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Im new again! need a little reassurance


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hello guys,

Ive been a member for awhile but haent been on for a while as a i lost my grey in a nasty seperation about 2 years ago.Its too bad the chicocoldnt tell the judge who he wanted to live with,, as he had bonded with me.

Im now looking at getting a timneh ( i had a congo) and have been reading but unable satisfy my questions, so id like to ask people who own both:

1. do they have the same talking ability/capacity and do they actually use it.

2.will it be more likely top take to everyone in the house ( kids, girlfriend etc)

3.are their voicing as clear or any different?

4. do they bond the same way .. regurgitate etc..with one person?

thanks in advance.

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TAGs can talk pretty much like CAGs. Their vocabulary may be a little less than a CAG but yes, they can talk. On the other hand the bird may not talk and that applies to CAGS too. It's an individual thing. A person needs to go through the same routine concerning talking the same way they would do it for CAGs. That's the only way you'll find out if he talks. Pet parrots who don't talk in the human language will talk to their owners very often throughout the day but they do it in their language and a person needs to take time to figure out what they're talking about. All of this also applies to CAGs.


"""and do they actually use it."""

I don't understand what you're referring to.


Yes, they can take to different members in a house more quickly than a CAG if the people in the house socailize with the bird.


Like a CAG, their voice ice very clear.

"""do they bond the same way .. regurgitate etc..with one person?****


Yes, they will bond to people but it's more important that the bird be a family member.



Like all birds, that happens but this area of what you wanna know has nothing to do with anything. That's a natural occurence because the animal is a live creature


I must say that in my opinion, you're putting too much emphasis on talking and if you're heavily focused on that end of it, you may be dissapointed and so will the bird.

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Good to hear from you again Rick!


You asked:


1. do they have the same talking ability/capacity and do they actually use it.


- Yes


2.will it be more likely top take to everyone in the house ( kids, girlfriend etc)


- Maybe and maybe not, it will depend on how well socialized the grey has experienced and how you introduce and let your new grey interacted with people.


3.are their voicing as clear or any different?


- They have the same speaking abilities as a CAG


4. do they bond the same way .. regurgitate etc..with one person?

thanks in advance.


- Most the time, yes.


Remember a TAG is from the same family line and can therefore display and use all the same abilities, personalities and relationships as a CAG. They select one mate for life in the wild just like a CAG.


I am looking forward to hearing more from you as this progresses. :)

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Hi rickster, I am owned by a TAG, Ana Grey, she is a delight. She is as talkative as can be. She is loving and fearless. I can't compare her to a CAG... yet be will be able to in a month or two!!!! I don't think you will be disappointed at all, she is totally bonded to me. She lays on her back still at 2 1/2 years and I can touch her feet and all without a problem. Ana Grey rules the roost, I also have an amazon and ekkie, that are twice her size and she keeps them in line. She loves my two grandsons ages 21 and 10. So although she is not as colorful and large as a CAG she is just as feisty and frankly is much more daring. She certainly holds her own around here! Welcome back to the Grey family!!!!

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Im with Dave, Dan, and Judy...Dont buy a bird cause it MIGHT talk. I have 2 dogs that have never said a word but I love them to death and love their individual personalities too! Just look for a grey and get the first one you think you like (TAG/CAG, whatever). If you spend time with it you wont be let down wether he talks or not, just like my dogs! If you want a talker I will give you my wife for CHEAP!!!!! JUST KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (she does talk alot tho!) just kidding again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Go get you a bird and make it happen...you wont regret it!

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Hi and welcome back to our family! I have both a cag and a tag. Both are females, and both are 5 years old. Although they both talk alot, my tag talks way more than my cag. She says phrases and sings songs. It very much depends on the personality.

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