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musical birds

Guest briansmum

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Guest briansmum

i thought it would be nice to hear about the musical sides to our birds. for instance i have music on at the moment and he's whistling his little heart out! the louder the music is the louder he gets. he doesn't dance, but i bop about like a nutter trying to teach him! i like a lot of rock music, and luckily brian seems to do, anything with a strong beat really gets his feathers ruffled.


does your grey sing and dance?

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Guest Monique

None of our Greys have ever been ones to get jiggy with it. Our Macaw if you play certain pretty music - usually women singing ballads, or you singing a ballad he jumps in with lalalalala in his own tune on and off throughout the song. It is really really funny!!! :lol:

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