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Timmy has been here 2 months!!! YAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!


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Well guys, (Timmy is a 4 year old TAG, rehomed...for those who dont know)


Tomorrow is my 2 month anniversary with Timmy!!! It seems like longer but it is what it is. Yall have seen my posts and his progress, and I am proud to say I have moved pretty far forward with this little Grey fellow! I now know what body language means and the blood I have shed proves it, but it was always my fault. Timmy has become VERY VOCAL in this short time. He is a professional mimmiker, HAHAHA, even words I dont want him to say! I also can make him step up whenever I want him to even tho he may not want to and I think thats good to have the upperhand. I no longer show fear to him and thats when things started getting good with him (deep down I am scared of the beak vs my flesh tho!!!). I sort of feel like I can look at him and know what he feels like and from there I will either let him be or bring him into another room with us. Ive ALWAYS had birds but Timmy being my first Grey has taught me alot! Not to down talk a keet or tiel, but this bird is FOR REAL and requires ALOT of attention (which he has gotten) and I dont understand how his previous owners just tucked him in the corner and didnt fool with him...freaking crazy huh.....anyway, I want to thank yall for the info and tips...YALL HAVE HELPED ME MAKE A GREAT HOME EVEN BETTER FOR HIM! Timmy has really opened up to us and its really just the beginning at this piont...Thanks again and I promise a video soon!

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