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Parrots & Dogs - Have a Story?


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Hello, friends. Do you have a dog as well as a grey? How do the parrot and dog get along? Any interesting/funny stories?


Ursula (our grey) is 2.5, and we've had Curly, our Cockapoo, for about 4 months. He's 1.5.


Ursula quickly learned all the things we say to Curly - come, come 'ere boy, Curly, Curlito, Curly no... she also imitates his bark quite accurately and then says, "Shhh! quiet." Curly completely ignores her speech (do your dogs pay attention?).


The two are very interested in each other, though. Ursula likes to land next to Curly, especially when he's on the bed, and walk over to him, touch her beak to his nose and nibble on his feet. We always watch very carefully and never leave them alone together, but Curly is very good-natured about it. He sniffs and watches her and then ignores her. Sometimes she walks over and lifts a foot like she'd like to step up on him.


Curly would love to get his teeth on a squirrel and has been known to chase seagulls, but he seems to recognize Ursula as a family member (although, again, we'd never trust them alone together).


Looking forward to your stories!

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I have had my pug, Fei Lian (tiny lotus blossom) aka Lily since she was 4 months old. She is now 9 years old. Lily barks whenever she needs to go outside and a very good puppy. Ana Grey sound exactly like Lily's barks. Ana Grey loves to go to the plant stand by the patio door and bark like Lily. When I go to let Lily out, Ana Grey, takes off laughing as I go and find out that Lily is not there and it was Ana Grey imitating Lily's bark!!!!!!

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I don't have an inside dog but just wanted to comment on how you maintain supervision of the dog with your grey, they may appear to get along great but you can never take the chance that one day given the opportunity that something bad might happen, glad to hear you are making it work for you.

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I have 2 dogs, one is an inside dog & 1 is an outside dog. The inside dog is my Rottie Mandy who I have had since a puppy & she will be 9 yrs this month. My grey Biscotti announces when she is standing at the door to go outside "Mandys gotta go pee!" He barks & snores like her, tells her she's a good dog or bad dog depending on his mood & seems very interested in watching her. Mandy ignores all his comments & is basically only interested in "hoovering" up his tossed food! I never let them out together, way to easy for a terrible accident. When Biscotti is out Mandy gets a "kong" and goes to sleep in the bedroom.

Annie is the outside dog, I had some people doing work on a fence a couple weeks ago and Annie kept going out into the pasture & barking at them so I went out on the porch or opened the window & yelled to Annie that it was OK, so she wouldn't be worrying about the "intruders". Well, the very next day Biscotti pipes up with a loud "Annie it's ok!! " said in a stern voice, & he is still repeating it! Cracks me up!! Annie is a German Shorthair pheasant hunting dog, so she will never be allowed anywhere near Biscotti!

I love hearing how the parrots & dogs interact!

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What a great thread to start Domyoburk! As a devoted dog and bird lover, I know I will love this one! I have two dogs and two greys. As Judygram stated, I continue to be constantly vigilant when dogs and Greys are together, I just didn't realize to begin with that it would be the dogs I'd have to protect! My dogs give the birds a wide berth; they have learned the hard way! My oldest, Echo, is very jealous of the dogs and will attempt to bonk them on the nose any chance she has! I love your story about them playing on the bed because I have to be super vigilant then, Echo will try to sneak to the bottom of the bed and attack the dogs if I'm not very careful. One day, I was loving on Jefferson, my oldest dog, and both Greys had enough, and it seems, planned a sneak attack. Both birds flew down, one landed on one side of the dog and the other grey landed on the other side of Jefferson. Jefferson immediately knew the danger he was in and froze looking at me in wholehearted fear. My greys have also taught me that I talk to my dogs entirely too much. Echo calls both dogs, tell's Jubilee (the puppy who is 10 months old and always into something) to behave, calls both dogs constantly, barks, and tells both dogs 'it's just on tv! (both of my dogs bark like crazy when they hear a doorbell on tv). Thumper, my baby grey, only 7 months old, said his first word two weeks ago, 'Jubie' (what we call the puppy).

My life with birds and cats have been completely different, and unfortunately the cats have been shunned from most of the house when the birds are out. Although its never safe to leave your birds and dogs together unattended, the beauty about dogs is that they are truly a pack animal and once it is clear that the birds are part of the pack, I've found found dogs to be very accepting despite those blasted bonks on the nose!

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the house i got timmy from was like a zoo, just all kinds of aimals inside and out. Timmy shared a room with 2 monkeys and several dogs/cats so he is used to my 2 inside dogs already. he loves to throw the unwanted pellets on the floor then scramble to the bottom of the cage to watch the dogs fight over them! he gets jealous, i can tell, when i sit with the dogs and dont look at him!

