amuse herself,

especially when the bike is moving fast which is not

so amusing to me.


I found a new distraction that seems to work. I buy a

corn on the cob and cut that to small pieces. Now and

then, those pieces are offered to Tink for her to eat

and tear to shreds when on the bike.


While browsing through my wife's album, I found some

photos of food taken last year that may fascinate some

of you.


Fancy some deep fried crickets folks to go with frog





They are yummy!

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The placing of toe in beak in the case of Tinkerbell was never a nervous reflex. Perhaps it might be in the case of your birdie, but definately not in the case of Tinkerbell.


Well you looked at the wrong photos. I didn't say Tink looks nervous at the picture where

she has her foot in her mouth. Just the opposite;-) And yes, Zak obviously have some situations where he displays nervousness with his talons in his mouth.


I wish you had a picture where we can see that cage on the scooter. I would like to know how to build stuff that are secure/safe for my birdie:-)


The picture where she dozes of is brilliant! Can't believe she feel asleep! :-) She looks so beautiful. Is Tink bird of your life?


When I go to: http://public.fotki.com/Shimmertje/best_of_taiwan/alishan_taiwan_/kuanzhuling-liujia-/ it says PATH NOT FOUND!

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You can see yummy crickets now in




I also fixed that link in above.


Tinkerbell was that first love. To this date, Tinkerbell remains my main love.

I will fly back to Taiwan to see her and be with her. It is unlikely I fly back to Oman to see and be with Riamfada. Much as I love Riam, I love Tink much more. To see Riamfada meant I would not have the time to see Tinkerbell.


Below different shots showing how Tink Mobile is like and you can see the carrier cage and backpack .






I wrote somewhere of the explicit harnessing details to maximise the safety when Tink was on the bike. But I could not find it as my writings during the time of Tinkerbell were haphazard unlike the reports on Riamfada.


DO NOT JUST TIE A STICK LIKE YOU SEE IN THE PHOTO AND POP YOUR BIRDIE ON TOP! A lot of thoughts on safety aspects and worse case scenarios went behind what you see above.



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That is an interesting setup you have there and Tink obviously loves going along for the rides, you are right to caution just anyone to try this as it takes lots of time and much consideration in attempting this scenario with just any grey, it takes the right combination of owner and bird.

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Uh, I think I wouldn't try this arrangement with the scooter in this life.. ;-)

But I am very interested in seeing and asking about all the inventions which can give better quality of life and safety to our fids :-) Like your rod on which you have wire(?) attached to harness? And a pulley?

Does Tink get on the side and then goes in the cage (while on scooter)? Do you open "door" for her (on the carrier) to come in?



And sorry if the next question is too personal, but whom and why did you give Tink to? Couldn't you keep her?

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Shanglung is a highly respected owner, lover, researcher and in my opinion and many others, an expert when it comes to African Greys. He has a gift of understanding and ability to train & bond with these wonderful birds like no one else. He has numerous research articles, writings on his blog, and many other resources on the internet. He is a very busy man in his studies and we are always grateful that he occasionally takes the time to come here and grace us with his expertise and advice. His advice is not for all of us to follow, but to learn so we can further our understanding of our wonderful birds.


As I understand it, Tink is living wild in Taiwan. Shanglung goes there and Tink will remember him and come to see him. More can be read on many of the links he has posted here.

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The bond and love between Tinkerbell and Shanlung is one I envy and so admire. Perhaps it only happens once in a lifetime, if you are lucky and blessed, you cherish it. I hope Shanlung finds it in his heart to welcome another grey into his life, I would love to watch their bonding begin and grow-- to get first hand lessons from a Master.

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Dear Talon,

I am not gonna follow anyone blindly if that was what you were implying, or afraid of. I am asking questions and if he/(sometimes) she wanna answer them, that's great, if not, someone else probably will. I also know there are many links Shanglung has posted here but due to my physical limitations I haven't read them yet so I ask questions because I am very curious and sometimes can't wait to have a good day which would allow me to sit through posts/links which I am interested in. Also, due to another physical problem, I forget very quickly so, although I maybe have read something, I forget it, and again I want to know something- because I'm curious.. So forgive me for asking, but short posts are more likely to be first on the list to read because I don't need to sit very long...which is not the case with Shanglungs stories ;-) It takes time for me...


Thank you for answering my last question :-)

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Hi Morana,


I certainly didn't mean any harm and I was by no means implying anything in my post. I was just trying to let you and other members that haven't been here as long as many of us old-timers, that Shanlung has a history here that we deeply respect, and not some newcomer with 'crazy' ideas, and/or suggestions for others to follow. I apologize if it came across as anything other than that.


