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how much out-of-the cage time is ok?


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Out of cage time will not affect Jack's tameness or cause him to lose interest in you.


One question though, are you going to be home while he is out of the cage? If not, unsupervised time out of cage is very dangerous unless you have a bird room you will have him staying in that is 100 percent bird safe.

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I try to have Moussa out of his cage any time I am home and able to supervise, except when I have to work outside for an extended time, or am doing something hazardous, like certain cooking. I think you cannot have too much out-of-cage time for these intelligent birds.

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My fids are out of their cages whenever I am home, unless I am distracted or have visitors unfamiliar with my fids then they are in their cages or closed in their birdroom. I never leave my birds out of their cages with the whole house as their domain when I am not home as there are way to many things they can get into. My Ana Grey still enjoys being with me and I don't feel her interest in me is limited because of the out-of-cage time. She is quite independent and self-sufficient.

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LoL Kim. Our sun conures have a nasty habit of flying to the moulding over the doors and tearing it to shreds.


In answer to the original question: as much out of cage time as you can possibly give (supervised, of course). All birds are social critters, they need to interact with "the flock," and leaving them isolated for long periods of time is not good. Not good at all.

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Sasha is out all the time when I am home. Heck sometimes on the weekend when I go to bed I will leave cage door open, because he will start making his morning calling noises around 8 in the morning to be let out, and often I want to sleep in.. So if I leave cage door open he will just fly over into my bedroom at about 8ish, and just sit there on my dresser quietly until I am ready to wake up.. If it was a late night can sometimes be 10:30.. so he will just sit there quietly for 2-3 hours while I am sleeping!

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