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Does anyone take their birdies places? If so where?


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Our grey and zon have been all over the country with us. They go with us every place, vacation over nite trips.

they have stayed in motels, hotels, the home of friends and family in our motor home. they also have traveled cars, trucks, our van and suv.

They seam to enjoy travel with us because they are close to us all of the time when we travel.

When we go they go and we love it and I think they do also

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I take my birds all over the place. I don't travel like Ray P but if I go somewhere where they can go, I take them (or just one) with me. Almost all my friends have entertained my birds at their homes, some where we stayed over night. I have taken my CAG with me while my car got its oil changed. I have sat outside a coffee shop with my birds in the carriers for a little spell (just so they can see the world go by, and so that people who don't have parrots can get a glimpse into what a parrot is like). My CAG is very well adjusted and I really do believe it is because I make sure and get my birds out into the world. I also think that doing so helps them see that the world is not a scary place and that it is full of opportunities to experience interesting sights and interesting people. And, I think it provides a chance for my birds to deepen their bond with me. (We are doing something as a flock.)



Some day I'd like to purchase a couple of harnesses and start getting them out there even more.

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Katie, a CAG, loves to go places. For travel in the car, she has a Perch and Go Bird Carrier (acrylic with metal cage front and back) that we put in a child's booster seat (from a used children's items store). With the booster seat, she can see out of the window which she loves and she's safely seatbelted. We take her with us on errands and let her wait in the car when the weather allows. Ocassionally, when we can't leave her in the car, we take along my Pet Voyage Bird Carrier (looks like luggage) and take her into the store. Since you can't see in the carrier, you wouldn't know there is a bird in it but I have been kicked out of a local grocery when she started talking loudly and attracted a crowd of shoppers. I always take her with me in the acrylic carrier to our local library. They love her there and I leave her on the check-out counter while I'm looking for books. She's also welcome in the pet store and bird store in her acrylic carrier.


I purchased a used child stroller for the acrylic carrier and we walk around our neighborhood daily. Katie loves walking in the stroller and it's good exercise for me and our dogs. We visit on neighbors' front porches and decks when invited. Some neighbors even invite her inside for a visit when they see me. Katie and I also use the Pet Voyage Bird Carrier to go on hikes in the woods around our neighborhood. I wrapped the wood dowel perch in cotton rope so she can get a better grip and I use a comfortable over-the-shoulder belt from a suitcase that I put around my neck so I can use my hiking cane.


Katie has a harness that I used for one year but then a pair of hawks nested in our yard so now Katie only goes outside in a carrier. We let her sit on the top handle/perch of the acrylic carrier when we're sitting in our gazebo with hanging plants preventing the hawks from swooping in. The young hawks have actually tried to get Katie when she's sitting inside in front of a window, so I have to be extra careful. Katie even enjoys being in the carrier on a sturdy float in our swimming pool. She likes the movement of the water and watching the kids and dogs in the pool.


We've taken Katie on one trip out-of-state to see my family. She did fine in the car during the daylight hours but not so well in the dark. However, I found that I was so concerned with her enjoyment and safety that I didn't enjoy the visit. We love to travel and Katie loves boarding with her hatch mom so that's the best solution for us. On local trips with Katie, if she's not safe or happy, we can just take her home.

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Dexter has been to the washington coast with us... and just about anywhere that we can stay that allows animals. I bought an icrate that is designed for dogs, slipped in some perches, one of his favorite swings, some removable food dishes, and put a rope perch on the top (so he would have somewhere soft and larger to perch on when out of his cage)... and off we go!! He loves being out in the outdoors, and seeing all the new things. I was a little nervous about him getting motion sickness, but he's a champion, and really doesn't notice the car rides. Such a great boy!


I love all the other stories as well... nice to know that we are not the only ones to keep our flock together!

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I have taken Josey to work occasionally and I take her along when I go visit my son who lives out of state, she rides in a travel cage and chatters and plays with her bell and rides very well. I think it is important to take your grey out and about from time to time so they don't associate the travel cage as only trips to the vet. I have no trouble putting her in the travel cage for she knows she is going somewhere with me.