He certainly has some interesting stories, and if others aren't aware of his experience, you may think otherwise....:)LOL!

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Everything is OK :-)

As I said once before, sometimes is hard for me to translate my thoughts so everybody would perceive them exactly as I mean them.

I respect knowledge and experience and just wanna learn. No one should be afraid that I'm gonna do something out of the blu..Especially not something that could harm my bird. I'm not a copycat either, but I do have to admit that I think about harness, more and more, due to Shaulungs posts, and when it will be appropriate, I will make necessary steps and try it with my bird. But I think we are still pretty far from that ;-) We still have a lot of other work to do :-)

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Judygram, Talon, Luvparrot,


I am so aware of the real possibility that people read what they want to read with vision constricted by what they want to read and do.

That from basis of a few photos, go and do what I have done with fatal effect on their birdies.

Even with my very explicit details of stuff that can go wrong, and did went wrong with me, the fear remain that that particular writings be overlooked and glossed over.


You have seen the way I shouted and screamed and repeated postings of my fiascos (and luckily, the recoveries except for poor Katie)

Even so, I sometimes wonder if I wrote too much and mislead people who want to mislead themselves.


As said by them,







But sadly, how many bothered to read above?

Very few.

And perhaps even fewer would chose to walk that path.




Tinkerbell is with the Yu family, the family that found Tinkerbell and then gave her back to me when I lost her the first time when I took her out for free flight.

When I realised I might not be able to take Tink with me, I prepared Yu family for a year how to look after Tinkerbell.

Avian flu was on that year and no countries would allow birds to be imported.


I was touched when I did not realised the number of friends all over the world that could not bear the thought of me separated from Tinkerbell wrote to me and tried to help me.


From a shipping magnate that offered me smuggling of Tinkerbell onto one of his container ship to route to me.

From a USA general suggesting Tinkerbell be taken up on USA Army cargo plane to fly to Germany and then routed back to me.

I dared not accept any of those schemes as discovery would be death for Tinkerbell and decided Yu family will be the caregiver to Tinkerbell.


This is a summary of that first period with Tinkerbell including links to that first lost and recovery as well as a summary of the training for harnessing that we did.

It will do you very well to read it.


And if you are serious in taking your birdie out safely in harness, it is essential




When you click on my webpage in the signature, you might have noticed the webpage is in parts.


Part 1 is on that earlier period when I was first with Tinkerbell. The happiness of a first love found, and blossoming, and then to the pain of departure in mid Oct 2004.


Almost every year since then, I and my wife would fly back to Taiwan for 2-4 weeks to be with Tinkerbell, in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009. The only entity that I fly half way around the world to see and be with. I always have this dispute with the Yu family. I considered Tinkerbell to be theirs. The Yu family considered Tinkerbell to be mine and I could never changed their minds.


Those visits were recorded and could be found in my webpage as Part 3, 4, 5, etc etc

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This is a summary of that first period with Tinkerbell including links to that first lost and recovery as well as a summary of the training for harnessing that we did.

It will do you very well to read it.


And if you are serious in taking your birdie out safely in harness, it is essential




When you click on my webpage in the signature, you might have noticed the webpage is in parts.


Part 1 is on that earlier period when I was first with Tinkerbell. The happiness of a first love found, and blossoming, and then to the pain of departure in mid Oct 2004.


Almost every year since then, I and my wife would fly back to Taiwan for 2-4 weeks to be with Tinkerbell, in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009. The only entity that I fly half way around the world to see and be with. I always have this dispute with the Yu family. I considered Tinkerbell to be theirs. The Yu family considered Tinkerbell to be mine and I could never changed their minds.


Those visits were recorded and could be found in my webpage as Part 3, 4, 5, etc etc


Thank you so much for the answer.

About harness, training, my relationship with Zak and his well being, I am very serious. Now more than ever. I missed so much in his life and now is time to learn. I strongly believe that all lessons in life come to us when we are ready. I'm ready to begin. I'll read everything no matter how long it takes. I'm in no hurry,and as I said, we (Zak and me) have a lot of other ground to cover prior to something like harness. When I'll think I'm ready to put theoretical knowledge in action, rest assure, that you and the rest of the forum will be the first to know :-)

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Thank you so much for the answer.

About harness, training, my relationship with Zak and his well being, I am very serious. Now more than ever. I missed so much in his life and now is time to learn. I strongly believe that all lessons in life come to us when we are ready. I'm ready to begin. I'll read everything no matter how long it takes. I'm in no hurry,and as I said, we (Zak and me) have a lot of other ground to cover prior to something like harness. When I'll think I'm ready to put theoretical knowledge in action, rest assure, that you and the rest of the forum will be the first to know :-)




Only knowledge of what to do, and what can go wrong , will allow you to safely go outdoors with your parrot, leash or no leash.



