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This is great news, Joe, and thanks for letting us know it went well and she is in recovery. Whenever a loved one goes under it is scarey for the ones who wait for news but the news is great, now some of the pressure is off and you can relax a little.


Give her my best wishes for a quick recovery and keep us informed of Jo Jo's progress, for we love both of you kind and caring people.

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Joe, I'm sorry I haven't seen this thread before, but I'm so happy your daughter is fine and this is all behind her now. She looks (and sounds) like a great gal and very positive (just like you) - speedy recovery to her! :kiss:

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Hi Joe,


That is good news and it's nice to hear you have a smile on your face and your Daughter is on the mend now. :-)


You , your Daughter and Hemingway should be back to your normal routines soon, which I'm sure is a big relief.


Take care and keep us posted when you have time.

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Joe - It's actually good it happened while she is still there under 24/7 care. That means they got on it right away, which may not have happened if she had already been discharged.


I know this is a set back for you both. Please know all our thoughts and prayers are for a speedy recovery.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/08/31 19:26

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You got that right, Joe, it is the insurance companies calling the shots. What happened to good old fashioned personal care, its money, money, money.


Glad she is doing ok and glad she is finally home, and I know you are going to take excellent care of her. Treat her like a little princess, and I would do the same.


Oh boy, that sounds like a fine meal on Sunday, can I come over for some?

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I prefer the quick sending home procedure. I remember after giving birth I got very high fevers and nobody knew why and they didn't go down. That lasted a whole week, then i discharged on my own responsibility and soon as I got home the fever went away....

So, the saying 'there's no better place than home' does really carry truth ;)

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I know this sounds a bit weird, but if your daughter makes stones regularly, then have her drink 8 ozs of real lemonade a day. I work in a urological surgical suite, and there was an article in an English urological medical journal that suggested the lemonade reduced stone formation. Just something easy for her to try. ............. and now back to the gyms?


not that we are nagging or anything:lol:

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