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Yoshi Has Found a New Home!


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So it looks like it's final, Robin (rbpittman) will be comming down to take Yoshi to her loving forever home soon. I'm SO so happy someone I trust from the GreyForums will have Yoshi, and that I can still get updates and stuff on her. I know Robin is very excited and I really like her views on birds and it's obvious she is a good parront and will take good care of Yoshi.


It's almost too good to be true :x I was worried that the new owner wouldn't want her out of the cage as much, would want her wings clipped, that she wouldn't get all the yummy foods she loves. Looks like I don't need to worry as all of Robin's birds are flighted, have lots of out-of-cage time, and get lots of good food.


I'm really excited for Yoshi. This is what I wanted for her. I will definatly miss her. I've got a week and a half to get everything together for her and to fill Robin with a ton of information about her likes and dislikes.


It is going to be a bit of a drive for Yoshi but she has always been totally good in the car, used to riding since she was little, so I'm not worried about that.


I really do feel good about this and comforted in the fact that I know Robin loves her 'babies' :)

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Wooow! Well this is brilliant news!!! Congrats! Thank you Robin!!! :-D

I know you'll miss Yoshi a lot...and I was kinda rooting that things may change at your end, and you get to keep him, but you really found a perfect home for him. You'll now how he is doing so you won't have anything to worry about:-) Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!:-D

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This is great news Jess and Robin will take very good care of Yoshi, that is evident of the ones she has now, so glad that someone from greyforums was willing and able to take her into their home and give her the love and attention she is used to. I know you will be heartbroken to have to give her up but it does ease things when you know she will be in good hands.

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This is wonderful news for Yoshi and I'm glad that your mind will be at peace with this change for Yoshi. It's nice to know that we will still have your sweet grey in our Grey family!!!! My best wishes for your overseas tour. I have great admiration for our service families. Godspeed for your safe return, Jess.

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Ok everyone stop gushing about how wonderful Yoshi is going to have it, I'm in tears reading this.


I'm so excited about Yoshi coming to be with us, I've just made hotel reservations in Cocoa Beach so I can go pick her up. My husband is delighted that she will be joining us. His comments are "when you go to work full time I'll get to stay home with the fids!" Of course I won't be working away from the house so he needs to rethink that comment, I've rather enjoyed being able to go to work in my bathrobe and slippers. The commute isn't to bad either.


Paul has already figured out how we are going to rearrange his chair in my office to accommodate Yoshi's cage, he's spent the last hour looking at the pics that Jess sent. He's decided to mount my tv on the wall and remove the bookshelf - that will free up a whole wall! We'll see how that goes - I'm still waiting for the tv to be mounted on the wall in my bedroom. He's got the best intentions.


LP and Sarah are very excited about Yoshi coming - I was able to tell them this morning. Sarah has watched all of the video's at least three times and is just sad that we don't have a bannister for Yoshi to dance on.


LP changed his shirt this morning to put on his "Yoshi" shirt. You would think that a higher being has been planning this from the beginning, why else would the boy have such a shirt?


Needless to say, we've all prayed about this decision very hard and believe that we are making the right decision with welcoming Yoshi into our flock. I've already started talking to Dixie and Beau and Morgan and Blue and Bean about Yoshi, so the name will be familiar. They have a week and a half to get familiar with that and then we will introduce her to everyone. Now everyone pray that this trip and move are smooth and uneventful and thank you for having such confidence in me.



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What a perfect ending to the search for a loving owner.


Robin, you and hubby have huge hearts and I have no doubt Yoshi will be happy in your home with your flock.


