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Birds skinned and stuffed. Caution, graphic.


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Hello my avian friends.

I just found something that made me very mad and sick to my stomach.

Apparently EBAY members have been selling skinned, stuffed and/or frozen parrots.

Below is the link of this horrific story.

I caution all, this is NOT for those with a weak stomach, or a sensitive heart.

Just know we must contact EBAY and let them know of our discust of these sellers.

I'm sorry for posting this, but maybe collectively we can help stop it!



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Guest briansmum

i had just seen a picture of a skinned grey while searching google images. it's horrible, who would do such a thing? i am outraged!

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Seeing the stuffed Parrots, is appalling.


But, this persons website seems to be more dedicated towards chicken and cow consumption than anything else.


Personally, I eat meat and will continue to do so. It is just part of the natural food chain.


If people decide to be vegetarians, more power to them. But, do not try to use "Shock" and sad stories to try and leverage me over to that side of the fence.


Do you know for years, scientists have also stated that plants scream, in their own way at being trimmed or harvested?


Anyway, the stuffed Parrots, are certainly a shocking sight.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/08/25 14:23

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I agree, Dan, I find the stuffed parrots very offensive but the rest of the stuff is not my opinion. I grew up on a farm and we had chickens, cows and pigs, and we killed them and ate them, granted not a pretty sight but it is part of the food chain. We as humans cannot make pets out of all living creatures, we need to consume the before mentioned animals to supply the nutrients we need for survival.


I will not be shocked into abstaining from eating meat, I always have and always will eat it and enjoy it. PETA to me stands for People Eating Tasty Animals and not that other organization I won't mention. I know some people will take offense to my statements, but that is their opinion not mine.


But as far as the stuffed parrots, I would rather not see them used that way, but hey I have stuffed animals all over my house, and I know some of you would take offense to that, but this is the way I live and my hubby loves to hunt so therefore I have heads and bodies everywhere. If you don't like it, then you should never set foot inside my house, for it would be an appalling sight for you to see.


Enough said on this subject, for I could go on and on forever.

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I won't look at that link, nor will I take part in any discussion on this subject. That's how I feel about this thread.

Different beliefs and opinions are what we are all about in this world. I respect everyone here for their opinions whether I agree or disagree.

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Sorry but yes a meat eater and I love my chicken cordon bleu and chicken wings and aint gonna give it up !!!!!

Yes some animals are for food purposes but dogs, cats parrots these are now domesticated as pets. If your a Vegan more power to ya.

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Yes, Connie, it is a sad sight.


It also bought a few emotions up in me, sad, then anger at the thought of someone offering skinned and or stuffed Greys, Macaws and Too's as a form of art.


Sorry, if my first response seemed like it was directed at you. It wasn't.


It was directed at that website owner using something they know will pull Parrot and other bird and animal lovers into their Website for evangelism of vegetarianism.

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This thread wasn't to start a conversation on who eats meat or not, but the shameful slaughter of endangered animals (parrots).

I'm not offended with deer heads etc. but once an animal is threatened or endangered, enough is enough.

I would consider having my pet stuffed after a LONG life, but to murder innocent birds and endangered birds, is just wrong in my opinion!

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I didn't even realize how lucky I was to have one of these amazing birds until I read wikipedia and found they are "near threatened". Thankfully, they are slowly making a comeback, but in homes and not in the wild.

I will NEVER take mine for granted!


In 2007, the Grey Parrot was uplifted to Near Threatened status by BirdLife International.



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Connie you are right.


Greys and other Parrots are starting to hit the mark near the endangered species list and some are on it.


They will have to enact strong poaching Laws and try to enforce by catching those trappers in the Various countries where these horrendous acts are taking place.


I think we have all learned through the years as we have watched the decimation of the Elephant, Gorilla, Rhino's etc. herds nearly sent to extinction for their body parts on the open and now black market.


We should not forget the lessons learned and voice our concern over it continuing.


I apologize, I took off on a different topic. May the Forum God's strike me for it. :(

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Good morning everyone, oh my God who would ever think of something like that. I'm surprised that ebay would allow that posting. Why do humans want to destroy all the beautiful creatures that this world has to offer. On a brighter note hope you all have a great weekend, talk to you soon.

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Guest Monique

I guess that this does not offend me. I have a co-worker that had an Amazon for years and decided to have it stuffed when deceased. I don't think I would do the same thing because anything stuffed sort of freaks me out to look at it - but it doesn't offend me.

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Guest Monique

Well I would agree with that!!! If they are killing the birds for the purpose of getting a stuffed bird that is wrong wrong wrong!!! I have to admit I didn't go look at the link because I just didn't want to see any pictures that would make me sad. Even though I don't think it's wrong to stuff a bird (in the context I already mentioned) it still creeps me out. Want to scare me? Stick me in a room with a bunch of stuffed critters and no way out!!!!

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