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what i saw when i came home...


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OMG this is so funny. Kookie did the same but with my mobile keyboard... and if he could get his beak any close to the laptop....he wouldn't give it a second thought...

He actually chewed on the laptop cord the other day in an attempt to climb up to the table and get hold of the laptop, but thank God the cord was unplugged, or I would've found a roasted grey.... lucky me.... I am more careful now and always make sure to switch off the power switches to avoid any dangerous consequences...


...and yes I guess stuffing him wouldn't be enough....Id have to think of other ways....

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Oh, this is all too familiar. Ours wasn't the African grey, but our smaller bird. She is obsessed with the keyboard. She will also huddle next to the mouse while I am using the computer and if I don't stop for her cuddle request she wreaks havok on the keyboard. She learned in her first week with us how to put her beak in the cover and shut the computer down with the lock switch. It took me three hours to replace my keys and then there was one she had destroyed completely. Every time I hit the left shift button I got a little shock to remind me. All we can hope for is the flat touch virtual keypad so there will be no keys. Maybe they will make it in a titanium case and parrot proof it for us.

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Wow I thought I only had to worry about Mort perching on the lid and puncturing the screen with his toes! I shut the lid for that reason alone when I am not at it but now have another reason.


I work from home mostly so I think he is of the opinion my laptop and phone are part of me ...hopefully he wont groom the laptop (we do discuss chewing the cover quite a bit)

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Oh, how well I know this!!! My little tiel is sooooo focused to sneak in, pry up the laptop key and run away across the floor w/ the key in her beak... Since I'm laying on the floor w/ it; she will climb down and sneak up--pushes the newspaper off and starts prying the first key she can get. At this point, it's a race to see if I can stop her. So far, she wins!! With all that exercise there's not enough fat on her to roast. Hee,Hee (just kidding)

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"Awww, but Mom, they make such a fun clicking popping noise as they come off! And sometimes there's even little crumbs in there to eat! I love popping the keys off! Let's do it again tomorrow!"

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What keeps Kookie busy for a while, is the toy found inside the Kinder chocolate eggs. I actually give him the yellow plastic egg with the toy in it and he spends few minutes trying to open that. Once the mission is accomplished he starts by shredding the instructions paper then starts to work on destroying those small colorful toys. He actually loves it...

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Guest Kali_the_Destroyer

Yeah, my laptop's been to the menders too. Kali destroyed my mobile in about 2 secs when I first got her, and hadn't yet worked out how quick, devious & destructive she was

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So I thought I would show you how we ended up 'fixing' Charlie's destruction. Unfortunately he completely destroyed all hope of fixing the old keyboard, so we had to replace the whole surface. And a white one was $100 less than a black, so we now have an oreo computer. Ha!


computer fix.jpg

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So I thought I would show you how we ended up 'fixing' Charlie's destruction. Unfortunately he completely destroyed all hope of fixing the old keyboard, so we had to replace the whole surface. And a white one was $100 less than a black, so we now have an oreo computer. Ha! [ATTACH=CONFIG]19721[/ATTACH]


LOL! What we do to accommodate our Parrots. :)

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I have yet to find anything that Dixie is afraid of! That being said, my keyboard to the desk top is on a drawer that slides out for use and is closed when not in use. The laptop - NEVER - is left in the office for them to get at. I've learned by the mistakes of others (not always an easy task) and don't want the expense or problems of having to not have my laptop.

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