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How much time you spend with your gray?


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Quality time IMO is more important than volume of time but you need to spend as much time as you can.

To interact with your grey so you can get to know him or her and they get to know you and share the good times.

Some times just sitting with them and relaxing has a calming and bonding effect for the two of you.

Other times it`s play time. Some times talking to them or singing to them.(I can`t sing)

Eating together and sharing some of your food.

They need to be apart of your life and that is what will make them apart of you and your life.

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I spend as much time as my grey and I want to spend together. Ana Grey is flighted so she can come and go as she pleases and she flies from the bird room to my office, living room or kitchen as she wants. We have oodles of tickle time and sometimes she steals my breakfast/lunch or dinner. If she wants something to eat she comes to me and says "want some" or "want so apple" or " want a nut" and I oblige if appropriate. I have perches and boings and stands throughout the house and she is all over the place with lots of foraging toys and chew toys everywhere. Luckily she is not destructive when it comes to my furniture, well I do cover my keyboard as she seems to love to nibble on the keys!!!!!

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No, I don't believe in trying to train an animal to poop on demand. I just have specific perch places for my birds to go to in each room. A boing here a ceiling perch there with newspaper on the floors in these spots. Before I got my first parrot, I knew I wanted her flighted so I replaced all my carpeting with laminate or tile floors. This works for me because I live alone and am retired. As for my pug, she barks when she wants out. So I guess in a way my birds and pets are trained but not really. Only Ana Grey is all over the house. My older ekkie goes from cage to cage as he is set in his ways and prefers cages, my zon is also a re-home and usually just stays in the bird room hanging around the perches and boings there. Ana Grey is the only parrot who trusts me completely.

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On average, I'd say I spend about 4-6 hours every day directly with our boys, our Grey (Marcus) and our Quaker parrot (Beaker). Maybe Marcus is out of the cage 3/4 of that time, if not all of it. Sometimes when it's close to their bedtime, I'll just read or study on the floor of the bird room and whenever Marcus meanders into his cage, I'll just shut the door after him then; but I might read for another half-hour or so until it's time for them to be put to bed (about 9:30 every night, or else Beaker gets upset). My husband's job keeps him away from home most of the day, so maybe he'll spend only 15 minutes or as much as 90 minutes with the boys, himself. But if I'm home, even if I'm in another room periodically, I try to let at least Marcus have the option of being out of his cage most of the time, and then when I can give him undivided attention then I'll let him out and stay out as he wishes. Beaker is transportable (Marcus is not at this point, so he stays in the bird room) and I'll bring Beaker into other rooms with me as he pleases, but most of the time he gets fussy anymore if he's too long out of sight of Marcus. Anyway, I guess my point is, the more time I can be even just around them the better, they seem much happier those days I can spend an extra hour or two with them.

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Yoshi's cage is in the main room of the house-he has "permission" to come and go as he pleases...Sometimes he gets bored...and seeks me out-startled me a bit the first time..I was getting ready to leave and he came and found me in the bathroom where I was putting on my makeup-I looked down and was like "oh! Hi!" and he sat on the top of the toilet and watched me and whistled at me until I had to go. We have a constant "conversation" of whistling back and forth if I am not in the room with him, I think he likes to be reassured I am around. He's only 6 months old so as far as vocalizations go it's the "wolf whistle" the "dog call" and the "hey you"...and parts and variations of all of those...and a loud "beep" which I'm not sure where that came from...lol

So as far as time spent together, it's pretty much all of the time...:)

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I usually spend about 5-6 hours a day with Tui as I'm now back out at work. In a morning when I get up, I take the sheet off her cage and let her out for a little bit while I'm getting washed, dressed and getting my things together. When I come home on an evening, I let her out again and keep her cage door open so she can go about as she pleases. I'll also take her downstairs with me to make cups of tea and she'll see my parents. While I'm in my room, Tui is out unless I'm asleep (obviously. Lol)


Tui will sometimes watch YouTube with me or come and sit on my bed (usually when I'm eating, mind you!). Most of the time though she prefers to stay on the top of her cage and just blast her high pitch notes and try out her talking.

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Average 8 hours a day. Closely bonded together is between 2 and 4 hours 3X a week when we are hiking. I spend about 1/2 hour a day playing with Cocoa.

My wife spends an average of 1 hour daily together with Cocoa. Together means Cocoa perch on our shoulder or head over a period of time.

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I let Moussa out of his cage as soon as I'm up in the morning. I am home most days, and Moussa hangs out with me all day, unless I have to do some work outside or hazardous activities in the kitchen. Most of the time I sort of follow his lead as to what level of interaction he wants. Sometimes he wants to sit on my shoulder and supervise whatever I'm doing, sometimes he's feeling affectionate and wants scritches and beak rubs, and much of the time he just enjoys hanging out on one of his perches and watching what's going on or napping. When I'm home, he's often out of his cage from the time I get up until bedtime. Of course, when I am away from the house, he is safely in his cage. When I am away from home much of the day, I always feel guilty that Moussa is stuck in his cage all that time.

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Guest Kali_the_Destroyer

Kali has an hour in the morning to play out of her cage, then all afternoon/evening. She gets put away if the outside doors are open or if she's tired

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If I'm off it is all day on work days hubby lets them out but doesn't touch them he is a little fearful of them and they know it so they leave him alone. On work days we have the evenings. My birds and my sewing machine are my life until the grandkids show up of course.

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I can't imagine that you could ever spend too much time with your Grey. I spend every possible moment with my baby. And I like to have him free as often as possible.I am totally crazy for my baby though. No plans or anything ever matter more than making sure my parrot is very well taken care of and happy. Most people would say I am not normal...well living with a grey is not normal. Its really...really cool ;)


The best advice I can give for having a free willed parrot living in your house who is fully flighted...and completely capible of making you really crazy at certain times...is to always know that the flight to your shoulder is a way of ssaying...."Hey there my friend....what are you doing now..I want to be with you while you do this..and help you in any way I can...I am your friend"....you remember this tuth..and your parrot can never make you crazy too much. They are the most wonderful creatures.

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