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Hissy Fits.....


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So my Son and Family came down this weekend. Dayo and Jake know and love them all, all the way down to the 1 year old toddler. Both birds interact well with the adults, children are off limits. My Son and Daughter in Law like Jake the conure on their shoulder, but not Dayo, his large size and beak just scares them too much.


All went well until Saturday afternoon. Dayo was doing fly by's and spotted an ink pen my DIL had just placed on the table where she was working on one of our laptops, Dayo circles around the room, lands on the pen and grabs with is beak and flies off before she can she can yell unspeakable curse word. So she calls, I and Kim go running to see what the hell is going on and Dayo up on HIS hanging wine rack with pen in beak chomping, but not yet broken.


So I and my wife play football offense as he ducks, weaves and scrambles about. Finally my wife got a hold of the pen and the only way to get it from Dayo was to pull hard enough that he released his talons and took off in flight to avoid being pulled through the air along with the pen.


Kim takes the pen back and gives it to our DIL, walks out, Dayo flies in like an eagle on a death dive, lands on my DIL's shoulder, pinches her cheek before she knew what happened (no puncture) then he hops down, pulls a key off the keyboard and goes flying off with his wonderful Pterodactyl scream landing on his wine rack again.... I go to get the key, he flies to my head, releases the key, tries to bite me, gets shooed off and then flies to Kim's neck and nips her with a good pinch. I then go and get Dayo off her on my forearm, place my other hand over his back lightly and quickly take him and place him in his cage before he decides to take a digit off my hand holding him lightly down....


He stayed in the cage the rest of the afternoon, pacing back and forth, contact calling and later finally calmed down, asked to open the door and let him out. Well that was four hours later and he was finally past his rage that we had taken his prize pen he claimed as his and all went well the rest of the weekend...


I must say, I had to keep from laughing while all that went on, but had to teach him a lesson in proper manners with guest and us, regardless of how pissed he may be......


Thought I would share a normal day with a grey with "Tude". :P

Edited by danmcq
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Way to go Dayo, they had to gang up on you to win!!!!! 36_7_24.gifWhat a bummer!!!! Great exercise for you Dan. Ana Grey says to Dayo 36_1_75.gifimage.gif


I'm grateful so far Ana Grey only watches and shoulder lands on my two grandsons she seem to have a crush on!!! I love hearing about Dayo he is so funny and a joy to hear about!!!

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Sounds like Dayo was on a mission and yours and Kim's intervention was not welcomed! He is extremely intelligent in he knew he could do further damage by removing the key from the laptop! WTG Dayo, Keep Dan & Kim in their rightful place. It was awfully nice of him to just "pinch" you to let you know of his displeasure!


Ahhh, the joys of a flighted bird!


Thanks for the story Dan, hope there weren't any black & blue marks to go with those pinches.

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I am glad you all found it as an amusing story. Kim and I laughed about it AFTER our Son and family went to bed that night. :P


But, the good news is, there were no bruises other than to some pride about how well behaved Dayo is. :P


These greys are always a surprise just waiting to happen. :)

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Had your family experienced "Dayo being Dayo" before? Wow!


No, this was the first time he had gotten a prized possession while any of our family has been here. I am positive they are NOT thinking about getting a parrot any time soon. :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

As I am reading this I am laughing hysterically because I am such a visual person!!! My hubby is looking at me with such a wierd and puzzled look upon his face----- I pictured all of this going on and it just seems like it's just another day in the life of Greys!!! I had to laugh because they do seem to like when they have achieved victory over us stupid humans and the hissy fit described when he was defeated just goes to show thier level of intelligence-- He was prob feeling a little left out and all the attention was not on him and that was his way- He just didn't count on the whole family ganging up on him-- Poor Dayo!!!!(heee heee heee) Love the stories..keep em coming!

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