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CAG's are like lays potato chips........

Mama CJ

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You can't have just one!!!

Meet Rocky (formerly Rafiki). We welcomed him to our home yesterday. He's a 4 year old male that needed a new home. His family was moving to a smaller home and didn't have room for him. It took about 6 hours to clean his cage. He hasn't came out of his shell quite yet, but I'm sure it won't be too long. I took a couple of pics before and after I cleaned his cage. He had just about enough of me cleaning it so that's why he's got the "fluffy" look. Between going to a new home and a 2-day cage cleaning, he was just a bit on the pissy side. That's okay, at least he's clean and comfy so happy shouldn't be too far away.......anyway, here's Rocky!






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Thanks judygram. He seems pretty laid back, not a plucker. I haven't heard him scream, he has nipped a few times but I was pretty busy in that cage. He was raised with a pet monkey so he has some interesting sounds! He has talked a bit, just still a little reserved. I think just a little bit of time to get used to his new home, family and schedule and he'll be fine.

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I didn't think to take pics until I had started cleaning the cage, it was worse than that. I used a rag, scrub brush, old tooth brush to get in between the bars better, scouring pad and a magic eraser. And lots of vinegar! My son told me it smelled like Easter eggs in the house, but believe me it was much worse and didn't remind me of Easter with my head and arms in that cage!

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that cage! GROSS and YUCK don't cover it! Thank goodness you spent that time on that cage! :) I bet he'll be happier now! I wonder what noises and stuff he makes...being raised with a pet monkey...i bet that will be interesting! I wonder if he'll let you record him... (i try to be sneaky with jasper, but he knows i'm being sneaky and gets all interested in what i'm 'not' doing)


Congrats on your new baby!

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He's been pretty quiet so far with a few random words and sounds. I'm not sure about what kind of monkey it was, I heard it but didn't see it and I don't know a thing about them. His voice seems louder than Millies. Last night I let them get a look at each other through the cages and Millie said "Hello bird", my son got a huge kick out of it and said "Mom, that was epic"! haha

Anyway, he's said "here kitty kitty, calls for his other family by name, answers when the phone rings, a few cuss words and some things we just need to hear a few times to figure it out. Lots of sounds like a laser beam, phones and what could be video games and the monkey sounds. He perked up this morning, was kind of quiet through the day and active again this evening. And for some reason, Millie has been more of a clown than usual. She's playing with us more and will rub her head on our hand but she still won't let us pet her. Baby steps. She seems more confident but it could be because she's been getting out of her cage for a few hours every day now.

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