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Hello from South Carolina


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Hi everyone.

I am really just looking for a site that I can feel welcomed and talk about what I thoroughly love and that's my CAG (and other babies,too) --whew..got that out the way-- a little 'bout me

I am currently disabled. I am owned by Greyson. my 4 mos old male (DNA'd) CAG- he is pretty special- he was "born" on 9/11/10 He is my very 1st African Grey however I am not "new" to the bird world. 2 mos before I got Greyson, I had a 28 yr.old miligold macaw named robyn-he was prone to siezures badly but I rescued him, changed his diet and was able to enjoy 10 yrs with the most fab friend in the world. I was so devastated by his passing that my sweet hubby couldn't bear my sadness any longer and he found Greyson, he was 3 wks old when hubby purchased him for my b'day - He was being hand fed by the breeder, I lived 35 miles one way to the breeder so I was only able to get to see him once a week due to a long history of back surgeries and a horrific car accident that took place 2yrs ago this coming spring- long story short. broke 11 ribs, shattered an ankle,ruptured a lung and heart stopped twice.) this happened 7 days after my 6th back surgery (I was on my way for my post op appt)I beat the odds from what the doc's sd after many surgeries and tons of PT I am walking -yea me!!:D-- I just had my 7th back surgery for doc's to implant a new nerve stimulator in my spine----anywho, it was getting really tough for me to get to the breeders and I REALLY wanted to bond with Greyson with the hand feeding and the breeder felt confident in my abilities to raise this little guy so she allowed me to bring him home when he was only 6 wks old and the rest of the story is a learning experience that I have enjoyed to the fullest. He has brought so much joy to my heart and has taken away alot of pain and sadness from missing Robyn.. I did all kinds of research on African Greys b4 I brought Greyson home and to my hysterical amazement- HE is opposite of everything I have learned! so that's my story and I'm stickin to it! :P:D;)

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Wow. That is one hell of a story!!! Welcome!:-D Con grads on your baby! Glad he makes you happy! Sorry about Robin :-(


And about health issues...well I'm really glad you're enjoying yourself with your birdie and your other rescued pets (including hubby- Lol) ;-). It is hard to go through so much. I had surgeries, and a car accident, and surgeries again, but nothing like you. Mostly I'm grateful about still being alive (after a car accident) but from time to time I moan how my life is so hectic and hard but it takes guts and powerful will to get through what you have been through:-D Respect.

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Hello Sherrie and welcome to our family, that is quite a story and thanks for sharing it with us, it helps us get to know you better.

You have certainly had a lot to deal with and I bet Greyson is a delight to have around and great company even if he has turned out to be the opposite of what you expected, thats typical for they have their own personalities and will become more apparent as he gets to maturity. Sometimes we wonder who owns who for they seem to have the upper hand most of the time but we wouldn't have it any other way.

Now all we need is some pictures of Greyson so we can admire him.

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Thank you for the warm welcome morana and Judygram...I wish I had known of this forum when I had lost Robyn. It was one of the most devastating times to go through alone. My hubby is of great support and he loves animals but he doesn't quite understand the undying love and admiration I have for them. It is as if they are my children which really they are cause they depend on my for everything and they are truly self-sacrificing creatures when it comes to us silly humans. we humans can learn alot from the animals....

I tried to download pics of Greyson when I registered but I kept getting error msgs and it was really late...or early...depends how ya look at it ...So I will try again later today and see if I can get some up!


Please do not have pity or sympathy for my Journey in life..Like you Morana. I am just totally GREATFUL to be alive and if I have to indur some pain while here, well that's ok too.. I know Im here for a reason..just havent figured that part out yet...:-) I am sure that there are far more ppl that are in worst shape than I so I really just try to live day by day and not sweat the small stuff ya know... one thing about me is that I DO try to find at least one good thing in everything that is bad... Yes I lost my "best buddy" in Robyn but I had 10 glorious years with him and from his loss I gained Mr. Greyson.. so see?????? He was truly a character and always knew when to make me laugh-- Greyson is now learning what he has limits now and he's not liking them very much so I honestly feel like I have my 2 yr old grandaughter here all the time!!! :-)