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I have take my grey and ekkie to my daughters several times to spend the night. They enjoy it very well, well except for my grandson's dog, Scout, he thinks their lunch, hunting dog (lab/beagle mix) that he is!!! Donna had planned to take me to the beach for a short stay for my big 65, but now that I have four parrots, prehaps not!!!! LOL!!! Oh well, it's the thought that counts!!!! LOL!!!

Edited by luvparrots
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  • 2 weeks later...

I live in downtown san diego and when I walk the dog I walk the bird (if it is over 70, and its usually over 70). Last weekend I walked over to the outdoor organ concert in Balboa Park. I used to be nervous about walking around with Amy on my shoulder, but he'd rather die than leave me and if I'm wearing a hoodie w/ the hood up he'll hang out in there. All I have to do is remember to take him off my shoulder so he can poop every now and then (he refuses to do it on my shoulder - something I'm thankful for).

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I would hope you have that baby on a harness and leash. Any sudden sound or threat could make Amy react with a flight response. It may not have happened yet but Greys can fly when stressed even with clipped wings. I know of several birds that have been lost and even two that have been taken by Harwks right offf thier humans shoulder, so please use safety awareness prior to loosing your precious Amy. I answer the phone for the local exotic bird Sanctuary and often am contacted by people whose Greys have flown away from people they love and who love them.

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I don't. She doesn't fly and her startled response is to bite the hell out of my shirt and cling. (Amy is an amazon. I'm not sure if Greys are more prone to flying or not, but Amy is more of a monkey than a bird.)


I'll definitely check one out if you think it is an issue. Any good recommendations?

Edited by ParrotLawyer
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I see her picture now-duh, Amazons are much lazier than Greys so it might not be quite the same nut it is still a safety thing. I like the Kaylor Collor & have also used the Aviator Harness it comes with an instruction video,the Feather Tether is another good one very reasonable, any of them takes a little time to introduce the idea to them though.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

We bought a "bird backpack" that has a screen in the front, so Brutus can see out. Brutus likes to go to the outdoor coffee shop with us on game day and watch all the activity. Because of this he is no longer as afraid of dogs and children now. We invite people, children especially, to come over and talk to him.


He must feel like a king with everyone calling him by name!


I would strongly advise you NOT to take your bird out without some kind of cage because of hawks and other unforeseen dangers. I have heard several heart-rending stories of parrots becoming a hawk's lunch while riding around on a shoulder. Also, a gust of wind, or loud noise could be enough to send the bird flying into a dangerous situation, let alone, unscrupulous people who might think your bird has resale value. This is just my "two cents" however.


It is really fun to take them out though. I also look at it as an educational opportunity because most people know next to nothing about pet parrots.

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  • 10 months later...

I love this topic! I take my birds almost everywhere. I too have a bird stroller! One time this guy asked to see my baby. You should of seen the look on his face when he looked in! Ha! My grey, peachy, travels with me all over the state to nursing homes. She just loves it. She does well even during long days. She allows me to do all my chart reviews etc. Residents now request her and if she's not there, they get sad. One lady even cried saying she missed her. She has had such a positive impact. :)

Now, kiwi, my amazon travels too. Not as long, but in some ways better than my grey. He's calmer, less spooked by random things, more outgoing with strangers, and curious. He lets others pet and hold him where Peachy is more reserved. I get so excited every day on where to take them next.


Both birds love going to music lessons!!

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I'm a pharmacist consultant. My job requires me to go to rural nursing homes and mental health facilities for kids/adults. I set up my traveling bird perch at the nurses station. People stroll by and talk to her for hours. Some patients even sing for her! I know Peachy wants to go because in the morning she says "wanna go to work?" :) she loves the attention. I just have to watch to make sure the staff doesn't grab at her. People get so infatuated, they feel the compelling urge to always touch. Since my grey is not to fond of men, I always have remind them to not stick their fingers in her face!! Lol

I just love taking her! She dances in and sings in the car. She likes listening to rock n roll! Kiwi my amazon likes old school country and hip hop!!

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