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First I would ask them diet. Ask them what kind of feedings the baby is on and be sure that the baby is fully weaned. I would also recommend learning to hand feed if you don't know how as a precaution in the event the baby regresses.


Ask about any habits the bird may have. Granted it's a baby so you might not have any bad habits that you would get with a rehomed bird, but it's still good to ask.


Does it sleep with a cover on the cage?


Have they been bathing it?


Vaccinations....I think this is more important with open aviary scenarios, if they're a closed aviary it's less common for some of the babies to get sick with less traffic flow, but it's still good to know.


Contract...are they guaranteeing it's health?! If not , you should REALLY find out why.


Hatch certificates, a good thing to have so that you know exactly how old your baby is.


Has the bird been fledged, was it able to fly on its own before the wings were clipped, assuming they already clipped them?


hmm thats about all I can think of at the moment I'll ad to it if I can think of anything, either way good luck and congrats!

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A quality & caring breeder will not mind you asking as many questions as you like,& may well ask you some questions ;)

Have you ever had any major health problems with your birds ?

Ask if it is ok to see the babies parents ?

Will your baby be sexed ?

Will the baby come with a health guarantee ?

How much individual attention do you give your babies?

How do you socialize your babies?

What foods do you wean your baby parrots to?

Can I visit the bird while weaning, before taking the bird home?

Do you provide a telephone back up/ after care


The list is endless & i'm sure more questions will pop into your head before your visit.

I do believe when you visit you will be able to tell if this breeder is the right one for you, i rejected a few breeders before i found the right one for me, dont let your heart rule your head, if it doesnt feel right walk away ;)

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