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Zooky needs our help


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Talon and I chatted with Zooky tonight on the IM and she is very depressed about Mende. Zooky is a fairly new member and she has a young grey that is less than a year old and it has deformed claws and knees. After seeing a specialist to see about taking a couple of toes off to help her get around better she found out that the bird's spine is crushed and has been since she was still in the nest. The vet also suspects liver trouble and wants to run more tests to determine if surgery is feasible or if she should be allowed to live as long as is possible with the conditions. Her vet bills so far have run over $700 and that will surely mount much further if more tests and surgery take place.


Which brings me to the reason I started this thread. We cannot help Mende, but we can help Zooky with our thoughts and prayers to comfort her in her time of depression. She took this grey in knowing about the problems of the feet and claws but not to the extent of all its problems and now its future is uncertain. I can't imagine how she must feel and my heart goes out to her and to Mende. Please join in with your posts to let Zooky know we care about her and Mende and we will say a little prayer that Mende will heal as best as she can and be able to be happy and pain free for the rest of her life, however long that happens to be.<br><br>Post edited by: judygram, at: 2007/08/30 05:20

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You are an inspiration to us all and even more than that, to Mende not doubt. Please do not be depressed, you cannot change what occurred, it was beyond your control. However, you have, can and will influence Mende in many positive ways. I am sure Mende is grateful for all you have done. You should be proud of your efforts. My bet is that Mende is proud of you and thankful too for every positive contribution you have made to Mende's life! B)

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Mende is so lucky to have someone like you... You have given that bird a life that most probably wouldn't bother to give. Just know that whatever happens, Mende loves you.


And like dblhelix said, you are a huge inspiration to us here. Chat us up anytime you need support... ;)

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Though the situation is very difficult, know that Mende has been given a chance to know love, through You. There is nothing in this World more valuable than that.


One thing that may give you some peace of mind, is that Mende does not know, her life and condition is abnormal and from your description of how she scrambles about and interacts with you and her environment, she is happy!!


So, keep up the great work, know that you have done more than 99% of any animal or bird owner would have done and try and see the Joy you are bringing mende by being the Love of her life, Mother, Friend and care giver.


I salute you for your valiance and compassion in all that you do and I know you will continue to do!!!

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Guest briansmum

zooky you are doing an amazing job, mende is such a lucky bird to have you. so many would just have cast her aside by now. both you and mende are in my thoughts and i know that dispite her condition, because of you mende is as happy as any grey could be. you are an angel.

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Zooky it takes a special person to take on a special bird & you are that special person to mende.

You have given her a chance where others would have thrown her aside.

You should be extremely proud of yourself, we all are of you,this world could do with more people like you.

My prayers & thoughts are with you both for a bright future.

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Zooky, You know how I feel, I shared that with you last night. I meant every word of it. You are a special angel and were meant to rescue Mende and give her the best life possible. I know with all my heart you are doing that. Bless you, and may this situation turn around for you.


Remember, don't feel sorry for her, she knows no other way, this is normal for her, and it's because of you that she has been able to experience life. You are a very special person, one which we should all learn from.

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If only all people felt like you sweetie, this would be a world of REAL LOVE. My heart cries out to you and your little buddy. I would spoil Mende rotton with love(As you do) and anything she likes to eat. I'd have a big bowl of icecream with all the goo on top between you. Oh God this is so sad for us, but I cant think how hard it is for you. I hope she is not in too much pain. You are so wonderful and strong sweetie. I PRAY for you both.

God be with you and Mende!!!!


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I haven't seen Zooky on the site since Wednesday night, August 29th, I hope she is ok and Mende is doing as well as can be expected. I think of her all the time and hope something can be done for Mende but I am afraid the answer is nothing.


I really feel for this woman, for I know what it is like to be depressed, I do battle with that all the time. Please don't let this thread go buried before Zooky gets the chance to see how much we love and care for her and Mende. I pray that she will come on again soon and give us some good news or any news would suffice for now.


Zooky you are in our thoughts and prayers, you need us and we need you.

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Judy i couldn't agree more with you.


I too have thought about Zooky & mende since you started this thread.

Depression is often a taboo subject that people dont want to talk about & i think if we are honest many of us have had dark days in our lives, unfortunately some more than others.

Hopefully we can give Zooky the strength to pull through this hard time she is having.


Zooky you & mende are in my prayers & i hope we hear from you soon.

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hello everyone...........thank you all so very very much for caring and for all your prayers. I still have not made a decision about having more tests done on Mendes liver........sometimes the unknown...can be some comfort. I have to tell you all tho..............u are right...mende does not know...and continues to make us laugh hard everyday. Mende stole a huge shrimp off a dinner plate the other night.....and ran over to the corner to eat it all up!!!

Again thank you all........I am so happy i joined this group.......you are all special......hugz zooky

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Hi Zooky, I'm glad you came back with an update on yourself and Mende. I think whatever decision you make will be the right one for the two of you. You have my support regardless. Please keep us informed. We all care so much about our "special" Mende! :)

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Yes we do, Penny, and you are so special to us Zooky, for taking in this grey that otherwise would have had his life snuffed out. We will stand by whatever decision you make and I know it will be a difficult one. Keep us informed and we will say a little prayer for you and Mende.:)

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Zooky: I hope Mende is fine. We all know that it is sad, but we know how much it hurts to be in a situation like yours. But you did a great thing taking the bird in. Just give the bird plenty of attention and a happy life... I am sad just reading about this, I cannot even imagine what you are going through.



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Something about a special needs bird always tugs at my heart.

I am however shocked that the breeder did not do all this before she placed the bird.

Please try to keep you spirits up you know as well as we all do how these amazing birds can pick up on how we fell.

My prayers are with you.


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Each one of us should "pay it forward" in honour of Zooky and Mendes. Zooky is doing something wonderful and kind. If each one of us did one kind or thoughtful thing to one other person, and then those people did for another person, many people have "paid it forward" in honour of Zooky and Mendes. Tomorrow at the coffee drive through, I am going to pay for the order behind me, and tell them to tell that person to 'pay it forward". These beautiful creatures bless our lives, for however long they are with us.

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