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Axel is awfully quiet and self contained . . .


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I've had Axel now for three days. He seems to be awfully mellow, compared to what I was expecting.


He sits on the open door of his cage, and whistles and makes electronic noises (and says his old name), but mostly he sits quietly. Four out of five times, when I reach up for him, he steps up and sits on the couch with me. He'll chew my shirt or cautiously check around but in a bit wants to go back up to his perch on his cage door. He taught me how to scratch his head yesterday, and is very alert and interactive when I talk to him, or bring him over to me.


I live in a large studio with a loft, so he is always with me while I'm here, he can even see me in the bathroom :D .


He eats well, his poop looks normal, his feathers are good. He's just . . . quiet LOL. He sits there by himself not acting as crazy and demanding as I expected.


Is he just reserved for now, being in a new environment? Maybe I just got myself all ready for a tasmanian devil for nothing :D If anything, I wonder if he just wasn't stimulated a whole lot. Maybe I'm just worrying for nothing. Does he just sound like the new kid on the block or are there some very undemanding and mellow greys? Should I take him to a vet if he's too quiet lol?

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I had to go back and look at another members stories about his new bird. On October 28th he posted about how they had their bird Timmy for over a week and he made a few whistles. Suddenly on November second he posted that Timmy had come alive. Suddenly he was vocalizing like crazy. I would give him a little more time to get used to his new environment.

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Kim, Barb is right...Search some of my posts by date and glance over them. Timmy was perfect for the first week or so then "honeymoon" was over and things went bad...it was another 3 or 4 weeks then he suddenly came alive!!! He WILL NOT SHUT UP!!!!! I love it!

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As others have said, your Grey is acting as would be expected for a calm and evidently well socialized grey. Sometimes new owners receive a grey that was not socialized very well and are very disappointed when the grey is growling and not wanting anything to do with them.


Your new baby is obviously happy, content and comfortable with the new surroundings and you. :)

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I confess that several weeks after getting Ursula (she was a baby), I said to my husband, "I hate to admit it... but she's kind of... boring." She would just sit up on her perch, fluff up, and sit there.


Ah, sometimes I miss those days, now! Ursula and her talking and personality dominate just about every moment in our home...


Have fun watching Axel's personality unfold!

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I believe Axel is just taking it slow to see where he fits in his new family. He does not want to offend and is just getting use to the "lay of the land" so to say. Talk to him, show him what is expected of him and enjoy that you have a well adjusted and smart new grey. And once Axel feels at home, look back on this post and see how easy you had it in the first days!!!!! So enjoy and rest up the show has yet to start!

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YAYYYY!!! THank you every one :D


I am like the next person, I don't want TROUBLE. I just want him to be happy and healthy and for him to feel good. I am very comforted by your words, even the ones that tell me to be careful what I wish for and hold onto my butt :D That's fine, I'm ready, my favorite pets are my pet geese and they are deeply annoying and demanding (and painful).


It's good to hear you say he seems to be adjusting well to a new owner. In a way, he can drive me crazy all he wants (I'll be back to eat my words I'm sure), I just want him to be OK.

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Not yet Chezron. He had wings and nails clipped a couple of weeks ago, but I need to take him in for a physical/well bird check. My avian vet, who I've used for a duck and a goose will be back in the office next week. I should make that appointment right now while I'm thinking of it.

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