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budgie surprise!


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So my wife and I spent the day refinishing our outdoor hardwood deck...painful process...in the evening I look up with roller in hand and see right above me on a phone line leading to the house a little yellow budgie! I say to my wife, Hey check that out (to be sure I was not seeing things) and she was surprised as well. I start talking to the little one and next hing i know it flies down to the ground and starts to forage. It looks a little ratty/dirty, but overall pretty energetic. I spend about an hour chasing it around, though it never flew far and finally caught her...


I currently have her in a box with netting over the top, in the garage. She has food and water and tomorrow I will see if anyone in the neighborhood lost one. I would bring her in the house, but am a bit paranoid since she's been out and about and I dont know if she has any parasites, lice, mites or other ailment. Anyone have suggestions?? She's really cute, yellow ( I will post a pic). She was starving and sucked down a bunch of foods....hmmm. Like I said I would love to bring her in the house, but am wary at the time being...<br><br>Post edited by: dblhelix, at: 2007/08/26 06:00

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dblhelix what a picture that conjures up you chasing a little budgie around your yard/garden :laugh:


From the sounds of it i would think it was probably a pet bird that has escaped.A great idea to ask around the neighborhood to see if anyone is missing her.


check the budgies feet & cere ( the little bit above the beak )if they are scaly or crusty looking then this would tell you it has mites.


you can also check for red mites,they are visible to the eye as tiny red specks,they usually live in the birds cage & go on the bird at night to suck blood,you can cover the box with a white sheet or similar at night & check in the morning for red or dark specks.


If you end up keeping the budgie i would quarantine it, better to be safe than sorry ;)


keep us up to date :)<br><br>Post edited by: lovemyGreys, at: 2007/08/26 10:14

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Hi all and thanks for the advice! I of course agree with the quarantine. Some of you may recall I have had budgies before. Lucky lived 13 yrs and actually came to me the same way!!! Found him one day in our backyard!! Regarding the quarantine, what have you done to accomplish this? Keep the new bird in another room but in the house? Keep them outside somehow and commpletely out of the home where the other bird is? I am struggling a bit with where to keep this little one for now...our house is cute, but small :laugh:

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Mark, I would have loved to seen that on video! :woohoo: I'm glad you caught it. You do have to keep it quarantined from your grey for 45 days. I just went through this with 2 parakeets that I bought at the pet store. You can bring it into the house, but keep it in a room where you can keep the door closed away from your grey. Our vet suggested the bathroom if need be.

Good luck, and I hope you find it's owner.:)

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Well, here are 2 pics. Not the greatest as taken through the "screen" I have on top of her box! You can see on the cere that it looks abnormal to me. My guess is mites or some other irritations? Also the nares look really wide to me for a budgie. So, I am still ot sure what to do here regarding whether or not I can at least bring this little one into the house, quarantined in another room of course... Otherwise she "looks" good though and is cute...





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It is a cute little budgie isn't it, and I am glad you were able to catch it. It was very lucky to have come to your backyard, maybe it knew a bird lover was near.


Looks like it might indeed have mites, that cere does look a little crusty. If it doesn't get too hot in the garage I would suggest you just keep it there to avoid the mites getting into the house and onto Kip.


But first you have to scour the neighborhood to see if someone has lost it and find its owner and then and only then can you claim it for yourself. But I have my fingers crossed if you want to keep it, I wouldn't blame you a bit.


Let us know if you find its owner or whether you have a new little yellow budgie.

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That is a great story. :-)


It's great you have taken the time and shown the concern you have over this cute little Budgie.


Hopefully, the owners looking for him will be in the area you scour, but if not, you may have a new member of the Family.


Thanks for posting the photos. It sounds like everyone is giving good advice and options. Which I am certain, you had also been considering.


I'll look forward to hearing on this little guys future.