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Ursula gets very jealous too, when I wrestle with, play with, feed or comb Curly. She comes right over and tries to get involved. Curly and I make growling noises as we wrestle, and she quickly learned how to growl. Ursula had stopped showing any interest in playing ball (we throw a small wiffle ball in the air and she flies to knock it down with her talons), but she plays with enthusiasm once we start playing ball with Curly.


And Curly, true to dog form, walks around the house vacuuming up all the seed shells. Motivates us to keep things clean, anyway.

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  • 2 weeks later...

These are great! I've had my German Shepard/Pitbull dog, Mr. G, for 9 years, he was rescued from an abusive family. He's the best, so sweet, smart, and lovable (had dogs before, he is overall the best. Although my boxer before him had slightly more empathy). He's also the fattest dog you've ever seen! We've had our Grey, Took now for about 2 months, and she's about 6 months. Doesn;t talk yet but a couple funny stories:


1- the other day I was in the shower, the bird on her tree, and the dog upstairs (it's a mother daughter style, mr g was with my parents upstairs and the connecting door closed at this time so no unsupervised dog/bird contact). ANYWAY- I come ut of the shower and I found Took cozy and resting on the dog's bed!


2-mr g is the first to come to Took's side if she cries out for any reason, ie bath, not sharing my ice-cream, etc. he is very protective of her.


3- I was sharing some chicken with Took and G, Took dropped her piece so naturally G ate it. Took yelled at him and bit him on the nose for stealing her piece of food! G ran away and only came back slowly inching his way back to begging position and kept checking to make sure Took was not going to go after him.

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Guest Kali_the_Destroyer

We babysat a miniature Schnauzer for a fortnight: he was more scared of Kali than she was of him (she mostly just ignored him). In this video you can see him cowering behind my partner because the scary parrot is out


I would never allow a dog in the same room unsupervised though

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Hmmmm, stories....maybe one or two lol!!


I agree with Judy, you must never leave them alone together, but like Buffy, I came to realise it was because the dogs would need protecting!! My dogs and bird are very intrigued with each other, and the chihuahua especially would like to play with Alfie, and Alfie with her (when the mood takes them). Alfie can immitate them both perfectly and simultaneously - the postie thinks we have 4 dogs!! Alfie and Tia can share a knee in the evening when it's cuddle time!

Great thread - and we can keep adding to this one!

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Of course they're real. My dog and Smokey have been in love with each other since Smokey was 6 weeks old. Seamus used to fall asleep with his head on the table while watching him being handfed. One thing the dog doesn't like is when people make sudden moves towards Smokey. He's always hanging around the bird's cage or playstand and he will show a person that he's upset.

Smokey is 11 and Seamus is 12.


PS--the yorky isn't mine. Was just baby sitting the dog for my son's girlfriend.

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Sandy is our 7 year old miniature schnauzer. AnnaBella is 5 years old...we got AnnaBella when she was 3 months old...Sandy was 2, I guess. Anyway, we have to be very carefull with those two. Sandy wants to eat AnnaBella. Yet, Sandy is afraid of her too. AnnaBella will tell Sandy to "go on, go out there"...like we do...and Sandy listens. She'll tell her "go on, stay...good girrrrrrrl"...ha. Sandy was sniffing around under AnnaBella's swing, the first time we heard her do this, and AnnaBella went upside down to get as close as possible (not close enough for Sandy to get her)...AnnaBella said "go on! Go out there!"...Sandy went out of the room...AnnaBella said (right side up)..."STAY! Good Girl!"...LOL


We have to be vigilant with the two. If AnnaBella is in a flying mood, Sandy is out. If AnnaBella wants to cuddle or do anything 1:1 with me, Sandy is out.

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Hi Heather, it's great to hear from you again. Your situation sounds much like mine, although the birds and dogs are out together all the time. They are watched vigilantly and the birds know to fly high enough to stay away from snapping Doberman jaws. Both birds will at times fluff up and at like they are going to go into an all out attack and Dayo tells the dogs by name to go on because they will "Eat" Dayo. :P


I would love to see an update on the fantastic photos you have taken since the last time around. :)

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Hi Dan...I haven't taken many photos lately...I was asked to do a wedding and I said "yes"...I'm not a pro and shouldn't have said yes. They loved the pics but I hated doing it. Never again!!! So, after the wedding, I just kinda stopped taking pics. I need to do it again...I have too much equipment to just leave it sitting there. I'll post them here if I start up again :-)


Dave007, I love that pic of your dog with your Grey on his tail. What a great shot!! I didn't see it there before when I posted. Does your Grey just sit there while the dog walks around?

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