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Jolly Balls


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Hello again,


I figured I'd post this here because the "Cages and Homes" subforum seemed mostly about, well, cages! So I didn't think this would quite apply...


Anyway, the long and short of it is, my husband and I recently bought a Jolly Ball for our Quaker parrot, Beaker. We ordered a size that was suitable for Quakers and Greys alike (as in, big enough so that Marcus could conceivably play inside it if he wanted to). Good thing, because Beaker seemed quite terrified of the thing once I brought it close to his cage. It sat in the corner of the room for a day or so, and Beaker would yell at it even if I just moved it to the floor, and I started getting a little cranky. Because of the two of them, I figured Marcus would be the one to be initially afraid of the Jolly Ball! But he wasn't, and so on a whim I hung it up in his cage and put in a perch near it. (Beaker is okay with this since it's now haunting Marcus' cage, supposedly, and not his own.) Anyway, Marcus is rather indifferent to the Jolly Ball. He reached over and pulled on it once or twice while I peeked in their room, but so far he hasn't done much in terms of exploring it.


Do any of you have Jolly Balls for your Greys and, if so, how did they take to them and/or how long did it take them to want to utilize it? I think Marcus and Beaker would love it if they really gave it a chance, I've read so many nice parront comments about how their fids love these things, but, well, maybe my boys will have to take a longer time warming up to it...

Edited by MarcusCAG
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I have a large jolly ball for my fids and no one likes it. Ana Grey in the beginning has been in it, but not really caring about it and Louie, the zon, just ignores it and he is into everything. I believe it is probably the least favorite toy I have every purchased for my grey.

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I have a large jolly ball for my fids and no one likes it. Ana Grey in the beginning has been in it, but not really caring about it and Louie, the zon, just ignores it and he is into everything. I believe it is probably the least favorite toy I have every purchased for my grey.


Uh-oh! Well, it's good to hear the other side of the story, too... Honestly, everywhere I read, people were saying how much their fids loved their Jolly Balls! Thanks for your input. :)

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Thats the chance you take with any new toy that your grey or other fids are not going to like it, some do and some don't but if they don't like it then it is money wasted unless you can find another use for it, why not hang it on the Christmas tree this year especially if it is very colorful, would fit right in, heh heh.

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Judy! Hahahahahaha! "Why not hang it on the Christmas tree this year?" HAHAHAHAH! I just about guffawed out loud when I read that, and I'm sitting in a public coffee shop! ROFL still.

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Now I don't feel so bad about my bird toy graveyard LOL. I thought Tui, AKA The Big Grey Chicken, was just being..well being Tui I guess. I see that you all have duds in your toy chest as well. I have a drawer full of things that Tui is afraid of and Ziggy the conure couldn't care less about. One of the toys is a $30 lima wood and coconut toy. Maybe I should decorate our tree with these as well ;) A little tinsel on the top and it could look quite festive

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I still have the big blue Jolly Ball out in the Bird Room. Louie goes over to it and picks the hanging toys off. Breaks the plastic chains and chews on the wood, but he never tries to climgbon it or in it. I have stuck my hand inside and wiggled it around and all he does in stick his beak in and give it a look but that's all!!!

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Well, I just thought I'd let everyone know that, in fact, Marcus has started using the Jolly Ball... as a wrecking ball. A couple times over the past day or so I've seen him hang upside-down from his bars and grab onto one of the chain links and bash the Jolly Ball into the side of his cage! Even though I was hoping he'd be all cute and crawl around inside it, this other use of it is really kind of funny...

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Where did y'all buy your Jolly Balls from? I think Maggie would get a kick out of one of these, I may just take a chance and buy one. Good recommendations for places to order from? Did you get them already loaded down with toys or did you decorate them yourselves?



I ordered ours from http://www.parrotplayhouse.com and it took a couple of weeks to receive it. The woman warns potential customers that since she does everything herself (read: makes all the bird toys and things) then sometimes there's a little bit of a wait for orders to be filled. But the Jolly Ball arrived safe and sound and very nicely put together. I ordered one without toys but the chains that you hang it with came with three pretty baubles that Marcus likes to yank on sometimes.


...Still haven't seen him in it, though!

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