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2011- The year of the Parrot


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Thought I would start this thread as a kind of online diary for all the members of grey forums to add the accomplishments of their avian companions in 2011.


I was going to call it The year of the grey but I thought to myself that here on grey forums we have grey owners that also have other species of parrot in their flock so I called it Year of the Parrot to make sure everybody & their parrots can be part of it, from Conures to Macaws.


We also have lots of new owners on here with baby greys & thought it would be a good way to keep a log of all the new things they have learnt or accomplished this year. May it be a new word, step up, first flight etc, it doesn't matter what it is as long as you see it as an accomplishment feel free to add it. That also goes to new & old, if you feel you have something to add whether your birdie is 1 or 31 years old feel free to add to this thread & keep it alive, it might even get made a sticky. :D

Edited by reggieroo
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I'll start. :P


Well Murphy is just over 1 years old now & lots of things to look forward to in the coming year with many accomplishments on the horizon. One thing he has accomplished this year is to eat something other than his seed mix. I have battled to get him to eat his greens over the time I have had him which is now around 8 months. He has a little stainless pot that we put his fruit & veg in, 99% of the time it just sits there uneaten & then has to be removed but today he ate some fresh chillies taken from our chili plant, I popped them in his dish & the whole lot has been eaten. :)

Edited by reggieroo
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Issac has just dazzled me in the first month of 2011 with his new sounds. I can count on hearing quite an array of sounds during my shower in the morning and on the lamp at night. His newest and my favorite right now is like a little owl hoot. Or a "Whooooo". I am hoping I can get him to say "Whhhooooo weeee". It's such a soft and deep tone for him. His little neck puffs out when he does it...the whole thing is just sweet. I can't wait to see what else he catches on to.

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Phenix gave me the warm fuzzies because he's been totally into destroying this little bucket o'bits I made him. He's a "little" difficult to persuade to play with toys & he's been ignoring it since last June. Now, suddenly, it's his new favorite thing. Time + Patience = SUCCESS!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Kate called me last week to say that Murphy picked up a new sound while I was out, now this may not seem a big deal but Murphy has never copied anything other than a whistle & attempts at speech. The sound he got from me while feeding my 15 month old daughter Ella-Rose. She is teething & goes off her food every now & then so I try & trick her into eating a spoonful by holding the spoon high, bringing it down towards her mouth while making a descending whistle followed by an explosion upon impact (when the food goes in her mouth) & this is what Murphy picked up. Kate called me in stitches laughing her head off, saying he has been doing it all day for her amusement. I said to Kate "told you they are little comedians"

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Katie is the most perfect and intelligent parrot. I can't help but brag to friends and family about the phrases she learns and the word changes she makes on her own. She started saying words at 6 months and phrases at 9 months. Throughout 2010, I had been trying to teach her to make the motor mouth sound (blowing through softly closed lips). On January 10, 2010 she did it. Katie can make the sound of vibrating lips without lips of her own!

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  • 1 month later...

I love this idea :)


Rorschach is still a bit slow on our words but has picked up quite a bit over the last few months. My house is a rather silly place and (sorry) fart noises are something we mimic ourselves so you know darn well Rorschach does it, A LOT!! haha He has also picked up a cough (we were sick) and David (bf) clearing his throat. He added the word "kiss" before his kiss noises which is beyond cute and also learned to say his name which he repeats about 5 times in different ways haha.


We have also been learning flight re-call which isn't always successful because he just wants to come to my shoulder but if he lands on my hand he will fly back to his perch. We are learning to flip upside down while I hold him, he use to bite when trying this but he is starting to feel comfortable. Another new thing he has learned is not to fear the towel... We had been making it a fun game of peek-a-boo and "WHERE'S BIRDIE?" which cured his fear a bit, I was able to wrap him up several times so progress :D

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I love this idea :)


Rorschach is still a bit slow on our words but has picked up quite a bit over the last few months. My house is a rather silly place and (sorry) fart noises are something we mimic ourselves so you know darn well Rorschach does it, A LOT!! haha He has also picked up a cough (we were sick) and David (bf) clearing his throat. He added the word "kiss" before his kiss noises which is beyond cute and also learned to say his name which he repeats about 5 times in different ways haha.


We have also been learning flight re-call which isn't always successful because he just wants to come to my shoulder but if he lands on my hand he will fly back to his perch. We are learning to flip upside down while I hold him, he use to bite when trying this but he is starting to feel comfortable. Another new thing he has learned is not to fear the towel... We had been making it a fun game of peek-a-boo and "WHERE'S BIRDIE?" which cured his fear a bit, I was able to wrap him up several times so progress :D


How old is Rorschach?


