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Harvey's Two Second Warning!


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I've noticed over the past few weeks that when I'm trying to get Harvey back into his cage during the day (say on a weekend when we need to go out) that before he bites me (which he does all the time in protestation to being caged) he now makes a "cluck" noise before going for me! The sound I can only describe as if you put your tongue into the top of your mouth and make "horsey" noises! Ha Ha! You are sitting here trying to make the noise!!


It's bizarre - but it's right before his beak dives forward to make connection with my hand!!!


So - he might bite me when he feels like it - but at least he's telling me before he does it - how kind is he!!!

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Haha I got that noise right away!! I do it often lol! The only time Alfie does that noise now is when she wants to bite, but is resisting lol! When she was going through her biting phase though, she wasn't often good enough to let me know when one was coming! Harvey is a real gentleman.

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Lol Cosmo has never bitten but I always suspected that sound was some kind of Grey curse word. He always makes that sound after being told no, or told to stop doing something. He'll fly to his swing or step back and give a loud "clack!" like a very firm backtalk. :D

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Man, I wish Maggie would give a warning! She doesn't bite hard very often but when she bites it's definitely without warning (but usually with provocation). That clacky noise (yes, I made the noise when I read the original post too) is one of Maggie's favorite noises to make though. She'll string the noises together going up and down in pitch almost making a song. She's not talking yet so she's just full of all sorts of noises.

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