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Hi Tari, thanks for the info. My previous budgie was a male. I know this one is a female of course from the light/brown cere. I have not had a female. Just from the pic, your experience definitely would lean you towards it being normal eh? Do you have female budgies? If I took another few pics would that help any more in "looking her over", on the web?!? I do plan to go to a vet for at least a quick eval. Sounds like for a budgie that will be around $30, assuming its really general. Is the consensus here that brining her into the house but kept in a totally separate room from Kip is pretty safe? :ohmy: :)

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So far still looking! Been spoken to several neighbors, no one missing anybody! Bought a small cage today. Not too expensive (nothing really is for budgies!) so at least she is in a cage, on perches with food etc. Looked around the area, no signs up or anyting bout missing budgie. So far it looks like we might have a new addition, but still time to go before that is certain. If I keep her I will have to get her to a vet for a basic checkup. Still not sure about the cere looking kind of crusty/wrinkley...dont want mites as I know budgies can get em. Her beak itself and feet do not show signs of mites. So that is good. I understand the females may get a cere looking like this during breeding time, but I have not really been able to find any good pics on the web showing what it should look like ;) :ohmy: :P<br><br>Post edited by: dblhelix, at: 2007/08/27 03:07

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Thanks for the update, Mark, I know on one hand you want to find her owner, but yet I think you hope you don't, in any case you are taking good care of her.


Its hard to tell how far she has come, she may be miles away from her home, so you may have to widen your search area. And the owners may have resigned themselves to the fact that when she flew away she was gone and never to be seen again.<br><br>Post edited by: judygram, at: 2007/08/27 03:18

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Hi Mark, She is a beauty!! I personally hope you get to keep her.

Yes, I would bring her into the house, and isolate her away from Kip for 45 days. I just took one of our keets to the vet, $90 later.....and his gram stain came back with a high number of bacteria being present, so he is on antibiotics for 10 days. Our vet said still to keep him quarantined for the full 45 days away from Talon, so that is what I am doing.


Good luck, and please keep us posted on how things are going! You have such a warm and caring heart to take her and hopefully give her a loving home. Karma to you!!:cheer: :cheer:

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Thanks everyone! She is doing fine, though clearly not yet totally comfy in the new surroundings. I have her in her cage in the bathroom currently. That may be her "quarantine" area.


Is the idea here with 45 days that an illness would likely show itself w/in that time frame? I understand not introducing a new bird until you are sure it is healthy. But short of the bird dropping dead or showing physical signs of illness, the quarantine alone would not do much unless you use that time wisely to observe and test the birds health. Do I have that right? I just want to be sure that people understand that the number of 45 days quarantine is not magic and does not guarantee something would not be introdued...but it surely must help flush out the chances... B) It think the odds are low that she is a carrier of anything, but better safe than sorry. That is for sure! :blink: :unsure: :)<br><br>Post edited by: dblhelix, at: 2007/08/27 09:20

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Hi Mark, My vet and a couple of others I spoke with who have many years experience, told me that most illnesses would show itself in that 45 day time period. Although you can't be 100% positive in 45 days. Some will say 30-45 days, but even after a well check up, my vet said 45 days.

Because of Talon, I did opt to spend the money on a well bird visit. I didn't want Talon to catch anything from our keets.

Sounds like you have a new pet! I'm very happy for you. Thinking up names yet?


And just in case your wondering......I believe you were MEANT to find that bird. It's special and deserves all the love and care I know you will give it. :)

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Ducked out of work early today and got her to an avian vet. No mites (normal female cere), no lice, no obvious parasites! A little underweight (only 22 grams!!), but she is a small budgie and in general healthy! Good breast muscle on keel bone etc. Vet definitely recommended (as we know) the quarantine, but thinks all is going to be fine. Also did a fecal exam, negative! So, unless the owner is found etc I may just have a new, but small, addition here... :P;)

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Oh that is wonderful news, Mark, I know you care for this little bird a lot now and I hope you do get to keep her. And like Talon said, it was fate that brought that little budgie to your yard, you were meant to give her a home. Let us know what you plan to name her, it must be something special for she is a special bird, a real find.:P

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Just put a found ad in paper. Say something simple. Found a bird mention the area. Let the person describe what kind and any special markings it might have. If you describe you found a keet you gonna get someone who just wants a bird.

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