He said his 1st word at 9 1/2 wks old which was "hello" I actually have it on tape (cause I knew no one would believe me ..lol) **** He can say .......you know when they do something bad and you say what sounds like ?? not sure how to spell it but I think something like this "aht" "aht" "aht"... He can do 2 types of whistle (one for calling the dogs and the other one is the "pretty" whistle and at Christmas I would whistle "Jingle Bells" he hasn't gotten that quiet down but he tries oh so very hard-and just this week he learned how to give "Razzberries" and at the appropriate time He is a determined little devil is what he is...and he blows kisses!!!! -- Well got to get ready to go to the doc's when I get back I will try to get some pics poste== again thank you for the very kind welcome--

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You have been adopted by Greyson and he will find a way to train you to suit his little Grey needs in no time. clever birds and very entertaining. Do not be surprised if as he matures he becomes less in need of close contact so don't think that anything is wrong if this occurs. they are often a more independent sort. Welcome aboard and good to "meet you both" we love photos.( hint hint)

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You have a wonderful outlook on life and its true that we can always find someone who has it worse than we do, to be able to find something good in all the bad is an exceptional trait something we all could use. Oh you do have a two year old there all the time in Greyson for the rest of his life.

About the pictures, you might try hosting them on www.photobucket.com as that is the site the most of us use.

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Very nice to meet you Sherrie and Greyson. I'm looking forward to seeing some pictures of your little sweetheart and hearing more about him. Great intro by the way, its always nice to hear the skinny on everyone. We have a Pet Memorial Room if you would like to post some pictures and some stories about Robyn. She sounds like she was a wonderful friend and very loved. Welcome to the Grey family, Sherrie!!!!!!

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Please do not have pity or sympathy for my Journey in life..Like you Morana. I am just totally GREATFUL to be alive and if I have to indur some pain while here, well that's ok too.. I know Im here for a reason..just havent figured that part out yet...:-) I am sure that there are far more ppl that are in worst shape than I so I really just try to live day by day and not sweat the small stuff ya know... one thing about me is that I DO try to find at least one good thing in everything that is bad...


I'm truly very sorry if you got an impression that I pity you or sympathy you in any way because of what you went through, because I can tell you, those certainly weren't my thoughts and intention. I'm trying my best to say what I mean the way everyone will perceive my words as I mean them in my head/language but since English is not my native language I am still very much in process of learning. I do apologize again.


I'll give it another try (which is maybe a bad idea.. given the last outcome...)

I admire and respect strength and persistence because I aspire to those qualities. You can't deny that it has been hard and you obviously want us to know a bit about your history. So I am just trying to say, because of your circumstances (health wise and because of Robin), it is even a bigger achievement in my eyes. One which I hope to accomplish. I recognize health problems in me and obstacles with which they come with, and I think I can do better but maybe still not doing my best so you have just my admiration. I really hope that I haven't said something wrong this time. Have I?



PS: And now I see that I mixed sentences.. I started about your heath and then mentioned enjoying yourself with pets..:-S I can see how that may look like. I would written that sentence (about enjoying) to anyone but in this case the context changed its original meaning so it came out wrong .


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I'm truly very sorry if you got an impression that I pity you or sympathy you in any way because of what you went through, because I can tell you, those certainly weren't my thoughts and intention. I'm trying my best to say what I mean the way everyone will perceive my words as I mean them in my head/language but since English is not my native language I am still very much in process of learning. I do apologize again.


I'll give it another try (which is maybe a bad idea.. given the last outcome...)

I admire and respect strength and persistence because I aspire to those qualities. You can't deny that it has been hard and you obviously want us to know a bit about your history. So I am just trying to say, because of your circumstances (health wise and because of Robin), it is even a bigger achievement in my eyes. One which I hope to accomplish. I recognize health problems in me and obstacles with which they come with, and I think I can do better but maybe still not doing my best so you have just my admiration. I really hope that I haven't said something wrong this time. Have I?



PS: And now I see that I mixed sentences.. I started about your heath and then mentioned enjoying yourself with pets..:-S I can see how that may look like. I would written that sentence (about enjoying) to anyone but in this case the context changed its original meaning so it came out wrong .



