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What to do...a Grey not being taken care of well


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My heart aches for poor Otis. What I would do in this situation is take a couple for proper water/food bowls to Otis as a gift. I would provide proper food and treats for this neglected grey. Complaining does no good, action is called for here. If talking to the owners doesn't help then taking care of business is what is necessary. If they cease being your friends or letting you into their home then you have done all you can. Hopefully providing proper goods and foods will shame them into taking care of Otis and they will step up, if not you really tried and losing their friendship is really no loss.

Edited by luvparrots
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Oh boy, what a sad situation for that poor Grey. Even sadder is. it is happening with thousands of parrots and they eventually end up dead of in a rescue.



I cringed so many times.


I tried talking in my innocence at the beginning.


I now walk away and draw mental blinkers and focused on reaching out to those that can be reached.


And accept that there are people who never will be reached.


Sadly, its always the birdie that will pay the price.

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Shanlung is so right. As difficult as it is to accept, there is only so much you can do. There are children who are treated as bad or worse that don't get taken care of because the agencies are so overburdened. I wish they would have listened to reason.

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Barbara2, you hit the nail on the head. I've been lurking here in this thread for a while now because I just don't know what to say anymore. I just feel so bad for Otis, I was hoping he would be rescued somehow and find a wonderful forever home with people who cared. Hopefully, maybe, somehow, he still can--but it hurts to think of all the little ones, human or animal, out there who aren't loved right now like they should be.

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