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Lost Grey in downtown Austin


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Sigh... today someone posted on craigslist that they had found a pet bird asking for a description. I replied immediately and was eagerly awaiting a response but alas it wasn't even a parrot. Talk about going from a high to a new low.


I think tommorrow we're going to try the findtoto.com service. The message they send out seems more legit than the petamberalert service. Does anyone have any recommendations one way or another about it?

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Keep going, wzhang. Even though it seems endless, keep going. You never know when the next flier or person you talk to might lead you back to Mino. Just keep going, and know that people on this board are rooting for you. And I agree with what the others have said - spread out beyond the one-mile radius. You want people to see the fliers. Also, maybe contact local high schools and ask if there are kids needing community service credits. Perhaps there are kids who would help you put up fliers as a good deed kind of thing. (I know I'd help if I were anywhere near Austin.)


There are lots of good people out there. Keep going, and I sincerely hope you and Mino are back together soon.

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Stay positive and keep trying, we are all sending our hopes your way, be strong my friend and think that Mino is somewhere waiting for you to find him...many members have found their greys after a long time.

The idea of checking at those places where they sell cages is a great idea. Also pass the flyer to the vet clinics and to any animal shelters in town. Schools are also good ideas cos Kids spread the news like thunder....

Im still praying for you both:)

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Ranaz's idea about kids spreading news is a really good one. Austin High School is not that far from you.


Yesterday afternoon I stopped by to visit with my friends who operate the Gallery of Pets on Duval at 183. They are one of the specialty bird shops in Austin. I notified them about Mino's escape as soon as I saw your first post, as they are one of the shops in town that sell parrot-sized cages. Yesterday I brought them up to date on your search. As we were discussing Mino, they mentioned that one of their customers has a Grey that escaped and was missing for several months before being successfully recovered. I thought that information might be encouraging.

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Wow, so today I get a call and it seems like Mino's got a partner in crime... Another grey has escaped in Austin, this time Cedar Park... Must be something in the air. Tonight doesn't seem as cold as I thought it was going to be, so I'm a bit relieved. Although it's still pretty chilly outside, I think Mino's an old enough bird (plus he's got some experience from another escape he made when he was 5) that he'll know to find some cover.


Today I feel like he's going to be able to take care of himself until he's found... Not sure why, I might just be delirious from exhaustion.

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Yikes! Austin folks better keep their birds on lockdown. Sounds like a movement.


I have a theory. Holiday season. Parties. Friends, family going in and out. Not used to watching out for birdies. High risk season for flighted birds.


wshang: way to keep up the spirits! Wanna share the story of how Mino escaped and was recovered when he was 5?

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That didn't take long... a lady called me today saying she recovered a grey, but that one had a tag and she was in Anderson Mill. I told her chances are it was the other guy's so I gave her his number. Hopefully he's reunited with his bird. I suppose it's good to see all the flyers and ads have done some good.


When Mino was 5, a dog freaked him out on the way to the vet and he took off flying. I tried to get him down from a tree but he freaked and took off again. Over the course of 6 days I was able to find him on 3 separate occasions. The first 2 times he was pretty skiddish and didn't know how to fly down so he just kept flying away. The final time I guess he'd had enough and circled around until he hit a lower tree that I was able to climb. We met each other in the middle and he was home in 10 minutes.


I guess the good news in all this is that he has some experience being outside and isn't a total newbie when it comes to trees and survival. Also since last time he was still in the trees until the 6th day, this would explain why no one has spotted him yet. But sooner or later I'm thinking hunger is going to overcome his phobia and he'll come to the ground...


Hopefully this explains why the other grey was captured over the course of less than a day, while Mino has been missing a week and no one's even seen him. I suppose the other bird might be more trusting of humans while Mino is going tough it out until the bitter end. I just hope when he's at that point, there are people around to help him.




Yikes! Austin folks better keep their birds on lockdown. Sounds like a movement.


I have a theory. Holiday season. Parties. Friends, family going in and out. Not used to watching out for birdies. High risk season for flighted birds.


wshang: way to keep up the spirits! Wanna share the story of how Mino escaped and was recovered when he was 5?

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Oh Boy, has she at least let the guy go over and see the grey?


I hope your grey is fond soon and they contact you. One thought from a previous escape and how it was found in a large city with tall buildings. That persons grey started interacting with people on the ground for food and one shop owner was able to get a step-up and took him in. The shop owner did not notify anyone or place an ad online or in papers. The greys owner found him bey canvasing the area's shops and someone that work there told him of the owner or employee that had found a bird. he pursued it and found it was his grey at which point he retrieved it. Just food for thought. :)

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Thanks danmcq, that's not a bad idea... I've really made a point to ask many of the restaurants (especially those with outdoor eating areas) if I could put a flyer in their establishment and also pass the word along. The lady is not letting the guy go see the bird which is IMO a bit overly cautious, hopefully they settle the situation amicably. Fortunately the woman's father also has a grey so I think he will understand the situation.


Birdnut, I know Mino took to the trees the first time around simply because he was lost in a residential neighborhood where the trees were the tallest things around. The downtown area just has so many hiding places and other elevated areas that I have no idea where he could be. Someone mentioned to me that I should look for pecan trees because he could be roosting and getting fat off of pecans. The weather's good for the next 5 days so hopefully he'll have his fun and eventually go groundside.

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Before the fox news story was over, a lady called me and said her and her husband both saw a grey parrot with a red tail hanging out on some wire right above a flock of 40-50 wild quaker parrots on the corner of riverside and pleasant valley drive. Looked up more info and turns out right down pleasant valley drive there is a large colony of quakers in a baseball field right next to town lake...


Finally a lead! We're going to check out both places first thing in the morning tomorrow. Wish us luck.

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The Grey sighted near Town Lake is the best candidate to be Mino.


However, I wanted to share this information just in from Gallery of Pets ..,..


One of their customers called, and a Grey parrot has been found in the 620 area (that's all I was told). The guy who found it can be reached at: sliwa72000@yahoo.com

Edited by Birdnut
Edited to correct e-mail address
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Yes this again is the same grey that was found shortly after the other guy in cedar park had called me to say his had escaped the night before. I'm pretty sure it's his bird, but for some reason the people that found the bird refuse to believe him and refuse to let him see the bird.


So I guess in a continuing effort to find the owner, they keep posting stuff everywhere and I keep getting calls as well from people jsut trying to be helpful. I realize that everyone means well in this case, I just really wish they would get that situation resolved.




The Grey sighted near Town Lake is the best candidate to be Mino.


However, I wanted to share this information just in from Gallery of Pets ..,..


One of their customers called, and a Grey parrot has been found in the 620 area (that's all I was told). The guy who found it can be reached at: sliwa72000@yahoo.com

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Yes this again is the same grey that was found shortly after the other guy in cedar park had called me to say his had escaped the night before. I'm pretty sure it's his bird, but for some reason the people that found the bird refuse to believe him and refuse to let him see the bird.


I see. I thought it was a little strange to have this come up just after the other. That is so weird they won't let the owner see the bird. That is bound to be his bird. And he had already reported it missing before the other folks found it. So bizarre for them to behave that way.


So, did you have any luck following up the lead from the folks who saw the Grey near Town Lake??

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