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Going back to work


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Hello everyone

I was about 4yrs stay home mom, now I am going back to work. I have cango grey M2 and the Sun at home, they play at the play areas next to their cages which I set up for them at living room areas, my M2 and my sun will go in their cage to go to sleep during the night, but my grey would not go in to his cage at all, I have tried few times he gets very scare and temperament,He is now 4yrs of age I had adopt him just about 2 1/2 yrs ago from the rescue, the lady at rescue never had caged him, she had said when they took him in such early age he didn't come with cage. I uaually go out about 2 to 3 hrs every day but leaving them for 8 plus hrs and not caging my grey it scares me very much. does anyone have suggestions

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noooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! He is in the cage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry to startle you, HAHA!! :)


As soon as we get home we open the cage and he goes where he wants till 10-11pm when we hit the sack, then I fight him to get him back in for the night...

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Does your CAG gets food in his cage? Maybe it would be useful to give both parrots their food exclusively in cage for a while so your CAG would go in to eat. Once in, close the cage for 10 minutes the first time and gradually increase the amount of time he is in. Offer treats while he goes and stays in. If I understood you correctly-he never went to his cage? When are you starting to work again?

They should be in the cage while you are at work if they stay alone, or if they would be alone most of the time..

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I have a bird room. Only for my parrot companions. I have no loose electrical cords or accessible plug ins available to them. There are lots of hanging wooden toys and foraging devices around the room. Boings and perches hanging for the ceiling. So far, knock on wood, none of my parrots are woodwork chewers and so far have been happy to destroy only wooden toys. I feel comfortable leaving my fids loose all day long in their room as I am retired. If your grey is always out and you have a place that is "bird accident proof" then I see nothing wrong with him being out, as the whole room is actually his cage as my bird room is for my parrots.

Edited by luvparrots
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Thanks all for the suggestionsI guess I would have to just lock him up,if that is only way that I can keep hime safe,and my living room is like bird room they have all toys climing net boings pvc play stand tree to perch(safe wood) suround their cages for three birds,my grey never wonder down from his area unless some type of sound spook him then he flaps down or when he sees me, my grey seeds in the cage with nuts and water, but pallets on top of the cage he goes down to drink water very nerviously take quick drink come right back up he wouldn't go for his seeds but he will eat his pallets, veggies that I hang for them.

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