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Honeymoon Ideas!


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So I am getting married in the next year (the date is still being debated) and we are trying to pick a good honeymoon spot. Being that we live in Hawaii we don't really want to go back to our condo for our honeymoon :pinch: or any other tropical location for that matter...


So anyone been on any amazing vacations lately? We are thinking about a Mediterranean cruise. Anyone ever done one? We have never been on a cruise before and are a little unsure about it. Neither one of us have been out of the US but we do have passports :)


Any good ideas out there?

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I haven't been on any vacations this year, but a cruise sounds like a good choice for a honeymoon. You could take one to Alaska if you are getting married in the summer, I've always wanted to do that.


Maybe some of the other members have some other suggestions.

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Well, personally a cruise does not do it for me. Too restrictive, on that boat all the time, maybe into a harbor for a quick jump off on "their" schedule. That being said, lots of folks love cruises...I would encourage you to consider going to Europe, maybe Paris France or Venice Italy or Prague in the Czech republic....You can easily spend a week or more exploring these great cities...amazing places, art, history, museums, food...wow. That being said there are sooo many options! You need to decide if you want a laid back kind of honeymoon with lots of relaxing or an adventurous kind of on the go see new things while your young trip, or something in betweeen! I am sure whatever you choose will be GREAT!;) Oh, and congratulations by the way!! :) :)

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Europe is our first choice! We are a little skeptical about a cruise and are wondering whether or not to try one. I would LOVE to go to Italy or France...but I want to see other places too! Maybe I shouldn't try to cram it into one trip :)


Thanks for the input dblhelix.. we want adventure.. we live on an island in the middle of the pacific!!! Talk about boring (not that we don't love it).. but we want to roam... We can go lay our butts on the beach anytime we want... can I get a dose of adventure please?


Oh and we love food.... :P<br><br>Post edited by: Makena, at: 2007/08/25 07:12

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How much time will you have? 1 week, 2 or more? With Europe you also have the time change difference (8-9 hrs from California, so 11-12 hrs different from HI). That is a factor since for at least the first 2 days after arriving you are kind of "messed up" (but its fun). Depending on how much time you have, I would suggest choosing 1 or 2 main places or countries to go. Not more than that unless you have like a month or something. Otherwise its too much and you come home wiped out! You want an adventure, but not torture! :P

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;) OK, some torture is fine. But if you move around too much too fast you miss out on a lot in my opinion. I spent 5 days in Paris on 2 separate occassions and still feel like there is more to see there. I walked A LOT! It was great! Exploring things on foot really gives you perspective and appreciation of places. Get walking maps!! You can only do that when you're young....once you get older all the charging around will naturally need to decrease so do it now! I am still in the "charge" around mode myself. It is great!!!
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Since the honeymoon is suppose to be about you two and not where you are I suggest stay in the US and save most the money for the house you'll buy.

Yellow stone park is my dream vacation. Or you could go to the beach somewhere nice like Florida. Or just stay at home and see places near by you have been meaning to go to and haven't yet.

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Thanks Tari!!


Well we already bought a house... And because of that are going to have a very small/"cheap" wedding... 3 people on a beach is what we are thinking :P . We could care less about the wedding part... we want to blow our money on the honeymoon!!!


We got together in Florida so that is a definite option... Although both of us REALLY want to travel overseas as we have never been anywhere out of the US.


I am starting to lean towards Italy... I have always wanted to go. Do we have any born and raised Italian members on here? I would love to hear your suggestions! Many mahalos!!

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Oh I know a cabin in the mountains is so so romantic. A nice fireplace and one of those huge picture windows.

Sorry Im not not into going overseas when there is so much here to see and do that I still have yet to do. But I guess if I was to "blow" a wad of money on a trip overseas Italy would be awesome. I just think I could ever jusify that when there are so many other things I'd rather do with that much money. lol

My Dad is planning to go to Italy and says he is every year since my Mom died but him as his girlfriend keep doing the cruise thing.

BTW you don't spend the whole time on a boat. Think his next trip is a 7 day trip and they well spend two going to someplace in Mexico and two coming back. They keep saying they are going to go on an Alaskan cruise soon.

He even gets seasick but on those big cruise boats he doesn't and he says there is a lot to do before they dock. Games, good food, entertainment and even a casino on board.<br><br>Post edited by: Tari, at: 2007/08/25 09:53

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They mountains sound great... Nice and cool.. Not tropical!! :P


We are very torn on the whole cruise thing.. I have always been against it, but we keep getting told to do it by friends... I dunno. :dry:


The reason we want to go overseas is because between the 2 of us we have been to almost every state (of course we have missed a few things B) ). We want to experience something "new" together and thought the best way to do that would be to go to a brand new country. Technically we live overseas... Hmmm... Maybe Australia or Asia... that is relatively close!


