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The Grey 'No' Sound


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I am not sure if anyone else has noticed something like this in their grey...but I thought I would share this. For almost all Issac's life...he has had a particular sound that I have come to associate as his way of saying 'no' or just an expression of displeasure with whatever is currently happening. It is a super sweet and gentle whistle that is in the form a decending tone. It's pretty quiet and sounds like a short little bomb drop. "Peeewwwww'. Ignore this, and you might start getting beak activity.


Anyone else speak parrot?

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Issac is still working on his speech, I imagine that soon he will be more effective with the communication. As I always say, "Ah-ah" or "no-no-no boy" when he does something I don't want. Issac has been making that little noise to communicate his 'no' since he was only cheeping. Sometimes he will nudge an item away and fluff up and make the noise. It's too cute.

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I am not sure if anyone else has noticed something like this in their grey...but I thought I would share this. For almost all Issac's life...he has had a particular sound that I have come to associate as his way of saying 'no' or just an expression of displeasure with whatever is currently happening. It is a super sweet and gentle whistle that is in the form a decending tone. It's pretty quiet and sounds like a short little bomb drop. "Peeewwwww'. Ignore this, and you might start getting beak activity.


I think I do recognize the sound described here. Moussa does this also. But it is not soft and sweet when he does it, it is rather loud, and he does it when he wants to shoe one of the other birds away from his cage.


Usually when he wants to say "no" to me, he just pushes my hand away with his beak.

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Yes...the beak nudge is certainly one that should be heeded. It's funny with Issac's sound...I really didn't even know until what the sound meant until one of my friends came over and approached Issac. He looked at them...puffed up and made the noise and my friend said, "Ohh it sounds like he is saying 'nooooooo'". From then on...I could tell he was expressing displeasure with this noise. It's just one of those things that makes you adore them.

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hum, i haven't paid attention...I will start paying attention.


He does 'eat the furniture' and I tell him no. So when he wants attention, he'll make the sound of himself eating the furniture...but that's not a no, that's him getting my attention! What a BOOGER! lol (yes, i just realized this)

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  hammco said:
Timmy sounds like a low-toned duck, more or a duck wimpering or something when he aint happy....very quiet tho, deep and deliberate...thats when i leave well enough alone


Cosmo does this duck sound. Kind of a low "errrrrrr", I usually get it when I go to put him in the cage.

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Kito makes a little grumbly noise like a raspy rahr rahr rahr. If she really doesn't like something she'll squawk. If she squawks I don't push my luck any further. She growls at some strangers (usually men) if she's in her cage and they approach too quickly.

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  bran said:
Dexter does a sound like the "test" mode of a smoke detector "BEEEEEEEPPPPPP". Ear piercing... and difficult to ignore, but hey we love out birds!


BoBo makes that same sound and it kills my head, for him that is I want attention sound. We try to ignore it and really wish we could find a way to discourage it.

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  Elvenking said:
I am not sure if anyone else has noticed something like this in their grey...but I thought I would share this. For almost all Issac's life...he has had a particular sound that I have come to associate as his way of saying 'no' or just an expression of displeasure with whatever is currently happening. It is a super sweet and gentle whistle that is in the form a decending tone. It's pretty quiet and sounds like a short little bomb drop. "Peeewwwww'. Ignore this, and you might start getting beak activity.


Anyone else speak parrot?


You nailed it. That exact sound means "no." Both my greys make that cry when they don't want something. And parrot is a really tough language :)

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Wow...so cool to hear that others have observed this expression of displeasure and have recognized it for that. I am super glad to have figured it out as it can save me from bites. Issac will also growl if something he does not trust approaches him. He puffs up and does his tiger impression. LOL.

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If I would present him with something that scares the bejeesus out of him, he would do his screeching/flapping show, like he does when he's getting a little too into his play. I once tried to give him a brazil nut and he freaked out like that. LOL.


The only other sounds of displeasure I've heard were his clicking. He does that when he's nervous about a new person and he did it yesterday after an unfortunate "flighted bird meets wall...... Wall wins" incident. For a while he also did an "uh oh" whistle... imagine saying uh oh but in whistle form. He would do that a while back when he was still crashing into things a little too often, like after I picked him up he'd be like "Uh oh... uh oh..!!" and he also did it a bunch of times when my father visited and he was curious but nervous about him. Seemed to be "whoa that was scary but im ok, im ok! I think..."

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Merlin will beep or make the sound of a playstand being moved across the floor (years ago I worked with birds, and brought Merlin in with me - he sat on this boring T-stand, which would get moved around depending where I was...hence the sound) if he's unsure of a situation or doesn't want to do something.


I think he just means "move it!"

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I love this thread..thank you all for coming forth with yer stories of no sounds. I just wanted our greys to be heard. Even though they may not speak english somtimes.....they can tell you...and its wonderful to know what they mean. As I type this...Issac just said 'hello' perfectly.

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Hurray for Issac!


I am always amazed at how effectively Moussa is able to communicate with me. Some of it involves sounds, but much of it involves glances in a particular direction, leaning in a particular direction, pulling my hand to him or pushing it away, and other nonverbal signs. And he definitely shows me that he understands a lot of what I say. Sometimes it can feel like we have just had a real conversation, even though there was no sound made. When we have really connected in an exchange of meaning, it feels like a holy thing.


My husband and I think that having the Grey is more like taking an ET into our home than having another bird. It's like we're gradually learning each other's languages.


Moussa: "Take me to your leader. Oh, wait. It's me!" LOL!

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