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Frozen Veggies/Fruits vs. Fresh


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I know most people are going to say that fresh is always best. But, I don't see why the frozen can't be just as good, right? Economically the frozen are a great way to go. They are cheaper than fresh and keep a lot longer. Fresh on the other hand is obviously great because it hasn't been cooked so it has more nutrients in it than it's frozen counterpart.


Which do you buy? And is there really any difference between the two?

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I have a ton of frozen veg and fruit on hand. It's all organic and it's all nutritionally sound. Critics will say that the texture suffers but I disagree. (Plus, I don't think our fids will find fault!)


I live alone so to buy tiny quantities of a huge variety of foods would be problematic and much of it would end up semi-spoiled so it's far better to be able to open a frozen bag of kale and dump out a couple of days worth into a storage container than to buy a HUGE bunch of organic kale and have most of it go to waste. (Even if I eat some of it, how much kale can one person eat before the whole thing spoils?)


Anyway, for convenience and for quality I buy frozen organic and it has worked out splendidly for me.

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I do the same as KimKIm,


We have a lovely garden in the summer and I prepare and freeze the extras both for the birds and us

I will be using a lot of frozen for my Grey Rita this winter, we are out of town and in order for her to have a good variety some of her selections need to be pre prepared so frozen will be a primary source over the winter of course in the summer everything is readily available and not spoiled from transport so fresh works for us then.

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I feed both, they get fresh when we eat fresh and frozen when we eat frozen, or when we eat crap without a vegi. Sometimes they even get canned! I also feed them a mash made mostly from fruit and vegi pulp from a friend who juices organic veg, it freezes well and I break off peices that they get semi defrosted like a sorbet.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I feed both fresh and frozen and the occasional canned, like the salt-free beans or the canned sweet potato puree from the health food store. When I make a big batch of mash, I freeze it in serving portions. Some foods are actually more nutritious when they're cooked a little. Our birds have also enjoyed a few items from the garden, like chilis and squash. This summer they loved the okra.


I don't think there's anything wrong with frozen fruits and veggies. I have read that their nutritional value does not suffer much with freezing, and, as >^..^< noted, there are plenty of high-quality organic frozen options available.

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One other fact I forgot to mention regarding frozen fruits and veg - many times, the frozen are more fresh than are the fresh. The frozen foods are often picked and flash-frozen the same day, whereas the fresh is picked, loaded, driven for a day or so, stored in the back room, then finally put out on the grocery shelf for purchase. A lot of times the "fresh" fruits and veg are five or more days old, and therefore not as "fresh" as the frozen!

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