I started flipping Murphy on his back not long after I got him home at 12 weeks & now he is just fine with it, totally relaxed. I can even tickle his feet without him freaking & grabbing on, he seems to enjoy it now.

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He is not yet 2 years will be 2 n the summer from what we are told. He was re-homed twice prior to us getting him and I don't think his previous owners have tried any type of training. The young girl we got him from only had him a month and based on some of the things she told us about him she didn't know him very well. One thing she told us was that he hated being sprayed and preferred a little thing of water to bath in... so we tried creating him a little bath... he sat on the edge of the bath we made and just played with his toys, he refused to get in. So we tried the actual bath tub, we just put enough in so he had the option to not be in water and tried to coax him into the water by playing with toys, not happening. Since birdie needs a bath we needed to attempt the spray, so I got a spray bottle, set it to mist, I acted like it was super fun and he LOVED IT and still loves it. The first time he flipped upside down while I was holding him was all his doing, I was trying to put him in his cage, he didn't want to so rather then stepping up on the perch he leaned and pretty much flopped. So here I was with a bird hanging from my fingers and I had no idea what to do about it... well I know what I did, I laughed a lot. Since then I have been trying to get him to do it but he would bite so it wasn't an easy task. He doesn't bite hard anymore, seems to just be testing it to make sure it is secure.


I am not fully concerned with his age and how fast he is learning I am just happy that he is learning and we were able to figure out his personality pretty quick. The biggest deal is his flying, he has a spine issue and the vet had said he would have issues flying up, well this was proven wrong since he flies like a champ now :) We still have many years of learning and playing ahead of us so let the good times roll lol

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He is not yet 2 years will be 2 n the summer from what we are told. He was re-homed twice prior to us getting him and I don't think his previous owners have tried any type of training. The young girl we got him from only had him a month and based on some of the things she told us about him she didn't know him very well. One thing she told us was that he hated being sprayed and preferred a little thing of water to bath in... so we tried creating him a little bath... he sat on the edge of the bath we made and just played with his toys, he refused to get in. So we tried the actual bath tub, we just put enough in so he had the option to not be in water and tried to coax him into the water by playing with toys, not happening. Since birdie needs a bath we needed to attempt the spray, so I got a spray bottle, set it to mist, I acted like it was super fun and he LOVED IT and still loves it. The first time he flipped upside down while I was holding him was all his doing, I was trying to put him in his cage, he didn't want to so rather then stepping up on the perch he leaned and pretty much flopped. So here I was with a bird hanging from my fingers and I had no idea what to do about it... well I know what I did, I laughed a lot. Since then I have been trying to get him to do it but he would bite so it wasn't an easy task. He doesn't bite hard anymore, seems to just be testing it to make sure it is secure.


I am not fully concerned with his age and how fast he is learning I am just happy that he is learning and we were able to figure out his personality pretty quick. The biggest deal is his flying, he has a spine issue and the vet had said he would have issues flying up, well this was proven wrong since he flies like a champ now :) We still have many years of learning and playing ahead of us so let the good times roll lol


He's still only a young one like Murphy who is only 15 months old. They have lots of learning to do yet, I think what happens is when they have learnt all they need too, they start teaching us. :P

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He's still only a young one like Murphy who is only 15 months old. They have lots of learning to do yet, I think what happens is when they have learnt all they need too, they start teaching us. :P


yeah he is only a young one for sure! and I agree with your theory but I feel they they are already teaching us :D

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yeah he is only a young one for sure! and I agree with your theory but I feel they they are already teaching us :D


Yup, while my wife was starting to mop the floor this morning, Dayo pronounced "The Floor is Dirty!".

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  • 4 weeks later...

Issac started making these popping bubble sounds this week. I Love it! Everytime he does it, it cracks me up. Because he can do it so fast! Pop..pop.pop..pop..pop in really rapid succession. And almost looks like his little cheeks are puffing out while he does it. Amazingly cute. And he is trying to say "biiirrrrrrd". He is slow on the words. I guess because he has so much fun making noises and he really doesn't have to get my attention...he;s got it a vast majority of the time. But I will put him on a perch in the bathroom...and he loves to go through everything he can do. Including his few words so far. I think he gives me another reason to love him every day.

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