Please keep us update as the rehoming progresses and the flock become "One". :)

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It's really cool that even Paul is excited and doing all that to accommodate Yoshi :) LOL about the bannister. Yeah Yoshi is a goofball. I'm sure she will find something to dance on :P Bet she would love that rope door thing you have after she got over being scared of it lol. I also have a Yoshi shirt :P


I believe its the right decision too, I couldn't be happier about this, having someone from the Grey Forums take Yoshi that I know has some of the same values and love for birds is great, and I look forward to updates on how she is doing with you guys :)


Yoshi actually learnt a new word as of yesterday :x She says 'No' in my husband's voice, drawn out, like 'Nnnnnnno!' which is what my husband says to her when she is getting into trouble slowly inching toward something she isn't supposed to. She used to go for the blinds in our old house all the time and Mike would say 'Nnnnnno!' and she would turn around and go back to her cage until he wasn't looking again :P

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I'm so happy you found a new home for Yoshi with someone from grey forums. It is the best that you could have hoped for & now you can get updates on Yoshi. You will feel a lot more at ease knowing that Yoshi is in a good home with someone you know will take care of her. :)

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It's Tuesday and I can't wait to make the trip south to pick up Yoshi. We've already rearranged my office to accommodate Yoshi's cage. No the TV didn't get mounted on the wall, but that was a delusional promise to begin with...lol. He's not perfect in every way, just perfect for me! Blue is currently using my travel cage as a hospital so this purchase has been put into use quite a bit this week. We'll be moving Blue out of ICU (his hospital/travel cage) on Friday morning into the smaller parakeet cage I have that is currently empty for a brief stay over night if he's still limping as much Friday morning as he is today. Otherwise, I'm thinking he'll be fine in his normal cage with all perches moved to the bottom of the cage and toys lowered to "reach" level from the cage floor.


Jessica called last night and we will be having dinner on Friday night in Florida - I'm looking forward to this, there is so much I want to learn from them about Yoshi. The more information I have, the better the transition for Yoshi. I'm planning on taking my camera so I can get pictures of the cage set up and everything before it's taken apart so I can reconstruct things the same way. Consistency for Yoshi is also important. I'm sure there will be a lot of trauma with the long car ride and then coming into a new flock.


We've set up a cage in the spare room and a stand for Yoshi to spend the first few days in until we can get to the vet for a check-up. I'm sure Yoshi is in excellent health, but any time we have brought a new bird in there is always a quarantine time until after the vet check to make sure no one gets sick. That means we don't want Yoshi catching anything from our flock or bringing anything in. Timing is absolutely perfect as everyone just went to the vet for their annual check-ups in October (except Blue, he saw the vet this week!) Jessica will be giving me all of Yoshi's vet records to give to Dr. Jose so everything is in good order and I already have an appointment for the next week.


I'm sure all of the readers of this forum are well versed on bringing in a new bird to the rest of the flock, but it was through this forum that I learned the right way to do exactly that. I have been extraordinarily lucky with every bird that we've brought in. Only one was unhealthy, but he was sick and injured, not unhealthy in a way that could affect the rest of the flock, and all were health checked by my vet before coming into the same room. I've been truly blessed in the babies who have joined our flock, for they all bring their own distinct personalities and joys, and they truly are my babies. My husband says I will never suffer from "empty nest syndrome."



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My husband says I will never suffer from "empty nest syndrome."


No you won't thats for sure. I see you are going to have a busy weekend with going down to get Yoshi and all her things but I think it will all go fine and she will make a smooth transition into your home, she will certainly have plenty of company, I know you will keep us informed and share pictures when you get the chance.

Have a safe trip down and an uneventul one back home Robin.

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Sounds like you are all set and ready! I've still got to give Yoshi's cage a good clean and make sure all her stuff is together. I sure will miss her. Mike is very excited about Friday of course. I'm excited but also a little sad. I'll miss her a lot. It does make me happy to hear of all the preparations Robin is making though. It'll be nice eating dinner together Friday night. Probably going to pick Pizza Gallery for dinner. It's a nice local restaurante here, very friendly service and lots of crazy pizzas, as well as an amazing Antipasto Salad. I hope Yoshi is relaxed, she always seems to sense when something is up and gets a bit wary. I know she will be okay in the car and everything though.


