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Oh Joe, don't worry about us! You daughter is what is most important. I hope she's doing okay. Please know that my thoughts are with you and your daughter, and I hope everything works out fine with her.


Don't worry about us and our wants, just concentrate on her daughter. We are always here for you. :)

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Awww Joe sorry to hear about your daughter. My thoughts and prayers are w/ you. Dont worry about the gyms now. We all understand. Right now you have something on your plate that is more serious and needs more attention. Please keep us informed of how her progress is. We're family of yours too. ~~ Big Hugs ~~

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Hi Joe,


Family first, as you know and are doing. Please know your Daughter is in our thoughts. :-)


Thanks for even thinking about this Forum, which I know would be the last thing on my mind, if I were in your situation.


Your a great Man Joe!

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I am so sorry to hear about your daughter and her problems, so don't worry about the gyms, she is what is important, family is every thing.


That is so sweet of her to make you come home and post, give her my best wishes for a speedy recovery.


And thanks for posting a photo, you are a very nice looking man and your daughter is lovely.


Keep us informed and hope she is home soon.

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Hi Joe,


Sorry they would not pass on their own. Atleast the procedure is not too intrusive, since I would assume they will use Ultrasound to blast those stones to pieces.


It's good to know that it's not something more serious! :-)


We'll look forward to seeing you and your Daughter broadcasting live from the hospital. :P


Smile for the camera...

GekoFunny.gif<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/08/28 13:59


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Joe, I'm happy that this will all be over soon for the both of you. I think maybe the surgery is the best thing, I have heard that passing them can be wuite painful.:pinch:

Please give her by best, and tell her I hope everything goes painless and quickly, and she's home before you know it. :cheer:


I know how comforting this forum can be, as my son had an emergency appendectomy this past June, and the well wishes here really made him and I feel better. It's nice to know so many people care, even tho we've never met. This is the greatest family forum ever!! :)

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Guest Monique

Joe - you and your daughter are so thoughtful to post that and the picture as well!! I hope that she gets better soon. Looks like she has a great attitude which I really do think those postive vibes will bring you a looooong way. God bless.

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Well like I said in a previous post, I am thinking of her and hoping it goes well and fast tomorrow and she is back home before we know it. I'm sure she is going to do fine and take your laptop and show her the messages here, you have friends here so she has friends here too. We are like family here and we care about each and every one of the members here on this forum.


She is such a sweet looking girl and I know you are proud of her and we are pulling for a quick operation and quicker recovery. We have to get you back to making those playstands.:P

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