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Timmy talks!!! I HEARD IT!!!!! HE TALKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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OH MY GOSH!!!!!!




I dont know what sparked it, but we heard clear as a bell...all of a sudden, he just talked like a CHAMP!!!!!


1. Hes a pretty bird


3. O K

4. Youre a good boy

5. *several long jumbled words in german or russian*, Ill let yall know when I figure it out





MY TIMMY CAN TALK ! ! ! ! ! !

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MEMO: All Grey Owners...


Due to recent events I will be unavailable to post here for approx 5 minutes. I am out in the street dancing and singing, I am repeating what Timmy said today. For those who havent heard, Timmy is a talker, not just one word but several! I have an extreme amount of excitement and awe going thru my system right now and I just cant bear to sit still. My back hurts cause I just did a backflip while I was playing "Ave Maria" on the piano up on the roof! My vocal chords are also sore because I just hummed the theme from "as the world turns" while bench pressing my truck!!!!



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It is exciting, my Sadie started talking the first day we got her but now we are hearing things we can't make out like she is whispering it.She is also calling for Boo, which in a way makes me sad she must have loved Boo or at the very least misses Boo. We also thought we were her 4th home but actually found out we are her 5th and she is only 6 or 7 years old. That puzzles me the most she is a sweetheart so cuddly and lovable and not a picky eater(except for the palm oil) LOL

So happy for you and Timmy!!!

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My goodness anyone might think you got a little excited about Timmy starting to talk, he obviously is beginning to feel a little more comfortable in his new home hence the talking so calm down man before you hyperventilate. Now that the floodgates are open I imagine you will hear lots more words and phrases, hope their are no bad words, congrats as you now have a talking grey.

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If it makes you feel any better, Marcus has been picking up some colorful language from our wonderful neighbors (sarcasm). He can hear them even with the windows closed. :( But I've ignored it for the most part and, after he blathers away for a bit after its initial 'discovery' he seems to find them not nearly as interesting since he hasn't pulled a reaction out of me with these new sounds of his. So maybe if you don't acknowledge the bad words, too, Timmy will give them up in your presence??

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I was outside last night and thought I was hearing things... it must have been you, I am pretty sure I could hear your excitement from South Carolina to Georgia. Timmy is comfortable with you and it won't be long before he is repeating what he hears from you and believe it or not it will be as exciting and endearing every time he says something you hadn't heard before. I am so happy that you are enjoying Timmy so much. It sounds like you are perfect together.

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Well, just a quick update. Timmys vocabulary is IMPRESSIVE!! prob 40-60 words and sentences, all mixed up. He does however have a very dirty mouth! haha He drops the "F bomb" alot, so his previous owners taught him all kinds of stuff!! He sounds just like my 1 year old copying her babbling and little girlie noises. Oh, also, he told my wife to "SHUT UP", hahahaha, she got a kick out of that!! This amazes me since his previous owners said he did not talk, just mimicked sounds and whistles.....

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He was saving the best for you it seems, I would advise you not to react to the swear words for if you give any kind of reaction he may think it is a reward and keep doing it, if you ignore it then he might say those words less and less as time goes by but he will never forget them. Just tell him good job and praise what you like to hear and ignore the rest.

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I can just hear him "Hey y'all", "cut out the light", "mash that button". :P Gotta love that southern drawl. I lived in Hendersonville, NC my junior year of high school. It took me about a month to quit saying y'all once I moved back to WI. We have no fun accent here. Our university journalism programs are HUGE! lol!

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