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question about my new african grey


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i bought joey (congo african grey) for $600 from craigslist. he was asking for 800 but i dropped it to 600. the ad said he was 3 yrs old and a big talker. i went there and saw joey on his shoulder and reached over and he came on my hand. i thought he was a good bird so i gave the money and took him. after i got home i noticed that joey has said 1 word, only growls and bites when i reach for him in his cage. researched how to determine an african greys age and it says that after 3 yrs you cant. he does have the yellow ring around his eyes, and now im afraid joey might be 79 and only has 1 year left to live. did i get jipped? please answer me, im calling the guy tomorrow and asking him for more info but is there any other way to tell? how can i make joey stop biting me? how can i make joey say hello and i love you?

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You have just got this grey so you need to give him time to settle in and feel comfortable in his new home, you seem to not know much about the african grey so why don't you read all you can especially the threads here so you will know what to expect but I get the impression you only wanted a bird that talks, well he probably has a wide vocabulary but you won't hear it until he feels more relaxed in his new home.

You cannot make a grey stop biting or say the things you want him to say, only time and lots of patience will accomplish that along with the proper care to develop a bond between you and that my friend has to be earned so get busy and read thru all the threads and then you will have some idea of what you are facing.

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I would also add that you probably don't want to start out reaching your hand into his cage. Many birds don't like to see a hand coming into their home uninvited. I have seen others mention that their bird will bite them when he is inside the cage but not when he is out.

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im a month or 2 you will be asking "how do I make this bird shut up"! haha like judy said...be patient and wait for him, he will whistle when hes ready. my rehomed Timmy HATES me to put my hand in his cage and always will probably but thats just how it is. he comes out when he feels like it cause he knows if he does, im gonna snatch him up to hold him or take him in another room to perch with us...but he gets handled on his terms.

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Hi ermal. A grey is not an appliance. You can't bring it home, plug it in, and expect to experience the full features.


This bird is an intelligent creature that knows that it has been taken from its home and finds itself in strange surroundings with strange people. Think of relocating a small child like that. It's very much like that. He's going to be nervous and hang back for a time, waiting to see what is going to happen and whether this new environment is safe. You need to give him that time. Don't push him. Walk by the cage and hand him a treat. Sit near the cage and talk to him. Let him get to know you. Treat him like another sentient being.

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What you have been told works for all parrots. We have had our grey all her life but we rehomed a amazon two years ago and used all the differant things above.

At the time she came to us she was 12 years old. We would sit by her cage and sing, talk to her and give her treets and some times just sit by her cage and read.

You have to earn her trust but with time and kindnes they come around

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Does Joey have a band on his leg? If so, sometimes the breeders mark the year they were born on in. After he settles in for a while, you can take him to the vet or a bird store that does grooming and they can read/write down the numbers on the band for you. And if you are not sure how to read them, post them here, there are several people here who know allot!

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First off, greys don't live until they're 79 yrs old. Their lifespan is about 40 yrs if they're kept indoors, are healthy, given proper food and a good living environment. Very few parrots live until they;re 79 yrs old. In the wild, a grey who lives with a flock, has no human connection has a shorter life span because living in the wild is a totally different thing.

So, I really think you should explain yourself and how you came up with the idea that

1---he's 79 Yrs old?

2---what makes you think he's gonna die in one year?

Edited by Dave007
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If it's a genuine post, sounds like an impulse buy to me, with very little if any prior research done.

Take the time and make the effort to read older posts on this forum. Do some more research on the internet.


A bird that growls is an unhappy frightened bird, unless it is imitating a dog, which I doubt in this instance.

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It to me sounds like an impulse buy because "OH COOL I WANT A TALKING PET"

Regarding his 79 comment, he probably read somewhere that parrots live until 80 years old, and he thought perhaps maybe the owner jipped him and sold him a bird that is 79 and is gonna die in a year, even though the owner didnt

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Anyway, regarding the ability to tell the age from eye colour...

A baby has black eyes, which will change to a silvery grey colour as the baby ages, changing to a pale straw yellow around two years of age. Some birds change a little sooner, some change a little later.


You could always chop a leg off and count the rings though.


No wait...does that apply for parrots too?

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Hi ermal88. I'm afraid that there is not a way to tell how old your grey is. Personally, why should it matter they live so much longer than most pets anyway. As for talking, my grey knows a lot of words but only says them when she chooses not on my command. Greys learn what they choose not what we want. They have minds of their own that's what I love about them. If you have any pictures of Joey, we would love to see them.

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i wanna start off by thanking everyone for their advice and criticism. this whole site has been extremely helpful. today when i came home, joey was eating his pomegranate i had put in his food tray and after a while, whistled twice and mummbled something. real cool. i think i figured out alotta stuff about him. he tries to bite me when i reach for him inside the cage, but after i get him out and then reach for him anywhere far from his cage, he is not aggressive at all. he actually reaches out with his foot to come on to me. then he tries to go up my shoulder. i dont let him ride cause he will poop on my shirt and might bite my ear off. we need to build some trust first before i let him stay that close to my face. the age thing really bothered me because he does have the yellow around his eyes and therefore is an adult. he is missing almost all his flight feathers and the previous owners told me he didnt cut them. the one before him probly did. im really hoping hes not a plucker and not too old to be shedding them. the band on his leg reads fx6622. can anyone decode that? dob-jun6,1922? lol. anyways i have been patient with joey but am wondering, is it possible to change his name? also is there any way i can find out his sex without paying the $88 for the blood test? thank you again everyone.

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you have an African Grey...a VERY INTELLEGENT pet that most people cant afford! Even better, you have hopefully given him a forever home and he will be happy as you once he settles in. Just relax and talk to the little fellow and chill out LOL! I went thru (and still doing so) the same things as you with Timmy and after 2 0r 3 months he is showing his true colors. As for the age deal...WHO CARES, it dont matter, just forget about it and enjoy ur "exotic parrot" that WILL TALK and WHISTLE alot, alot mor than u think. Just remember tho, ur grey is just like a 4 year old kid that will stay that way for EVER! He needs your interaction to be happy but still has a mind of his own! Ask all the questions u want here, everybody is here to help!




I forgot to say this.....



B E P A T I E N T ! ! ! ! ! !



(i failed at that at first HAHA)

Edited by hammco
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