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Entertained by Timmy right now!


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I am at the kitchen table and Timmy is on top of his cage in the sunroom, and he cannot see me, but I can sure hear him loud and clear!! He is in an AMAZING mood for some reason! Talking, whistling tunes, telling my dogs to shut up, ringing the phone and answering it, telling himself to step up (with a leg in the air)....I dont know why today in particular he is just vocal as can be. Ive heard words and phrases hes never said before and alot of talking I just cant make out but he is repeating and praticing so soon he will bust out some new stuff! I love to listen like this cause he wont talk when we are in the room, just whistle a little.


hes been doing this for 2-3 hrs now NONSTOP...I just wanted to share!!

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It takes a special person to listen in on grey chatter and feel the joy for his well being and happiness. Thanks for sharing this with us. I have seen so many videos of the bird repeating "be quiet" and worse. Even listening to videos of someone else's bird chatting away makes me feel light hearted and happy for them. I am so glad you are still thinking Timmy is the greatest little sidekick in the world.

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Timmy is at it again this evening!! just nonstop talking and not much whistling. I wish I could make out everything he says cause he "mumbles" so much, and so fast, that I just cant understand some of it. I know he is just pratcing new words so I will soon know what he is getting at! ha

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