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Mama CJ

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I wanted to know what kind of beans are good for parrots and how do you prepare them.

Also, what kind of beans should I NOT feed my girl.

Are all nuts okay for them or are some I should avoid also?

I found the fruit/ veggie list but not much on beans.

Thanks so much, Carla

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Most all of the beans are fine to feed our greys, they must be cooked of course, my Josey loves beans and they are a good part of their diet with veggies. I feed pecans, walnuts, peanuts, cashews and occasionally other nuts in moderation, all are the unsalted variety and the peanuts I give are human grade without the shell for the shell is what could harbor the mold that is toxic.

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I get a bag of mixed beans and boil them up and toss them together with bags of frozen mixed vegetables and add in a box of cooked orzo then bag the mix up and freeze them. I warm some up about every third day for my fids, they love "hem! My birds love pecans, pistachios and pine nuts all unsalted, spendy but delicious!!!! I also chop up fresh veggies that are in season and feed these little varmints some every couple of days.

Edited by luvparrots
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My babies enjoy cooked beans mixed with long grain wild rice and fresh chopped in season veggies. Dixie does have a preference in her beans, she doesn't care for lima beans, but loves pinto. Beau eats all of equally. I buy the 7 bean mix and cook them in the crock pot once a week. My family loves beans of all types so we have a meal of "beans, cornbread and greens" and the birds get the leftovers (so to speak).



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Thanks everyone, that helps. One concern I had was the lima beans. I thought I had read somewhere that lima beans were not good for parrots. I have a 15 bean mix that contains the following:




Large and baby Lima beans



Green and yellow Split Pea


Cranberry bean

Small white

Pink bean

small red



white kidney

black bean


I want to make sure these are all safe. Thanks again....

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Great question!

I just read this and my vet confirmed: some peanuts harbor deadly molds that are toxic to birds. (aflatoxins). I think the shell is the problem. And if I'm not mistaken, Alex (the most famous CAG) died from that.

The post mortem results I read pointed to an enlarged heart as his cause of death.

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Black beans and raw Limas are not the healthiest but are safe when cooked . Garbonzo, dried Peas and Lentils, Red beans, Mung beans are among the more nutritious choices. I cook some grains with them like Quinoa, Spelt, Barley and chop some dark greens and sweet potato to toss in at the end of cooking then cover and let steam a few minutes before cooling enough to serve. You can freeze and serve later as well.

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