Yoshi needs to be vet checked, hasn't been in a year. Luckily she has never had any issues that required going to the vet during the past year, and seems to be in good health. She only has two clipped feathers left, her flight feathers are so lovely :) She has plenty of food for the transition until she gets used to whatever Robin feeds her. She loves food and has always been pretty good about switching. She was raised on Zupreme and seed, and I switched her to Roudybush and seed last year. Then she eats pretty much whatever we eat.


I bet Yoshi is going to love mingling with the flock :) Hopefully she doesn't feel intimidated by all those other birds! She has been around another grey in a pet shop and seemed quite interested in being friends and she has been in her cage around other birds and squawks and chatters away to them. I'm guessing she will be nervous at first and keep to herself a bit but you never know, after the quarantine and hearing the other birds she might be excited to join the fun!

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I'm so excited as though I'm going to get myself a new beautiful birdie, and travel... and get to meet all of you! :-D My thoughts are with you both Robin and Jessica. So very excited about pictures, maybe a video clip? :-D

Have a safe trip down Robin!

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Sitting here in Cocoa Beach with little Yoshi happily sleeping in the travel cage. This is the first time I've taken a bird into a hotel with me, so we're both having a new experience. Once we got into the room she ate a little, drank a little water and ate a little more. When she realized Mom and I were sitting there watching her eat she decided she would stop. I opened the cage door to see if she would step up as easily to me as she did at Jessica's house and sure enough she did. We sat there watching Mom flip channels for about twenty minutes, Yoshi on my shoulder and attempting to get my glasses. Of course I prevailed in "no you can't have my glasses" and she decided she would settle for some head scratches. I let Yoshi sit on top of the travel cage and she started making a few beeps and chirps for us, and eventually regaled us with ten-twelve rounds of "Peek-a-Boo."


Tomorrow we're going back to Jessica's to gather up the remainder of Yoshi's belongings and head back to South Carolina.


I had a wonderful evening with Jessica and Mike. They both care very much that Yoshi is taken care of and given the best home possible. I know it is breaking Jessica's heart to see Yoshi go, but I'm so thrilled to be the one to get her.



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It sounds like you had a nice evening visiting and getting to know Yoshi. :)


It sounds like she is a well socialized grey and not timid at all about interacting with others. That's a huge plus!


I look forward to hearing how the trip home went and how Yoshi takes being separated from her much loved family.

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Thats peaks volumes of how well Yoshi was socialized that she interacted with you like that, she is one lucky fid to go from one loving home to another and even though Jessica's heart is breaking right now she is comforted by the fact that she will be well taken care of and she will continue to be able to check on her progress by reading the posts that Robin makes on her life in her new home.

I hope Robin and Yoshi have a safe and uneventful trip home and maybe she will share some pictures soon.

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We have made the trip home. It was difficult leaving Jessica in Florida with Yoshi coming to South Carolina. We have Yoshi temporarily housed in our spare room - she's settled in for the night and will only have to stay there until after we see the vet on Thursday and come home with a clean bill of health. Having that all done, Yoshi's cage is now assembled and up in my office. We did a clean up on it with vinegar and water as the disenfectant (not that it would need it). Morgan and Beau were both instrumental in putting the cage together. Morgan checked out the play top to make sure it was assembled properly and Beau inspected the interior. The hard part is now waiting until Thursday for an introduction.


Yoshi is eating well and traveled wonderfully from Florida in the travel cage. We stopped a couple of times to let her out in the truck so she wouldn't feel like a prisoner the whole time. She enjoyed a french fry when we stopped for lunch. The trip home was uneventful, which was a blessing. Tomorrow we will let her spend a lot of time out of her cage in the spare room on her cage and a new boing that my husband hung up. She also has her playstand to play in as well in there. We'll post more as we have more info to share. I'm hoping that the rest of flock is excited to see her and accept her well. I'm sure they will, I have faith in them.



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I am so glad to hear Yoshi made it to your home safe and sound and I think she will blend in fine with your other fids as you seem to have done well so far with the ones you have, I can't wait to hear how she is doing today and would love to be a fly on the wall when she gets to meet the rest of the gang, keep us informed Robin and pictures too if you please.

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