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Cage cover?


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The man we bought our grey from said not to cover the cage. I'm hearing different opinions on that now. I tried to cover Klaus last night (for the first time since he's been with us (almost 3 months)), and he did not like it. It was around 9:30 pm, he appeared to be asleep, so I slipped a little blanket over the cage, and he jumped down and started doing his "I want out" routine. After I took the cover off, he went back to sleep.

Do you all cover your cages?

Is it really a matter of the bird's preference?


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I personally cover Josey at night but then I always have from the time I brought her home and she is used to being covered at night. Since Klaus was alarmed when you tried to cover him, it is best not to cover since it frightened him as he is not used to it. It is just a matter of personal preference, some here do and some don't, there is no right or wrong. As long as he sleeps ok without it then that is what you should continue to do.


I like covering Josey's cage with a sheet at night as she is in the family room and goes down for the night before we do and once I cover her I don't hear a peep out of her until I uncover her in the morning.


So you are doing nothing wrong, if Klaus is ok with it then it is ok for you, forgetaboutit.

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I agree with Judy's response. I have also covered Cujos cage since I got him and he won't sleep without it covered. When he wants to go to sleep he will climb up to the top corner of his cage where he sleeps and waits until I cover him up. Then he lets out one little peep when I get him all covered and thats it 'till morning:) I also agree though, that you are doing nothing wrong if thats the way Klaus likes it.

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RdnkParamedic21 wrote:

.......he won't sleep without it covered. When he wants to go to sleep he will climb up to the top corner of his cage where he sleeps and waits until I cover him up. Then he lets out one little peep when I get him all covered and thats it 'till morning:) ........



that's so sweet :)


our lovebirds have a little wooden 'home' attached to their cage and they just 'retreat into there when they find it's time for them to go to sleep...

(that 'home' was put up there for another reason... but unfortunately....it didn't work out :( )

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you're hilarious!!!!!!


but you know what that means? no?

two same-sexed birds....

there just isn't any other explanation why after what I see they do - there still are no eggs :(

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I agree, there is no right or wrong. There are some pros and cons to covering or not. Covering may offer birds that like it better sleep and this may be healthier for them. Not covering has some advantages in that the bird can always see its surroundings and it less likely to get spooked by something happening around it that it may not be able to see. Also, if you cover, the bird gets used to that and demands it. That can make it a little more challenging and stressful if you ever go away in that whomever cares for the bird will have to cover it, or else it will be even more stressed than from just your abence alone.


I used to cover my budgies cage (for 13 years). My grandmother covers our Amazon and has for 37 years! I chose not to cover Kip and this seems to be working fine...If Klaus does not like the cover, I say don't do it! B)<br><br>Post edited by: dblhelix, at: 2007/08/29 09:43

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Laurie wrote:

Do you all cover your cages?

Is it really a matter of the bird's preference?



Hi Laurie and Welcome. :-)


To answer your first question, I cover my Grey. I do so for 2 reasons.


1. He seems to like it.


2. I keep odd hours and am one of those people that can only sleep 5 - 6 hours. That means, many times, I am up at 3am or 4am. I do not want Dayo's sleep interrupted due to me quietly walking around the house, logged on the PC to do some work and also hit this Forum.


Your second question, I think is the key. If your Grey is uncomfortable with his cage covered, then by all means leave it uncovered.


This something you will need to experiment with and then go with the consistent preference of your Grey.


Isn't it wonderful how each have their own personality and preferences, just like us humans? :-)


It's great to have you as a member of this Forum!

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Just a little off topic here, Josh in your signature you put that the EMS are the forgotton, not in my book, you are every bit as needed as the others you mentioned, now we will just have to come up with a word to describe your profession like the others have.


To cover or not to cover, that is the question, and there is no right or wrong, whatever works for your individual bird is right, period.

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I just thought that was kind of interesting that EMS was left out, actually I think it is included under Fire in that statement but I feel it should be seperate... EMS-The Smartest? Its hard to put in just one word..


Laurie, did everyone answer question? I think there is alot of good opinions in here. ;)

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Again, you guys are great! After posting this I stumbled around a bit and found that I could have searched for posts on this exact same subject. Thanks for your patience...

Am I nuts, or is having a grey like having an extra kid? For those of you who have kids, I'm sure you read parenting books & magazines, but in the end, you do what works for you & your child. Having a parrot seems to be going the same way. Though it's only been about 2 months, so I'm very much a rookie...

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Any bird is like having a child..a perpetual toddler if you will.. They will get into anything and everything they can, will test your patients to see just how much they can get away with. Getting your home ready for a bird is just like having a 2 year old coming home with you, its gotta be locked down like fort knox but very safe at the same time.:) Thats just my .02 worth, others may have different opinions. Keep the questions coming!!{Feel-good-000200BB}

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We cover Makena at night... there is a lot of movement in our condo and we don't want to disturb him. Especially since he is a baby and needs a lot of sleep. If he had his own bedroom we probably wouldn't... but until then we will give him his rest!


Toni, you know what works great as a cover is a king sized fitted sheet...and they are easy to wash. Ross or mervyns is a good place to pick up clearance sheets, if you don't have any laying around! Good luck!<br><br>Post edited by: Makena, at: 2007/08/30 11:15

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I think it's just a personal preferrence. I don't cover any of mine as in the wild they don't have a "cover", and also I've noticed if they can't open their eyes and see anything like if they hear a noise or something, my birds will let out random screams in the night, so none of mine get covered

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