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Mama CJ

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Raisins are found in some bird treat mixes & they're ok, but there are a couple of issues.

They contain sugar & salt so should be fed on a limited basis. They tend to be preserved with sulpur dixoide, which some feel should be avoided.


Also have to watch that the fids don't feed them to the dogs as they're supposed to be toxic for them.

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I live in a predominately agricultural area. Grapes are just one of the huge harvests here and those used for Raisins. They lay those grapes out on paper sheets on the ground and allow them to bake in the sun. This of course means the sulfur used to prevent mold when the inevitable rains come during that time occasionally. Once dried, they are simply taken to the packing houses, put on conveyor belts and automatically dumped into the packing for market. There is no processing or cleaning of them at all.


I personally avoid anything with raisins for Dayo due to this. The good news, is Dayo hates raisins anyway, so it's not an issue when we may eat some.

Edited by danmcq
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I live in a predominately agricultural area. Grapes are just one of the huge harvests here and those used for Raisins. They lay those grapes out on paper sheets on the ground and allow them to bake in the sun. This of course means the sulfur used to prevent mold when the inevitable rains come during that time occasionally. Once dried, they are simply taken to the packing houses, put on conveyor belts and automatically dumped into the packing for market. There is no processing or cleaning of them at all.


I personally avoid anything with raisins for Dayo due to this. The good news, is Dayo hates raisins anyway, so it's not an issue when we may eat some.


Wow. I didn't know that, very interesting. Thank you!

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Just as an aside, many parrots do indeed feed the dogs of the household and raisins and grapes are extremely poisonous to dogs. Ingestion of a fairly small amount has caused acute renal failure and death in dogs and not to be dramatic, and I don't want to hijack this thread, but it is very important your dogs not get any raisins or grapes.


I told a friend of mine about this and her response was, "Oh, she eats grapes all the time. The baby throws his food and the dog eats whatever the baby tosses." Well, to me, that is like saying, "Oh, I let my dog run in the street all the time. Nothing bad has happened." All that means is you've been lucky.

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...They lay those grapes out on paper sheets on the ground and allow them to bake in the sun. This of course means the sulfur used to prevent mold when the inevitable rains come during that time occasionally. Once dried, they are simply taken to the packing houses, put on conveyor belts and automatically dumped into the packing for market. There is no processing or cleaning of them at all.


Mmmm, Yummy! Don't think I'll be handing boxes of raisins out for the kids to snack on anymore.

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Oh my, and here I thought my Father had died from natural causes at 93!!!!! Just a note from yes, A California Raisin Farmers' Daughter. Sulfur is not lethal, it is sprayed or dusted over vines in early April to prevent mildew from forming on the budding grape clusters. Sulfur is not applied if it rains after the grapes are on trays. Farmers just lose their whole crop for the year if there is a rain. I will admit, however, that I don't eat raisins actually hate the little boogers, but that's because I worked in them until I was 19 years old and finally moved away from Fresno. Do love grapes though!!!!

Edited by luvparrots
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