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Pleased to introduce our Greys!


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Our 1st grey, Jewel, quickly became called Sweetie Pie for her loving disposition & habit of blowing kisses to express pleasure. We were asked to foster her by a wonderful Foundation. She was such a neurotic little fluffy 2.5-yr old bundle who plucked for 1.5 yrs in her former home before she joined our flock in Dec '09. We formally adopted her last June. Now going on 4 yrs old, she is doing better regarding allowing feathers to grow in ... and my baby has finally started to speak! That's new in just the past 2 wks or so. We have loved her since we met & neither feathers nor a large vocabulary were required.




Toby was rescued just last Sept from a home where the new husband didn't like him ... and it showed. He had been shoved off into a far corner & ignored "to fix his mating behavior with my wife" as the reason. Sigh. The husband was not interested in educating himself on grey behaviors of an adolescent male bird. Happily, he thrives in our home & any sexual posturing is ignored for the 2-3 seconds it takes for him to realize it's unrequited so he stops. He is quite talkative now & loves being in the middle of where we hang out. A Catalog to shred is a favored activity.




Another request from the Foundation to foster was waiting in my e-mail on the same evening we brought Toby home. Dorian was cast aside by his former owner as he was "certainly less than perfect" when he began to pluck his chest. Deemed now unacceptable & disposable, he was relinquished. From some of the comments Dorian makes, he was also verbally abused. He hears no such hateful words from us! While still cage-bound after 3+ months, we continue to work with him at his pace. His door is left open while we are in the room & he now eagerly allows me to enter into his space for head scritches & offering treats. Trust is so hard to regain when it has been betrayed.




In addition to our Greys, our flock also includes a rescued 46-yr old Amazon (hubby is definitely his favored parront) + a rescued Quaker + a rescued pair of Lovebirds & their 4 offspring from 2 clutches since they joined us. I look forward to sharing & learning from here! :o

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WOW and welcome to the forum and great pics.

I just joined the forum in Aug. of this year but I have had a grey for 10 years and cockatiels for 39 years and a blue front amazon for 2 years she is 14 years old.

This is a great place with good people and you will enjoy. Keep posting pictures we love them

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Hello BenzMama and welcome to our family, I am so pleased you have fostered and adopted these birds, you are to be commended for having such a big heart to give these birds a loving and stable home.

I bet you adopted them from Phoenix Landing as I am familiar with them, our bird club has members who have fostered and adopted their birds, they do wonderful work and we donate money and items to them regularly.

Thanks for including the pictures of Jewel, Toby and Dorian in your intro post, they are beautiful greys.

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Welcome aboard! Bless you for having taking in these rescues. It breaks my heart when I see pictures and read stories like that, about abused and misused animals. They are not trash you can just cast aside when tired of them, or when they don't perform the way you want.

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Thanks for posting. When I look at your pictures, I know there will be another grey in our future. It means so much to see yours coming to a home with unconditional love and acceptance. I look forward to getting to know them through your posts. Thanks for the great introduction.

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