When I say we want to blow money on our honeymoon... all I mean is that we are saving our money for a "decent" honeymoon!!! We will by no means be staying at 5 star resorts. But we will be together and that is all that matters! We have to pay for our own wedding which is why we plan to do the 3 people on a beach thing. We will be on a budget... but we also don't want to skimp. You only get married once (hopefully :)) right?!?

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hehe Three times for me and not one "honeymoon" out of the state.

But I have been married 18 years with this husband and I hope to be last one.

First one I was too young. Second one he became a drugy and still is after all these years.

This one is a keeper. lol

However we have had some nice anniversary trips. To Texas, Florida, and once to Ill. Until he met me he had never left the state. Lots of places we still want to go to.

Yellow stone is the next trip only I think we are going to go camping for that one. (got a whole 85 bucks saved up once we hit 1000 well go)

Plan to do it late fall or early early spring before the "tourist" get there. lol He and I are big into wolfs and we really want to see some wild ones.

My dad has been on two cruises and he was like you (not really wanting to go on the first one) but his girlfriend really wanted to go so he went and now he is planning the third one and they keep getting longer and longer. And he is the one that planned the last two.

And you can get the best cabins and still not pay a lot. Think he said this 7 day one is a bigger room then the other two had and only 750 each. Includes food and some other stuff forgot what. Coarse you'll have to take more for the stuff. Like on the first trip they went on this wine tasting thing and he bought four bottles of some not so cheep stuff. lol

You should do that and save a bottle for the 5 year anniversary . I say five cause if you can make it that long you'll be well over the hard part. lol

Marriage is not easy and most people split when the first trouble shows up instead of working threw it. Thats what my first husband did he wanted a ready made housewife one that could be his mom more then a wife and I was only 17 years old. He ran for the hills. lol Now he is married to a women 20 years older then him so he has a new mom.

Sorry I'm bored and get chatty when bored.

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Haha.. you are allowed to be bored! My fiance and I have been together for 5 years and we have been living together for 3 of those...already have a house...already have a child (if you count Makena as a child :P)...So I think we are ready to tie the knot! I have friends who are jumping into marriage after 1 year and it makes me cringe :pinch:.


That is funny you mention the wine thing. My dad owns a winery in the Napa Valley and had a magnum engraved for each of us when we graduated college. We plan to drink them on one of our wedding anniversaries. Hmmm... magnum=very drunk! Maybe we will only drink part of them! :silly:


Being cooped in an a cabin for a few days could be very nice... Neither one of us have been to yellowstone :whistle: Hmmmm... my mind is racing!!<br><br>Post edited by: Makena, at: 2007/08/25 11:38

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You have been given some very good ideas, Makena, and whatever destination you and your fiance choose, I'm sure it will be the trip you will remember for the rest of your lives. I vote for the Europe thing, maybe one or two places so you can really see the sights like you should.


Let us know when you do make that decision, we just want to know where you go, so we can be jealous of it. You are at a nice age that you have it all and your lives are ahead of you, and I wish nothing but the best for you and your man, he is a lucky man for he has you.:)

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I read in your posts, over and over how you two want to go to Europe.


That said, I would advise against burning up 75 % of your time being spent on a Ship.


Fly to Italy and or France, spend a week in each and absorb the culture,romanticism, history and beauty of it all.


Granted a week in each place is not enough time to see "Everything" as dblhelix stated. But, those two countries/cities i.e Venice and Paris are considered the most romantic places to visit and also the most historic and interesting hubs from which you can jaunt out to surrounding villages and cities of interest based on your interests.


Do it NOW, once married, most the time "life" starts happening, with children and responsibilities that will limit your ability to do this again for many years possibly, as most Married people with children can attest too.


My time on the Podium is done. Next..... :-)

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Guest briansmum

makena, im gettin to this thread a bit late but i'm all in for the cruise, i've been on two one we visited egypt (i went in a pyramid! :woohoo: ) and turkey and all in that area but the other was a cruise in the mediterranean (spelling?) it was FANTASTIC! we went to italy - rome where i went in the collaseum and saw the vatican and pisa where we visited the leaning tower amongst other things. barcelona with the unfinished cathedral. monaco with the casios and STUNNING marina and the famous F1 racing circuit and sardinia, it was the most amazing holiday ever, i would do it again in a heartbeat.


i have to disagree with the comment about beng stuck on a boat, your only really there on an evening for the meal and to sleep, but even then its lovely and theres plenty to do but being out in the middle of the ocean with the gorgeous night sky and a delicious cocktail.. yes please!

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Hi ya,


Why not got to Oz. You can fly to Sydney direct from Hawaii and you won't get killed on the currency exchange rates like in the UK. Nothing like walking the beaches of Bondi, but remember dont go swimming in the Bilabongs.

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Guest Monique

London would be a lot different than what you are used to! We rented a flat there last year and had a great time. Not a lazy vacation like some prefer for a honeymoon.


Taking an Alaskan cruise would be another something that would be very different. I've never been upon a cruise at all. I don't know if I'd like being stuck on a boat.