What I write in this forum is literally the tip of the iceberg with the bulk of the important stuff in the URLs that point to either my Livejournal entries or Geocities entries.


Even that http://shanlung.livejournal.com/8284.html , much as that might seem to you, is the iceberg among a sea of icebergs. There are many extremetly important URLs inside. Such as 'playing music to ducks' and 'spooking zones'.


Unlike most others who think harness and leash is all that is needed to bring a birdie outdoor safely, the dangers that can be encountered outdoors are real.


I took great care to record and reported ruthlessly all the mistakes I made and forensically dissected them, and my solutions. I was lucky to have 'escaped' from them all.


Believe me, you do not ever want to make the same mistakes that I did and take the chance that you be as lucky as I was.


Why find and trip into the pitholes on this road when my stumbling about already revealed them to you?


You think you have the strength and luck to withstand that horror at

http://shanlung.livejournal.com/71760.html ?


So do take the time and the efforts to read as much as you can (if not all) all that I have written. I likely have provided answers even to questions that you have not thought of asking.


Then you can chose to use the useful and discard the useless (such as smoking and giving wine/beer to birdie).

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I'm looking forward on reading everything provided, and more ;-)

And yes, probably will discard smoking and giving wine/beer to birdie;-) Lol ...but I'll let you now! ;-)


Among the useless things that I have done and you should discard totally will be free flights with both Tinkerbell (towards the end of that first period with her) and Riamfada.


All the stuff must be oriented towards to good life for the birdie. Free flights in the open and outdoors add so little to their physical and mental and emotional health, and the dangers are so great. IT IS JUST NOT WORTH IT






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This is exactly what I was trying to say in my post about favorite drinks. There are some things that need to be said. Especially for the beginners so there would not be accidents or even worse! So, at one point in our lives when we do now how, posses knowledge, experience and wisdom, and can decide for our selves, at that point I'll maybe be thinking about giving my Zak a glass of fine wine...-the wine is not my point! ;-)

For now, I'll be oriented towards good and SAFE life for my birdie:-)

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Do try to enjoy life and smell roses too.

That can best be done if you lighten up and laugh.


Try to recognise when I write tongue in cheek if not foot in mouth.

That I poke a lot more fun at myself then at anyone else, be they humanoids or beastie or birdie.


And when it comes to bad things, I probably flagellate myself more effectively than any others here can on me.


Sadly no birdie with me now.


I think I get my Ivan , the cat from Hongkong days, to have that beer with me instead.


My free period is likely to end soon and I disappear from here altogether. Until then, let us enjoy

the forum and fun and learn to disagree and laugh at each other differences without being too righteous on anything.


We need more tolerance in a world where we all are running out of time.

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Shanlung, if I may politely interject within the 'conversation' of this thread, your comment of "My free period is likely to end soon and I disappear from here altogether" prompts me to stop lurking and finally, actually say something here:


I just want to say I have been thoroughly enjoying all of your posts, and in the evenings I have been reading through numerous of your livejournal posts and all of your pictures. There is something about your adventures with Tinkerbell, your little shama (?) and other parrot/bird friends that is so relaxing to me, it as if you all are a reminder that the hustle and bustle of modernized Westernized society is just one way to live--and in many respects not even the best. Your connections with Tinkerbell and Dommie and your other animals reflect a more intuitive and peaceful approach to life, that we all have something to contribute to one another on this planet that far too many people ignore for the majority of their lives. It's made me (and my husband) take a step back at how we deal with our Marcus (CAG) and our Beaker (Quaker parrot), who we are growing with significantly as 'parronts' but still make many mistakes. I envy your confidence with your kitties around your Greys... I worry so often for our two hunters to become too curious about our avian friends. My husband and I still think that, with our circumstances now, it is best for our boys (the birds) to be clipped but we have been rethinking that arrangement, if we can maneuver things differently in the future. The joy that your Tinkerbell seemed to have at being allowed to take to the sky is something that, perhaps, would broaden the figurative canvas of our dear Marcus--who was a bit neglected before we adopted him--if even we can allow him the freedom of flight safely within our own house. My husband says he never wants our birds to go outside, that it is too dangerous, and the numerous hawks in our area make me agree with him. But your posts have offered many other perspectives that provide a lot of food for thought regarding other ways to better handle our birds, and for that I would like to thank you.

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Do try to enjoy life and smell roses too.

That can best be done if you lighten up and laugh.


Try to recognise when I write tongue in cheek if not foot in mouth.

That I poke a lot more fun at myself then at anyone else, be they humanoids or beastie or birdie.


And when it comes to bad things, I probably flagellate myself more effectively than any others here can on me.


