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I love this bird BUT.....


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I love this bird but tonight I put on my favorite shirt. It's a long sleeved polo, beige with a silver Mickey Mouse on the breast. I got it in Disney World. I put it on tonight and noticed two little holes compliments of my little boy. (I think he's trying to "preen" me and the shirt is the closest thing to feathers he can find.) Lesson learned...don't wear a good shirt when you are holding a cuddly bird. Or don't wear a good shirt when the bird is nearby but you are on the phone and ignoring him.


What is your "I love my bird BUT" story?

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So far I have no scars from my grey. I do have a major scar from my Hahn's which was my fault, not his. I had him on my shoulder right after I got him and was in the kitchen making gravy in a frying pan. He flew down and landed right in the middle of the frying pan. He screamed. I screamed. I grabbed him and ran over to the sink, held him upside down and turned on the faucet to pour cold water on his feet. Somewhere in this process he took a chunk out of my forearm. I don't even know when it happened, I was so upset. I didn't notice it until after the scare had subsided. But I still have a white mark on my arm to remind me of my foolishness.

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(yes *mom* I mean Barb, we sure did hahahahhLOLOLOL)


All is OK with mw, just 2 small puncture wounds on my lower lip...everything is disinfected and I will live! Timmy didnt want me to kiss him but danggit....I just had to, once again-I asked for it but I aint mad, I just wanted to and against my better judgement I did! I am a moron for doing it BUT I just cant help it!!!!!!!

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Actually, there's no "but" for me. I've lost more than a few T-shirts while my greys sit on my shoulder and nibble away. They've done their share of damage to things around the house. I wouldn't trade any of those things for my fids.


Worst of their damage is actually my glasses, to the tune of $500 for the last pair, but it was my failure to take them off when they were lurking on my shoulder. Leo and Willow haven't the faintest clue about glasses, except they're fun to nibble at when daddy isn't paying attention.


Don't take that to mean that I let them run hog wild...there are no-parrot zones for sure, and they know when they're out of bounds. I brought them into my environment, they're not responsible for maintaining it, I am, so I can't actually use "...but"

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I love my birds BUT:

Would love to be able to eat my dinner without having to fight Thumper for every bite.

Wish I could occasionally use the bathroom in peace without Thumper flying in demanding attention.

Wish I didn't have to constantly protect the innocent dogs from bonks on the nose when they come to me wanting a pet and Echo attacks in a jealous rage.

I miss my ceiling fans.

Wish that for just one day, Thumper would stay off the fireplace mantle where he knows he is not allowed but always runs to as soon as I turn my back.

Wish that Echo would realize that I don't need to wake up at 7am on Saturday and Sunday.

I get embarrassed when Echo announces to company that she has to go 'poo poo'.

Wish that just once, they would not decide that they both want the exact same foot toy at the exact same time even though I have a foot toy box filled with 50 foot toys!


LOL! I could probably go on and on, but those two keep me on my toes and laughing all the time!

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You know I had Gabby my first bird for now 17 years and NEVER experienced any of the fun and joy of owning a Grey until I just recently got Sadie . Gabby was 100 percent, no make that 1000 percent Tom's bird (Hubby) she never knew I even existed. I fed her and cleaned her cage for years she would have NOTHING WHAT SO EVER to do with me never spoke looked or like I said even knew I existed. I decided I wanted a Grey so bought Kenya my TAG from a breeder in Ca. and soon after happen across Sadie. Kenya is my sweet baby TAG that I really don't know that well yet and Sadie my sweet rescue that loves me and wants me to spend every minute with her. I am in bird heaven! If I did have a "but " it would be that I would have tried harder to try and get Gabby to acknowledge me too 17 years earlier.

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I love this bird but ....


Could sure do without the food flung all over the kitchen every morning. (He has his breakfast in the kitchen with me.)

Could do without the constant clanging of his bell when he's in his cage and wants attention. (We are considering contracting him out to the Salvation Army for the Christmas season.)


Barbara, I can sympathize with the shirt issue. I have given up wearing decent shirts or any jewelry at all when at home. Mostly go around in old t-shirts with holes chewed in them. (Lovely, huh?) No buttons allowed, or they are promptly removed. This is not just a grey issue; the conures are the worst. No pictures on shirts. Pictures attract beaks determined to remove them from the shirt.

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