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Thank you guys so much for your help and kind words! I guess we need to get it in our minds that we can't see everything at once!!


I am starting to lean towards Italy and France... maybe England... But I guess picking the country is the easy part... then you have to narrow down the areas. That is the whole reason why I was thinking about a cruise... because there is no thinking! But then again maybe that isn't the most desirable!

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Well at least you have some possibilities in the before mentioned places, but whatever destination you and your fiance choose, I am sure you will have a lovely time and may not see much of any sights, you may spend all your time doing other things.:kiss: :P :laugh:

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Well.. I have been on 2 major vacations every year since I can remember.. I have been pretty much all over the place.. The one vacation I just have to keep returning to is the Cruise from NYC to Bermuda.. To me this is the perfect vacation. Bermuda is my favorite place on the whole planet and that included Hawaii.. The beaches in Bermuda are just unbelievable. Pink sand and secluded hide aways to die for..


Bermuda is a sleep place.. and this I like.. for honeymooners it's perfect... No big city, no spring break nonsense.. NO POVERTY.. Just beauty..


If I wanted to take a special person away for a couple of days i know just the spot.. and it's in Bermuda..

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Hi Makena


Good evening,


I have been on 17 cruises and have pro’s and con’s about that type of travel. When you go on a European cruise you never get the flavor of that country or city. How could anyone see Rome for one or two days while being docked an hour away from the city? I have done both and you feel nothing from a boat except being tiered running around trying to see all you can in such little time. You will go back to the boat “Flat out exhausted” and will eat SHIP food, instead of local food from the port of call you’re at.


PLUS do you want to play Russian Rough lay with such a special time. (Sea Sick)


If you decide on going to Europe, try to stay in Hotels walking distance from the main areas. Walking in European places is WONDERFUL, and so different from America places. Study the cities of choice with the Internet. You’re there to explore the city or town, see the people and how they live, and MOST of all the foods. Ah the foods. My feeling toward food is as follows:


A Feeling of Love!


When I first met you I was only an infant, and yet I knew, I would always love you. You have cared for me all my life, sometimes sweet, sometime bitter, but all and all, you were always there to comfort me. The fragrances that you permeate possess a scent that can be mild at times, yet overwhelming as a bouquet of Jasmine when in full bloom. Your beauty changes from day to day, with mornings sometime simple and sweet, while at other times you illuminate the room with your presence so I may see the grandeur of your beauty. You’re appeal start to shine when noon arrives, looking so lively and I can find myself wanting to be with you. I must be strong, and keep you away, for I know you may keep me dependent upon you. I care so much for you, and the need to be with you every noon, as much as I want to see the sunshine daily, but I know I must stay busy, so I can move on with this day at hand. As I wonder through the day, I seem to imagine of how my evening may be. Will the night bring me grandeur or will it be a night of simplicity with you my love? Life has always been beautiful knowing you, and you’re such a large part of me. As I grow old, you still stay young and new, and I feel fortunate and comfortable knowing you will be with me until I die. This can only be the love and feeling I have felt about food always. Yes, these words I have chosen to use could have meant many other things, but its food. “Food is life and life is food.”

Joe Nevola

An excerpt from my unfinished Italian cookbook.


No matter what place you choose, make sure you combine love and excitements exploring you’re new beginning with each other. These day spent together will be forever burned in your minds.


Lots of luck to both of you.

If can help you in any way, please feel to free to pick my brain. I have traveled a lot.



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Hi Makena,


Great info in this thread. To answer your question (and its hard to do), if I had to only pick 1 city to go back to it would be Paris, and I already have been there more than once!. There is so much to do and see there...Louvre museum, Notre Dame, Pompidou museum, Eiffel Tower, Napolean's grave, Arc du Triumph....other plazas, castles, Italian distric, boat rides on the Siene river, walking walking, eating, lounging, people watching, Outdoor art, street music, shopping...ah, Paris has surprises around every corner.


I will say that I have traveled a lot. Certainly not everywhere, but compared to the average American I have seen a lot: France, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, England, Austria, Scottland, Wales, Spain, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Denmark, Australia, New Zealand, Costa Rica, Mexico, Canada, many states in the US (including Hawaii many times!)...I have done a lot of camping as well and been to many of the major US national parks...One of the great things to me about travelling is to see new sites, hear new sounds, eat new foods, meet new people and cultures. I do like to go back to some places, but there are many more that I have yet to see!


So, you need to start somewhere...My vote is still to do Paris France and Venice Italy as a ~2 week trip. I agree with Joe, try to find hotels w/in walking distance of soe of the main sites. Walking gives you a feel of a place better than anything else, and European cities are very different than US cities. Be prepared to walk a lot, its fun!! There are sooo many wonderful options....B) I still want to get to Asia, Africa...oh boy so much.


But back to your honeymoon! If you are considering Europe, I say go for Paris and Venice!!! What time of year are you targeting?<br><br>Post edited by: dblhelix, at: 2007/08/29 17:04

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