Sadly no birdie with me now.


I think I get my Ivan , the cat from Hongkong days, to have that beer with me instead.


My free period is likely to end soon and I disappear from here altogether. Until then, let us enjoy

the forum and fun and learn to disagree and laugh at each other differences without being too righteous on anything.


We need more tolerance in a world where we all are running out of time.


Have no idea why you have an a opinion of me that I do not smile or enjoy life. And I really do need a translator with your posts. What in gods name does this mean:"Try to recognize when I write tongue in cheek if not foot in mouth"? You are killin' my dictionaries! Lol

uh...and my last post here.. For the last time, I don't care to be righteous, I wanted to emphasize the importance of not just leaping into situations where birds may get hurt because of it. But you always find a way to twist my thoughts somehow. But I will say this.. I am cautious. Too much sometimes and this tends to block my intuition.



And where are you disappearing, if I may ask? You won't be back at all?

Can I be so selfish to ask whether your Tinkerbell legacy will still be open for us to read?


Well for what is worth, I want to have so intuitive relationship with my bird as it seems you have with Nature creatures. And thank you for all your time and advice, it is greatly appreciated.

...and it would be nice if you were to come back :-)


PS: I do smile a lot ;-)

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i too, have loved reading and seeing your posts.... I can't wait to have some free time to go through your journals.


I do feel bad about you being away from Tinkerbell. Just from the few pictures i've seen, i can tell you and her have such a bond. I really love your siggy picture.


It's probably in your journals, but how does she act when she see's you and your wife when you come back?

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My free period is likely to end soon and I disappear from here altogether.

Morana, I think Shanlung was referring to the fact that we all are mortal and will die someday so in essence our days are numbered here on earth, I don't think he was speaking that he was not returning to the forum.

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  • 1 month later...

luvparrots is largely correct.


I had to run off to do a bit of work.


I was also a bit weary of attacks on me for stuff of little importance and detract from the main message that I tried to send. So I went off into kitty forums where no one but no one ever think of alphaing or dominance over cats. After all, I did write a lot on kitties that I found out were a lot more appreciated in those kitty forums.


I was also in another birdie grey forum, until I gave up in the futility as DOMINANCE and Alphahood was so enshrined in stone there that it pained me.


But back to birdie. And this is one of my favourite photo of Tink on motorbike. Where the 3 of us were in that same photo when most of the time, it was me with Tink or Tink alone.


In Taiwan, at holiday places, scooters were rented saving folks a long ride or drive as they can just pick a scooter then and there. I carried with me coils of sisal ropes to quickly rig up a perch as can be seen in photo.









I found an old entry I made in



and extracted below. It is interesting to see how I stood away from the mainstream of thoughts even then. How I resisted the requirement to dominate the birdies. How even at that earlier stage, Tinkerbell was accepted as the prime trainer and I the trainee.


That I refuse to use food or hunger as their main motivation. I nearly gave in when Tink flew away. But you all realised I never did even then.


Of which I am most glad as only by treating them with courtesy and respect and consideration as fellow equal sentients would they all then do for me more than what I could dream of.


And that will be the road that I will be taking with my greenleaf bird that I will be getting tomorrow.


Although I do not know if I write of that here.


As after all, his color will be green and not grey, and his bill will be straight.







More old letters of Tink - Clicker training and bonding and freeflight

When I set up the webpage, I must have wanted to put in a lot more than I actually did.


I went and updated the "Some thoughts on Clicker training". Then I

checked again and found a bunch of other letters I should have

included into "clicker training and bonding"


The first letter is here, and followed by others as well. So for friends

of Tinkerbell, here they are . ....



The text that you have entered is too long (21991 characters). Please shorten it to 10000 characters long.


so you just have to click on that link


Shanlung - More old letters of Tink - Clicker training and bonding and freeflight

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Of which I am most glad as only by treating them with courtesy and respect and consideration as fellow equal sentients would they all then do for me more than what I could dream of.


And that will be the road that I will be taking with my greenleaf bird that I will be getting tomorrow.


Although I do not know if I write of that here.


As after all, his color will be green and not grey, and his bill will be straight.


Shanlung, I'm sorry you felt so attacked here, but thank you for coming back to post again. I know I really enjoy reading about you and your Tinkerbell and other birds (and your Dommie kitty, so cute!). Your experience with your avian friends is so humbling to me, I know I have a long way to go, but I hope someday to be able to understand my boys rather like you do your Tinkerbell...


I'm sure everyone would love to hear about your little green leaf bird. I just did a search online to see what one is and they are very pretty!! Perhaps if it is an issue to post about your experiences with your new friend here in the Grey Lounge, you can write about him/her in the Other Birds section. :)

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