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Hey Ma!!! Look What I Can Do!!!!!


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Ana Grey has been very busy lately. She's decided that she is the keeper of the lights!!! I was typing in the office and out of the corner of my vision I noticed that the bird room was light then darker, back and forth. So I got up to see what was happening. There was Ana Grey.....





I can't complain too much about her wanting to be helpful as she has been shelling my pistachios for me. She has figured out how to open the lid on the plastic container. She sits and cracks the shells and drops the pistachio kernels back in the container. What a sweetheart!!!! LOL!!!!

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Ana Grey seems like a real character! What a greyt help with the pistachios. Have you told her that you are getting a Congo soon? I am curious to get your thoughts on having one of each. I am still not sure if I will get a CAG or TAG yet. When I read your posts about Ana Grey, I think--"Oh I want a TAG"--Then I read about Dayo's antics and I think--"Hmmm maybe a CAG?" I may end up like many here and have one of each....We'll see. It's been so good being part of this forum. Before coming here I kept reading websites that all seemed clearly cautionary. "Are you sure you want a grey?" "Can you handle a grey?" "Greys aren't for most people." It was almost like the writers want to discourage people from getting a grey. From what I've seen here, however, the vast majority of parronts to greys are very happy and have wonderful relationships with their birds. I feel much better about my decision to get a grey.

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Thinking is good, but thinking too much is not good.


So go get that grey and do not think.


Go and see greys, until you see one that hit you with a thunderbolt in your heart, regardless of age or appearance or what others say.

That will be the one for you.


Your life never be the same again.

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Shanlung, Thanks for that. You're not the first person to say that to me about my "Grey Education Project". I definately live in my head a lot. Deep down I must have some illusion that if I learn "all there is to know", then I can control the situation and everything will be perrrrrfect! Ha ha...thank goodness life isn't really like that. I will certainly follow your advice and let my heart in on the game a lot more.

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Jeff, as Shanlung suggests you should adventure out into both TAG and CAG worlds to see which grey appeals to you. I chose Ana Grey (TAG) as my first grey as tags are more petite and I was looking for my first parrot. I was lucky and Ana Grey and I hit it off from the beginning and so far that companionship has benefited us both. When you find the right grey for you, you will know it in your heart. And it is true, greys are not for everyone. I have three different kinds of parrots, each one is different. My ekkie is more a solitary guy, my zon is a fun loving clown and my TAG loves human contact, to eat, drink and chill with me, she does not like me interacting with the other feathered guys, I am her flock. I am looking forward to being a CAG mommy. And because I have the time (I live alone and am retired) I want to see what the quirks and personality of a CAG are. Are they truly different than a TAG? I have space in my heart for one more parrot and I would like to satisfy my curiosity. But mostly because greys really are the parrots for me!!!!

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Ana Grey is just too funny! Thanks for getting a picture of that! Biscotti does that with the light switch in the kitchen- while he is busy switching it on & off he is saying "bad bird, bad bad bird", and an occasional "dark!" They are just too smart for their own good. I hope Biscotti will learn something constructive like pistachio shelling! That is awesome!!

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I agree w/ the others. I think you should get a Grey. It sounds like you have done a good job learning about them before just jumping in. I tossed the idea around for a while then thought, they live a long time. I better get one before I am older so I can spend a long time w/ them too. I sure hope she is w/ me until I am 70ish yrs old or more. I think I visited my grey several times before I actually took her home. I had to decide between 2 TAGs. I LOVE my Finney Foo! Good luck!

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