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He's getting closer!


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Well good news on the little boy. We are allowed to pet his head now. He's been here for about 2 weeks, and he is coming out. Before, he was biting and what not. Well now he talks to us, some and he lets us pet his head and also he sits right next to me...well in his cage. he doesn't get angry about it and he comes down to the bottom of the cage and sits there and watches everything. if we ask him if he wants his head pet he puts his head down, before he'd trick us and come up and bite us. well now things are getting better. just an update

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i know i read some places that when a bird regurgitates on you or for you its accepting? well hes done it like 2 or 3 times. and he was letting me pet him. he was dancing around with his wings out. and now hes seems mad at me. i said thanks. is that not enough for a bird? :)

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Yes regurgitation is a sign of love or acceptance but the dancing around with the wings out and lowered is more sexual arousal and you don't want to encourage that for it will only frustrate him and then he will bite, just tell him thank you but no thanks and walk away. You also don't want to be petting him down the back, under the wings or anywhere around the tail area as those are the erogenous zones, petting on the head or neck is ok.

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yeah, i hope so too. The woman we had gotten him from said that she had gotten him from someone who would never take him out of the cage or pay any mind to him. then she got him. she said that she had already had 4 or 5 birds at the time plus some dogs and cats nd what not. but anyhow, we got him from her about 2 weeks ago. I'm completely confused now if I should try and pet him, I don't want him to get the wrong impression. He seems to be mad at me now, so I think I am just going to let him sit for a while. Hes ontop of his cage now. He'll eventualy get down and try to eat the phone book, no biggy. Thanks a lot judy for all the helpful info.

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Just like us sometimes we don't want anyone messing with us so he may from time to time want to be left alone so respect his wishes and when he does want interaction you will know from his reaction whether to pet him or not, just don't force yourself on him.

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