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Re-Homed CAG


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I recently brought home a 6yr old CAG from Craigslist. My wife and I visited the owner and Romeo to make sure that we would be a good fit. even though Romeo was a mommas boy and babied he stepped up for me and sat on my lap with no apparent nervousness. We have had Romeo for 4days now I have been bitten more times in 2days than I was the whole time I had my breeding pair of Scarlett Macaws. Too top it all off Romeo hangs on my wifes every move, word, and even flys off the perch if she leaves the room. Mind you All she does is talk to him and never even tried to touch him. I am the one that wanted a life long pet companion, she buckled and gave in now im the one left out in the cold LOL. Seriously am i rushing things? What can we do so the bird will bond to me? Please any help would be appreciated.


P.S. The previous owner has said that if this continues to be a problem we can bring him back. I just cant believe that there isnt a solution.

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Greys can take quite a while to adjust to a new home & at 6 yo, they're mature enough to know what they will & won't stand for. Patience is probably the solution. And maybe, some practice reading your new fid's body language. Apparently his is different somehow from what your Macaws displayed.


The fact that Romeo loves your wife may be that he's been a mommas boy or may be that "All she does is talk to him and never even tried to touch him." They are a lot like young children in that they will often demand attention if you don't give it to them. But, they'll totally refuse to give you the time of day when they feel scared or crowded.


Remember, you've just rocked his world & everything he used to call home. It really sounds like he wants some space & time to adjust. Let him settle in. Let him tell you how he's willing to interact with the new flock. He needs to feel he can trust you before anything.


Meanwhile, Welcome to the forum. Maybe you could tell us a little more about your new fid & post some pics. And please let us know how it goes or if you have any more questions.

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birdhouse gave you some good advice. Take your time with your grey and let it get to know your home and you, sit by the cage and talk to it.

They come around on their terms and their terms only.

And there is always a chance that he will be only a mommas boy and learn to put up with you.

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Welcome to the forum and thanks for taking in a grey in need of a new home.


Birdhouse gave great advice.


One thing you should know about greys versus macaws, greys bond normally with one person and if it is a female human, the male is going to be the "Buddy" and may or may not have some limited abilities to give scratches etc. You will need to learn Romeos body language thoroughly so you know when his stance, eyes and feathers are telling you he is not interested, otherwise bites will continue. I am in the same boat as you. I got a CAG for me, he fell in love with my wife and I am just the rough house guy with once in a blue moon scratch privileges.


Just slow speed ahead as already mentioned and get used to one another and new surroundings. :)

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Hello BigJon and welcome to our family, you have to give it more time for it takes a grey a good while to feel comfortable in their new surroundings so be patient.

Lots of greys will prefer one sex over another and Romeo has chosen your wife as his favorite person but that doesn't mean you won't have a good relationship with him, it will just be a little different but right now I think you are forcing yourself on him and he doesn't like it and responds in the one way he has to get his point across.

Be sure to read thru many of the threads here for lots of useful information and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.

We would love to see some pictures of Romeo if you have some you could share with us.

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Hi, please just relax and let Romeo get use to his new digs. Romeo probably senses your anxiousness to bond with him and so his reaction is to be a little more cautious around you. Greys want what they can't have and your wife's more easygoing attitude toward him perhaps makes him more determined and comfortable to be with her right now. Be the one to give him treats, feed him, talk to him and hopefully he will see the benefits of switching gears more of less. Have fun with your new companion. I look forward to some pictures. Welcome to the Grey family!!!

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Mind you All she does is talk to him and never even tried to touch him..

Well, maybe that's just the point! She doesn't push him in any direction. As already mentioned, he probably doesn't feel that anxiousness to bond with him around her. Obviously your wifes easygoing approach is working like a charm. I would suggest all the things already mentioned by other members. Talk to him, offer him treats, try to train him, play with him, but most important thing, especially now at the beginning, relax and learn to read his body language. You have your whole lives to make your relationship work! ;-)

Good luck and welcome! :-)

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Ditto what Morana said - greys are great empaths and sense your anxiousness. Then again, I've lived this story. Dixie was brought home for ME, not my husband. She was my mother's day present for goodness sake. As with all children, they have their favorites, I am not Dixie's, but I still love her with all my heart. She chose my husband, such is life. She still lets me snuggle her on occassion, but forget it when it comes to the things she will do with my husband or son for that matter! Love Romeo from a distance and let him come to you.



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Thank you everyone for the good advice. Today I am starting a journal so I can chart our progress, and keep better track of Romeo's body language, and preferances and his reaction to my actions and verbal interaction. I also am Going to start reading to him (Curious George). All Young children love to be read to so I am going to begin with 5min 4x a day. I will get some pictures up soon and will be here reading and checking this great forum out often.

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u are on the right track now...SLOW AND EASY! just chill out and take it day by day! birds change often...as in who and what they like so u will have a turn most likely haha! Its gonna be a FUN ride, so just hang on and enjoy it! you wont realize it, but ur bird is training you just as hard as u are training him!!!!!!!!

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Hi Big Jon, Welcome!! You have been given great advice, and I agree 150%! So I can't say anything that hasn't been already said. I will send you a link that I have shared in several forums many many times, and I swear by it http://www.itsagreysworld.com/fun/bodylang.htm this is something that I have laminated on my coffee table for quick reference! Try it out and see what you think!

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