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Timmy -vs- My Nose! w/pics!


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I dont even know how to start......


Timmy had a GREYT day, very vocal and a few fresh grapes as treats for good behavior! It went downhill from there tho! I usually close his cage door for the night and "kiss" him thru the cage as I say goodnite but things went really wrong!




His beak decided to meet my nose with a "screech" followed by an instant "STRIKE" like a python going in for the kill!!!!!


It all happenend in .002 seconds and I felt the blood drop automatically!


It was my fault tho...I could tell he was tired and all since he just had his cage moved to another room yesterday and I thought it would "comfort" him to "kiss" him goodnight...Thats what I get for thinking huh!! haha He kissed me alright, but he was VERY VERY VERY vocal after that for some reason, maybe cause he felt bad for biting me or maybe he was happy he taught me a lesson!!!!!!



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Thanks Barb!!!!


I didnt even want to look at my wife after that. She didnt even see it happen!!!!! I cleaned up and walked in the den like everything was normal, but how could I hide a bloody scab on my nose???? Wasnt gonna happen at all, so I told her I hit my nose on some sheetmetal in the shop....BAD IDEA!!!!!! She knew....right off the bat, cause I was in the sunroom last time she saw me!!


She thinks I deserved what I got and laffed at me!!!!! How do yall women always know the truth???? hahah lololololololo

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Barbara is right, call it women's intuition and maybe you did deserve it for you did something you should not have done so early in the relationship but don't take it personally and maybe that was his way of saying he was sorry, it could have been a lot worse you know.

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That picture tells it all and as much as I hate to admit it, I am laughing with you! Good that you are taking it all in stride and realizing he had too many changes in one day to made adjustments. Women's intuition? I think my husband would have "known" immediately if he had been on the same planet because he would have heard me shriek with shock and awe at how quick a sweet little kiss could turn to carnage when subtle body language on Timmy's part didn't get his message across and he had to "get a bigger hammer". LOL.

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I love your posts! Always so much humor and love for your bird. But I agree with everyone. Timmy was too worked up from his move and his new neighbors. With the best intentions you tried giving Timmy a kiss, but Timmy had other intentions in mind. He was probably a bit overwhelmed and wanted to show your nose his displeasure with the situation. Almost like a little tantrum. Usually my Grey is very affectionate and a bit of a snuggler, but if I do something to piss her off big time she lets me know. I've had lots of bites and nips, but so far nothing major. I had a nice mark on my arm once. I bright red little indent with a crescent indent about an inch below it. I'm lucky she didn't put more pressure behind it because that would have probably required stitches.

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