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Meal moths in food/bird room???


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Ever since we brought Timmy home, we have been seeing Indian Meal Moths around his cage and around our house. They prob came from the bag of food that came with him. Anyone else have these little moths from time to time, and how did you rid your house of them?

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We had a problem with those moths a few years ago. They are hard to get rid of. You have to throw out any food that they are in and then seal all bird food and food in your pantry (like rice) in zip lock bags or something else that you can close with a seal. Eventually they go away when you eliminate their access to food.

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Barbara is right they are hard to get rid of but you can buy moth traps from some of the bird supply places that you set around where they frequent to capture the ones that have morphed into flying moths, you may have to resort to keeping the bags in the freezer and taking out a couple of days supply.

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Yep, I ditto the others. It seems to be the winter months here when those show up briefly, don't know why. We never see them in the summertime.


We just keep the cages super cleaned, all seed discarded goes outside rather than in the household garabage can and we ensure all bags are sealed properly. As others said, keeping in the freezer helps as well. I have seen the moths come from oat meal and other gains as well kept in the house for baking.

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I go crazy when I see those things. I know them as seed moths. Many years ago when I had birds, I frequently had problems with them. I naively thought I wouldn't have problems with them this time as my birds are on pellets. Boy was I wrong. They ruined a whole bag of pellets once. I've gotten them completely out of the bird room, but am struggling with ridding them from my pantry.

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