Morana...PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE...NO OFFENSE WAS TAKEN IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM ... There is absolutely no appology needed.... I didn't feel in any way that pity nor sympathy was given just merely letting you know a little bout me and how I came to be here on this forum.. I look forward to getting to know you *************One other thing to remember 'bout me is that I love to laugh and cut up and I try not to let "LIFE" get me down,it's no fun being so serious about everything all the time ********** I truly appreciate your admiration--- THANK YOU ALL FOR ALL THE WARM WELCOMES--

I do have a photobucket account-- I will have to play around on the forum to see if I can get some pics on here-- any help or suggestions would greatly be honored!! :-)

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One other thing to remember 'bout me is that I love to laugh and cut up and I try not to let "LIFE" get me down,it's no fun being so serious about everything all the time


I do have a photobucket account-- I will have to play around on the forum to see if I can get some pics on here-- any help or suggestions would greatly be honored!! :-)

you are confusing me a bit but I am more than ok with starting over :-) I love to laugh too, so I'm gonna do just that ;-)


About photobucket. How big are the pictures you tried to post? Do you know how to re size pictures? Maybe that was the problem.. If yes, we'll deal with it then :-)

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Welcome Sherry and fellow South Carolinian! What a wonderful story - I understand completely how "life" has gotten in your way and you've been able to overcome the hurdles it has thrown at you, bully for you! I've always been told what doesn't kill you makes you stronger and it appears you have one hell of a spirit!


My condolences on the loss of Robyn, but so glad to hear that you have opened your heart to let in another, Greyson. Look forward to some pictures of both your precious birds, sharing Robyn's life with us and the new life of Greyson!



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A warm welcome to both you & Greyson! One thing which has always impressed me is how our beloved Greys take depths of love to a whole new dimension, teaching us in the process. I'd like to believe Robyn spent her time with you filling your heart with enough love to still give even after she went to the Rainbow Bridge.

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Here are some pics of Mr.Greyson. One pic is him still in his little "crib"at 5 wks the other is Greyson taking his much loved bath. he is 4mos old .

Im still having trouble getting photos on here from photobucket. I get errors everytime saying incorrect file or something- will try to work on it later but for now I hope this works-



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ok for some reason I am not able to get pics on here or in my uploader for this forum. I keep getting error msgs. I have tried to resize them in photobucket and have reduced them as low as I can go to be viewable but still getting errors.I will need to check and see if there is some problem on my end..maybe my settings are off or something..in the meantime.... Greyson has his very own facebook page...I started his page when I got him so you will be able to see him from 4wks of age to present thought it would be a great idea to record his journey......so if you have a facebook account and would like to see his pics-- I have made his page public so you do not have to request as a friend to see him. just do a search for Greyson Ard- his profile pic is of course (him) an African Grey!!!!! enjoy--- Im usally pretty savy on the computer and not understanding why Im not getting the hang of it but I will figure it out... Have a great day my fellow Greysters!!!!!

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Welcome Sherry and fellow South Carolinian! What a wonderful story - I understand completely how "life" has gotten in your way and you've been able to overcome the hurdles it has thrown at you, bully for you! I've always been told what doesn't kill you makes you stronger and it appears you have one hell of a spirit!


My condolences on the loss of Robyn, but so glad to hear that you have opened your heart to let in another, Greyson. Look forward to some pictures of both your precious birds, sharing Robyn's life with us and the new life of Greyson!



Thank you Robin! Love all your pics -- you just have some awesome babies and I bet ya got your hands full with them all! so youre a fellow SC 'inan.... what part?

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Thank you Morana, Yes Robyn was a magnificant creature for sure and is deeply missed every day.Greyson is bringing more and more joy with each and every day. He still has his little teddy bear, He makes sure that it never gets soiled, how it does that is beyond me cause I get soiled all the time!!! lol..I love looking at everyone's pictures too. I cant get enough of them---!!!

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Sherrie, I'm in Charleston, well actually Summerville right outside of Charleston.


Well isn't it a small world? we're only 2hrs away from there! Im just South of Columbia right off I-26------Yep I know exactly where Summerville is and been there a couple of times, beautiful countryside out there--My hubby's family live in Beaufort and Walterboro so were practically neighbors then! :-) very glad to meet you and your flock!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Sherrie and Pittman,

Im in Aiken, pretty close to yall both! I have family in Summerville and Char. It is a small world huh!


Well aint that somethin!!! Nice to meet you Neighbor!!

My daughter lives in Aiken county and Im just a stone's throw from there!! We should get together and introduce our babies and have play dates!!!! lolol Looking forward to getting to know you and your flock!

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That is right Judy!

I would def be able to "birdsit" when needed. I always sd if I won the lottery, I would start a Pet vacation resort or pet daycare kinda thing.. I think there is one here in my town but it's really small and not very friendly at all... Im talking about making something that no one else has and made especially for the pets! I would so love to do that!!!

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